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Masanari Kimura

June 07, 2021

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  1. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References データセットシフトの学習理論 Masanari Kimura masanari.kimura@zozo.com June 7, 2021
  2. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Intro 2/43
  3. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References TL;DR 本スライドで扱うこと: ▶ 学習時とテスト時でデータが従う分布が異なるデータセットシフトの問題設定につ いて整理 [Quiñonero-Candela et al., 2009] ▶ データセットシフトにまつわる理論的な結果を紹介 本スライドで扱わないこと: ▶ 各定理の証明の詳細 ▶ データセットシフトを扱う具体的なアルゴリズムの実装 3/43
  4. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Empirical Risk Minimization 教師あり学習はデータの分布 P から生成される D での経験誤差最小化に基づく: h∗ = arg min h∈H ˆ Rℓ D (h) = arg min h∈H 1 N N i=1 ℓ(yi, h(xi)) (1) 学習時とテスト時の分布が同一のとき,経験誤差 ˆ Rℓ D の期待値は期待誤差 Rℓ(h) に一致: EP ˆ Rℓ D = 1 N N i=1 EP ℓ(Yi, h(Xi)) = 1 N N i=1 Rℓ(h) = Rℓ(h) (2) 学習時の分布 P とテスト時の分布 Q が異なるとき,ERM ではテストデータについて最 適な仮説を選択できない ⇒ このような状況にどう対処できるか?or どのように正しく評価するか? 4/43
  5. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Taxonomy of Distribution Shifts ▶ Covariate Shift ▶ Target Shift ▶ Concept Shift 5/43
  6. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Covariate Shift & Target Shift Covariate Shift [Shimodaira, 2000] 学習時の分布を P,テスト時の分布を Q と すると, P(X) ̸= Q(X), P(Y|X) = Q(Y|X). Target Shift [Zhang et al., 2013] 学習時の分布を P,テスト時の分布を Q と すると, P(Y) ̸= Q(Y), P(X|Y) = Q(X|Y). 6/43
  7. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Concept Shift Concept Shift [Tsymbal, 2004; Vorburger and Bernstein, 2006] 学習時の分布を P,テスト時の分布を Q とすると, P(Y|X) ̸= Q(Y|X), P(X|Y) ̸= Q(X|Y). ▶ e.g. P(青が流行色) = 0.95 ≫ Q(青が流行色) = 0.2 7/43
  8. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References General Distribution Shift General Distribution Shift Z ⊂ {X, Y} を周辺分布が変わらない不変集合,W ⊂ {X, Y} \ Z を可変集合, V = {X, Y} \ {Z, W} を残りの従属変数とする.このときデータセットの同時分布 P(X, Y) = P(V, W, Z) は以下のように条件付き確率の積に分解できる: P(X, Y) = P(V|W, Z)P(W|Z)P(Z). (3) このとき,一般化分布シフトは式 (3)において,条件付き確率 P(W|Z) の差し替えで表現 できる: Q(X, Y) = P(V|W, Z)Q(W|Z)P(Z). (4) 例えば式 (4)において Z = ∅,W = X とすると共変量シフトになる. 8/43
  9. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References IWERM 9/43
  10. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Importance Weighting for the ERM h∗ = arg min h∈H 1 n n i=1 w(x)ℓ(yi, h(xi)), where w(x) is the weighting function. High Importance Low Importance 10/43
  11. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Importance Weighted Empirical Risk Minimization IWERM [Shimodaira, 2000] 重み付け関数として w(x) = Q(x)/P(x) とすると,重み付き ERM で計算されるリスクはテ スト分布におけるリスクの推定量として一致性を持つ: ˆ Rℓ D (h) = EP w(x)ℓ(Y, h(X)) = X Q(x) P(x) ℓ(y, h(x))P(x) = EQ[ℓ(Y, h(X))] = Rℓ(h). (5) 11/43
  12. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts 12/43
  13. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Power of the Inequalities 基本方針は以下のような不等式を得ること: Rℓ Q (h) ≤ Rℓ P (h) + ψ(P, Q) + η(H, d, N, ϵ, δ). (6) ▶ データセットシフトの影響を事前に見積もることができる ▶ 不等式の右辺は小さいほど嬉しい ⇒ よりタイトなバウンド ▶ Rℓ P (h),Rℓ Q (h):学習分布,テスト分布における損失 ▶ ψ(P, Q):学習分布とテスト分布の離れ度合いを評価する関数 ▶ η(H, d, N, ϵ, δ):仮説クラス,次元,サンプルサイズ,精度に依存する関数 13/43
  14. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Total Variation Distance-based Generalization Bounds Theorem[Ben-David et al., 2007]) X × Y 上の分布 P と Q が与えられたとき,以下が成り立つ: Rℓ01 Q (h) ≤ Rℓ01 P (h) + dTV(PX , QX ) + min E x∼PX |fP(x) − fQ(x)| , E x∼QX |fQ(x) − fP(x)| . (7) ここで fP(x),fQ(x) は学習分布とテスト分布についての真のラベリング関数, dTV(·, ·) : P × P → R は total variation distance, dTV(P, Q) = 2 sup A∈Ω P(A) − Q(A) . (8) 14/43
  15. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Limitations of the Total Variation Distance 1. 任意の確率分布間の dTV(·, ·) は有限サイズのサンプルからは推定できない; 2. 仮説クラスと独立なので不等式が緩くなる. 15/43
  16. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References H-Divergence leads the Tighter Bound Theorem [Ben-David et al., 2010] h ∈ H について Ih := {(x, 1) : h(x) = 1} とすると,X × Y 上の分布 P と Q について以下が 成り立つ: Rℓ01 Q (h) ≤ Rℓ01 P (h) + 1 2 dH (P, Q) + C. (9) C は仮設クラスの複雑度に依存する項で,dH (·, ·) は H-divergence, dH (P, Q) = 2 sup h∈H P(Ih) − Q(Ih) . (10) 16/43
  17. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Limitations of the H-divergence 1. 損失関数が 0 − 1 損失に限られる; 2. モデルの複雑さに依存する項が VC-次元に基づくため不等式が緩くなる. 17/43
  18. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Discrepancy Distance Discrepancy Distance X × Y 上の分布 P と Q の間の discrepancy distance discℓ : P × Q → R は以下で定義さ れる: discℓ (P, Q) = sup (h,h′)∈H2 E x∼P ℓ(h′(x), h(x)) − E x∼Q ℓ(h′(x), h(x)) . (11) 18/43
  19. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Relations between discℓ and Other Measures Relation between disc ℓ01 and d H 損失関数として ℓ01 をとると,以下の関係が成り立つ: discℓ01 (P, Q) = 1 2 dH (P, Q). (12) Relation between disc ℓ and dTV [Mansour et al., 2009] 損失関数 ℓ が上に有界とする:(∀(x, x′) ∈ X2)(∃M > 0)(ℓ(x, x′) ≤ M).このとき以下の関 係が成り立つ: discℓ (P, Q) ≤ M dTV(P, Q). (13) 19/43
  20. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Generalization Bounds with Discrepancy Distance Theorem [Mansour et al., 2009] 任意の損失関数 ℓ : X × Y → R+ と X × Y 上の確率分布 P,Q について,以下が成り立つ: Rℓ Q (h) ≤ Rℓ P (h, h∗ P ) + discℓ (PX , QY ) + ϵ. (14) ▶ 実用上は計算量が膨大になってしまう; ▶ 実用的な計算量で任意の損失関数に適用できる不等式が欲しい. 20/43
  21. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Wasserstein Distance Optimal Transport and Wasserstein Distance 確率測度 PX , QX ∈ P(X) について,最適輸送問題の目的は,あるコスト関数 c : X × X → R+ について X × X 上の同時確率として定義される γ を見つけること: arg min γ∈Γ(PX ,QX ) X×X c(x, x′)pdγ(x, x′). (15) この概念を用いて,以下のように p 次 Wasserstein distance を定義できる: Wp p (PX , Q) := inf γ∈Γ(PX ,QX ) X×X c(x, x′)pdγ(x, x′). (16) 21/43
  22. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Optimal Transport arg min γ∈Γ(PX ,QX ) X×X c(x, x′)pdγ(x, x′). Figure: Photo by ”Introduction to Optimal Transport”. 22/43
  23. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Generalization Bounds with Wasserstein Distance Theorem [Courty et al., 2016] P と Q から生成されるサンプルサイズ NS ,NT のラベルなしデータが得られるとき,あ る ζ′ < √ 2 について少なくとも 1 − δ の確率で Rℓ Q (h) ≤ Rℓ P + W1 ( ˆ PX , ˆ QX ) + 2 log 1 δ /ζ′ 1 NS + 1 NT + λ (17) が成り立つ.ここで W1 (PX , QX ) は 1 次 Wasseerstein distance. 23/43
  24. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Many Other Bounds. e.g., ▶ Maximum Mean Discrepancy and Kernel Embeddings [Redko, 2015] ▶ PAC-Bayesian generalization bounds [Germain et al., 2013, 2016; McNamara and Balcan, 2017] 24/43
  25. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Evaluating Model Stability to Dataset Shift 25/43
  26. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Quantifying Performance Under Shifts ▶ ゴールは仮説 h ∈ H の P(W|Z) の変化に対する Stability を記述すること ▶ 基本的な方針:想定しうるデータセットシフトの最悪ケースを評価 ! − # ! − # 26/43
  27. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References worst (1 − α)-subsample worst (1 − α)-subsample ある α ∈ [0, 1) について,サンプルサイズが元のデータセットの (1 − α)% であって期待誤 差が最大となる部分データセットを worst (1 − α)-subsample と定義する. worst-case risk g : W × Z → [0, 1] をあるデータが worst (1 − α)-subsample に含まれるかどうかを識別す る関数とする.worst (1 − α)-subsample における期待誤差 Rα,0 を以下のように定義する: Rα,0 := sup g:W×Z→[0,1] 1 1 − α E g(W, Z)µ0 (W, Z) (18) s.t. E g(W, Z)|Z = 1 − α a.e. (19) where µ0 (W, Z) = E[ℓ(Y, h(X))|W, Z ]. (20) 27/43
  28. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Dual Formulation for Rα,0 Dual Formulation for Rα,0 [Duchi and Namkoong, 2018; Duchi et al., 2020] 式 (18)で与えられる Rα,0 の双対は以下で与えられる: Rα,0 = E 1 1 − α (µ0 (W, Z) − η0 (Z))+ + η0 (Z) (21) where η0 = arg inf η:Z→R E 1 1 − α (µ0 (W, Z) − η(Z))+ + η(Z) . (22) 28/43
  29. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Worst-Case Sampler Algorithm 1 Worst-Case Sampler [Subbaswamy et al., 2021] Require: hypothesis h, dataset D = {wi, zi, vi}n i=1 , K cross validation folds Ik ⊂ {1, . . . , n} 1: for k=1,…, K do 2: Estimate ˆ µk ≈ µ0 using data in Ic k ; Estimate ˆ ηk ≈ η0 using ˆ µk and data in Ic k 3: for i ∈ Ik do 4: Let ˆ mui = ˆ µk(wi, zi) 5: Let ˆ ηi = ˆ ηk(zi) 6: Let ˆ hi = [ˆ µi > ˆ ηi] 7: end for 8: end for 9: ˆ Rα = 1 K k 1 |Ik| i∈Ik 1 1−α (ˆ µi − ˆ ηi)+ + ˆ ηi + 1 1−α ˆ hi(ℓ(yi, h(xi)) − ˆ µi) 10: return ˆ Rα , {ˆ hi}n i=1 29/43
  30. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Consistent Estimator for Rα,0 Consistent Estimator ˆ Rα [Subbaswamy et al., 2021] K-fold Worst-Case Sampler によって以下の推定量を得る: ˆ Rα = 1 K k 1 |Ik| i∈Ik 1 1 − α ((ˆ µi − ˆ ηi) + |ˆ µi ≥ ˆ ηi|(ℓ(yi, h(xi) − ˆ µi)) + ˆ ηi (23) この ˆ Rα は Rα,0 の一致推定量になる. 30/43
  31. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References √ N-Consistency and Central Limit Properties Theorem [Chernozhukov et al., 2018] {δN}N を δN ≥ N−1/2(∀N ≥ 1) であるような 0 に収束する正数列とする.このとき,適切 な仮定のもとで ˆ Rα は Rα,0 の 1/ √ N 近傍に集中し,その分布は正規分布で近似される: √ Nσ−1( ˆ Rα − Rα,0 ) = 1 √ N σ−1 i ψ(Wi, Zi, Vi; Rα,0 , µ0 , η0 ) + OP(δN) ⇝ N(0, 1) (24) where, σ2 = E[ψ2(W, Z, V; Rα,0 , µ0 , η0 )] and ψ(·; Rα,0 , µ0 , η0 ) = 1 1 − α (µ0 − η0 )+ + [µ0 ≥ η0 ](ℓ − µ0 ) + η0 − Rα,0 . 31/43
  32. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Distributionally Robust Optimization 32/43
  33. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Distributionally Robust Optimization Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) パラメータ空間 Θ ⊂ Rd,可測空間 (X, A) の上のデータ生成を担う確率分布 P0 とすると, minimizeθ∈Θ Rf(θ; P0 ) := sup Q≪P0 EQ[ℓ(θ; X)] : Df[Q : P0 ] ≤ ρ . (25) !! "||$ Worst-case distribution ▶ データセットシフトの最悪ケースにロバストな モデルを学習 ▶ [Ben-Tal et al., 2013; Duchi and Namkoong, 2018; Duchi et al., 2021] 33/43
  34. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Notations ▶ uncertainty region: UP := {Q : Df[Q∥P] ≤ ρ}; ▶ likelihood ratio: L(X) = dQ(x)/dP0 (X) ▶ worst-case risk: Rf(θ; P0 ) = sup P EP ℓ(θ; X) : P ∈ UP (26) = sup L≥0 EP0 L(X)ℓ(θ; X) : EP0 f(L(X)) ≤ ρ , EP0 L(X) = 1 (27) 34/43
  35. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Divergence families for the Uncertainty Region Rényi α-divergence [Van Erven and Harremos, 2014] Dα [P∥Q ] := 1 α − 1 log dP dQ dQ. (28) α → 1 で KL-divergence に一致. Cressie-Read family of f-divergences [Cressie and Read, 1984] k ∈ (−∞, ∞),k∗ = k k−1 について Dfk [P∥Q ] := fk dP dQ dQ, (29) fk(t) := tk − kt + k − 1 k(k − 1) , f∗ k (s) := 1 k ((k − 1)s + 1)k∗ + − 1 . (30) 35/43
  36. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Worst-Case Shift and Tail-Performance Proposition [Shapiro, 2017] ある (X, A) 上の確率分布 P と ρ > 0 について, Rf(θ; P) = inf λ≥0,η∈R EP λf∗ ℓ(θ; X) − η λ + λρ + η . (31) Lemma [Duchi and Namkoong, 2018] ある (X, A) 上の確率分布 P,k ∈ (1, ∞),k∗ = k/(k − 1),ρ > 0,ck(ρ) := (1 + k(k − 1)ρ)1 k について,Rk(θ; P) を Dfk [Q∥P ] ≤ ρ での worst-case risk とすると, Rk(θ; P) worst-case risk = inf η∈R ck(ρ)EP (ℓ(θ; X) − η)k∗ + 1 k∗ + η tail-performance . (32) 36/43
  37. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Empirical Evaluation of the DRO Figure: [Duchi and Namkoong, 2018].破線が majority 群の損失,実線が minority 群の損失. 37/43
  38. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Convergence Guarantees of the DRO Theorem [Duchi and Namkoong, 2018] 任意の θ ∈ Θ と x ∈ X について ℓ(θ; X) ≤ M と仮定し,ck(ρ) := ((k − 1)ρ + 1)1/k とする. n ≥ k ∨ 3 のとき,少なくとも 1 − e−t の確率で R(θ; ˆ Pn) 経験損失 − R(θ; P0 ) 期待損失 ≤ 10n− 1 k∗∨2 ck(ρ)2M ck(ρ) ck(ρ) − 1 ∨ 2 1 k + t + 2 log n . (33) 38/43
  39. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Asymptotic Properties of the DRO Almost Surely Convergence [Duchi and Namkoong, 2018] E[f∗(|ℓ(X; θ)|)] < ∞ とすると,適当な仮定のもとで inf θ∈Θ Rf(θ; ˆ Pn) a.s. → inf θ∈Θ Rf(θ; P0 ) (34) Asymptotic Normality ˆ θn を Rf(ˆ θn; ˆ Pn) ≤ infθ Rf(θ; ˆ Pn) + oP(1/n) を満足する経験プラグイン推定量と仮定する と,gP0 := λEP0 [f∗((ℓ(θ; X) − η)/λ)] + ρλ + η について以下が成り立つ: √ n ˆ θn − θ∗ d ⇝ N 0, V Cov f∗′ ℓ(θ∗; X) − η∗ λ∗ ∇ℓ(θ∗; X) V , (35) ここで V は (∇2gP0 (θ∗, λ∗, η∗))−1 ∈ R(d+2)×(d+2) の先頭 d × d ブロック行列. 39/43
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    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Summary 40/43
  41. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

    to Dataset Shift Distributionally Robust Optimization Summary References Summary ▶ データセットシフトに対応するさまざまな方針が存在 ▶ どれも重要かつ有用 ▶ Importance Weighting ▶ Learning Bounds ▶ Distributionally Robust Optimization 41/43
  42. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

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  43. Intro IWERM Learning Bounds under Dataset Shifts Evaluating Model Stability

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