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Experience on gRPC rate limiting with Istio

Miya Chen
August 17, 2019

Experience on gRPC rate limiting with Istio

Miya Chen

August 17, 2019

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  1. Hello! I am Miya Chen, a backend Enginner at AMIS

    Golang gRPC Kubernetes Terraform Prometheus Docker Vault
  2. ▷ A kind of service mesh application ◦ Sidecar proxy

    ◦ Middle layer between services ◦ Decouple your application from the network ▪ Retry and timeout ▪ Monitor and tracing ▪ Service discovery ▪ Circuit breaker What is Istio?
  3. Why we need Istio? ▷ gRPC is based on HTTP/2

    ◦ Keep only one connection ◦ All unary and streaming requests thorugh one connection ▷ kube-proxy proxies UDP, TCP and SCTP but does not understand HTTP ▷ Can not do real load balancing and rate limiting
  4. Istio Architecture ▷ Proxy (Envoy) ◦ Sidecar ◦ Extract traffic

    behavior as attributes ▷ Mixer ◦ Access control and usage policies ▷ Pilot ◦ Service discovery ◦ Load balancing ◦ Resiliency (retries and timeout) ▷ Others https://istio.io/docs/concepts/what-is-istio/
  5. Rate Limiting ▷ What’s request we want to rate limit?

    ◦ By source or desination of request ▪ Ex: request from user service to notification service ◦ By request path ▪ Ex: /api/notification ▷ Request rate ◦ 100 per second
  6. Istio Rate Limiting - mixer side ▷ Quota instance ◦

    Define rate limit dimensions ▪ request.headers[":path"] ▷ Quota handler ◦ Define rate limit rule for different request dimestions ▪ Set rate 100 per second for request path is /api/list ▷ Quota rule ◦ Bind instance and handler ◦ Define request matching rule
  7. Istio Rate Limiting - client side ▷ Quota spec ◦

    Define the quota cost and quota source ▪ 1 request charge 5 quota ▷ Quota spec binding ◦ Bind service and quota spec
  8. gRPC Rate Limiting ▷ gRPC request headers are delivered as

    HTTP2 headers ◦ Method ➞ ":method" "POST" ◦ Scheme ➞ ":scheme" ("http" / "https") ◦ Path ➞ ":path" "/{Service-Name}/ {method name}" ◦ Content-Type ➞ "content-type" "application/grpc" ◦ … etc https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/PROTOCOL-HTTP2.md
  9. Note ▷ Istio provides two types of quota handler ◦

    memquota and redisquota ◦ Do Not use memquota in production ▷ Quota algorithm ◦ FIXED_WINDOW (for both) ◦ ROLLING_WINDOW (only for redisquota)