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OOP 2017 - Software is eating the world - Wen b...

Matthias Naab
February 02, 2017

OOP 2017 - Software is eating the world - Wen braucht man eigentlich, um erfolgreiche Software-Ökosysteme zu bauen?

Software revolutioniert fast jede Art von Business durch neuartige Ökosysteme. Die Erstellung erfordert Kompetenzen, die weit über das klassische Systems- und Software-Engineering hinausgehen. Zentrale Herausforderungen sind höhere Komplexität bei kürzerer Time-To-Market, geteilte Verantwortung und Kontrolle über mehrere Unternehmen und Domänen hinweg sowie die immer höher werden Anforderungen an Sicherheit, User Experience, und andere Qualitäten. Wir charakterisieren Softwareökosysteme und zeigen notwendige Kompetenzen, um diese zu bauen.

Matthias Naab

February 02, 2017


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  2. © Fraunhofer IESE Industry 4.0 Smart Mobility Smart Energy Smart

    X Smart Rural Areas Smart Health Smart Farming
  3. © Fraunhofer IESE Logic Data UI API Company User iThing

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  4. © Fraunhofer IESE Known Other Players Competitors Community Partners Organization

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  5. © Fraunhofer IESE Digital Transformation Digital Ecosystems New and innovative

    Services & Products Data-Driven Business Models Cross-Domain Business Models Efficiency Optimization & Cost Reduction New Value Creation Digital Business Processes Offshore- Development & Operation Business Process Reengineering
  6. © Fraunhofer IESE Key Challenges in Smart Ecosystems Diversity Uncertainty

    Complexity End-to-End Qualities Value Networks Data Driven Business
  7. © Fraunhofer IESE ◼ Develop Vision ◼ Invent Requirements ◼

    Invent new Business Models ◼ Safeguard existing Business Models ◼ Integrate Business across Domains ◼ Operationalize Ecosystems ◼ Exploit large Customer Base ◼ Exploit Data ◼ Accept Uncertainty ◼ Dare making Assumptions ◼ Estimate Cost / Revenue ◼ Acquire Funding
  8. © Fraunhofer IESE ◼ Invite People ◼ Convince People ◼

    Motivate People ◼ Fight against Prejudices ◼ Travel Globally (a lot!) ◼ Know the Domains ◼ Speak the Domain’s Language ◼ Adopt new Domains quickly
  9. © Fraunhofer IESE ◼ Design Global User Journey ◼ Consider

    End-to-End Usage ◼ Consider Software and Hardware ◼ Prepare Ecosystem UX ◼ Transport UX to Contributors ◼ Inspire Contributors ◼ Design SDK UX for Developers
  10. © Fraunhofer IESE ◼ Enable Business Models (+ Billing and

    Accounting) ◼ Integrate across Organization ◼ Integrate Existing Systems ◼ Integrate Embedded and Information Systems ◼ Know and Select Platforms and Technologies ◼ Balance Variety of Quality Attributes ◼ Design Reference Architectures ◼ Enable Other’s Ideas ◼ Provide SDKs ◼ Master Big Data
  11. © Fraunhofer IESE ◼ Establish Culture of Collaboration ◼ Nurture

    Community ◼ Clarify Responsibilities ◼ Offer Incentives ◼ Mediate Conflicts ◼ Prepare Legal Matters ◼ Enforce Entry and Exit Barriers ◼ Qualify and Certify Partners
  12. © Fraunhofer IESE ◼ Accept that Software Drives Innovation ◼

    Exploit that Software Drives Innovation ◼ Integrate Business and Technology ◼ Work across Domains ◼ Recognize the Big Picture ◼ Design the Big Picture ◼ Illustrate the Big Picture ◼ Communicate the Big Picture ◼ Get Rid of Legacies ◼ Collaborate Closely ◼ Start Small ◼ React to Change ◼ Grow Big
  13. © Fraunhofer IESE ◼ Understand the Ecosystem ◼ Understand your

    Company’s Role ◼ Understand Interdependencies ◼ Align with other SE Disciplines ◼ Develop Software ◼ Operate Software ◼ Collaborate Closely ◼ Be Flexible