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VDMA 2021 - Digitale Ökosysteme und Plattformen...

Matthias Naab
April 27, 2021

VDMA 2021 - Digitale Ökosysteme und Plattformen - Warum wir nicht alles undifferenziert Plattform nennen sollten!

Matthias Naab

April 27, 2021

More Decks by Matthias Naab


  1. Digitale Ökosysteme und Plattformökonomie Warum wir nicht alles undifferenziert „Plattform“

    nennen sollten! Dr. Matthias Naab https://digitale-oekosysteme.org
  2. © Fraunhofer IESE 2 Wenn alles eine Plattform ist, müssen

    wir besser darüber sprechen lernen! Plattform Industrie 4.0 Plattform Lernende Systeme AWS Platform Azure Platform IaaS Platform Cloud Platform Android Platform iOS Platform Linux Platform Java Platform SAP Platform Apple Platform Facebook Platform Youtube Platform IoT Platform Salesforce Platform … Platform
  3. Technology changes Media & Data with Digital Products Technology changes

    Markets & Industries with Digital Processes Technology changes Economy & Society with Digital Business Models Digitization Digital Transformation Digitalization
  4. New and innovative Services & Products Data-Driven Business Models Cross-Domain

    Business Models Digital Business Processes Offshore- Development & Operation Business Process Reengineering Radical Innovation Incremental Innovation Efficiency Optimization & Cost Reduction New Value Creation Digitization | Digitalization | Digital Transformation Digital Ecosystems
  5. © Fraunhofer IESE 20 Digital Ecosystems  Socio-technical system (organizations,

    people, digital systems, relationships)  Independent participants  Collaborating to generate mutual benefit  Collaboration based on ecosystem service, offered by ecosystem initiator, provided through digital platform Participants
  6. © Fraunhofer IESE 21 Ecosystem Service  Collaboration based on

    ecosystem service  Generates core benefit of the ecosystem  Provided by ecosystem initiator  Provided purely digitally Ecosystem Service
  7. © Fraunhofer IESE 22 Airbnb Lodging offers brokering of private

    accommodations provided by private hosts for travelers
  8. © Fraunhofer IESE 24 Ebay Marketplace offers brokering of any

    kind of goods provided by sellers for buyers
  9. © Fraunhofer IESE 45 Digital Platform  Core technical aspect

    in digital ecosystem  Realize ecosystem service and manifest ecosystem rules  Partners directly use the digital platform  Additional supporting features (e.g. payment, trusteeship, security, management of legal relationships, standardization, rating, …) Digital Platform
  10. © Fraunhofer IESE 46 Technology Platform Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application

    / Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform “Use the platform to build and run software on top” “Use the platform to consume its service and participate in the ecosystem”
  11. © Fraunhofer IESE 47 1 Digital (Ecosystem) Platform Application /

    Business Logic Technology / Infrastructure Hardware Software Operated by Developer or Customer Externally Operated / as-a-Service Hardware Platform IaaS Platform Operating System Platform Runtime Environment Platform Runtime Environment Platform with Business Logic PaaS Platform PaaS Platform with Business Logic Marketplace Platform On-Demand Service Platform Communication / Interaction Platform Data Harvesting Platform Content Crowdsourcing Platform Content Distribution Platform Platform Economy Platform “Use the platform to build and run software on top” “Use the platform to consume its service and participate in the ecosystem” Software Ecosystem Platform Application (potentially provided as SaaS) Application (potentially provided as SaaS) Technology Platform AWS IaaS, Azure IaaS Intel x64 Windows Java, .NET, Cloud Foundry AWS PaaS, Azure PaaS Salesforce Word Open Source ERP Systems Slack Eclipse, Firefox, iOS, Android AirBnB, Ebay Uber Youtube Wikipedia AdSense Waze Facebook, WhatsApp Examples
  12. © Fraunhofer IESE 58 Domain Ecosystem  Established business ecosystem

    in a business domain  Existing players and relationships
  13. © Fraunhofer IESE 59 Domain Ecosystem  Digital ecosystems emerge

    and address needs  Competing digital ecosystems possible  Various digital ecosystems possible
  14. Industrie 4.0 Smart Farming Smart Energy Smart Mobility Smart Health

    Smart Rural Areas Smart Teams Smart X Smart Ecosystems
  15. Cross-Domain and Overlapping Digital Ecosystems Car Manufacturers (> 102) Insurance

    Comp. Car Rental Comp. Smartphone and App Users (> 108) Drivers (> 105) Passengers (> 107) Bus Companies (> 103) Passengers (> 105)
  16. Passengers (> 105) Cross-Domain and Overlapping Digital Ecosystems Car Manufacturers

    (> 102) Drivers (> 105) Bus Companies (> 103) Insurance Comp. Car Rental Comp. Smartphone and App Users (> 108) Passengers (> 107) MOBILITY Domain Ecosystem INSURANCE Domain Ecosystem
  17. Passengers (> 105) Cross-Domain and Overlapping Digital Ecosystems Car Manufacturers

    (> 102) Drivers (> 105) Bus Companies (> 103) Insurance Comp. Car Rental Comp. Smartphone and App Users (> 108) Passengers (> 107) APP Domain Ecosystem
  18. © Fraunhofer IESE 81 Mobility Internet Giants OEMs Suppliers (1st

    Tier ) Material & Tool Suppliers User Mobility Workshops Roadside Assistance Diagnostics Parts Trade Ambulance Dealership Gas Stations Leasing Insurance
  19. Neue geschäftliche Möglichkeiten und Dienste Zugang zu einer großen Anzahl

    anderer Ökosystem- Teilnehmer Einfachheit durch Harmoni- sierung und sehr gute User Experience Offenheit für viele Teilnehmer und einfacher Einstieg Riesiger Gestaltungs- spielraum Möglichkeit zu disruptiver Neupositio- nierung Großes Wachstums- potential und hohe Skalierbarkeit Netzwerk- effekte und Partizipation an Geschäften im Digitalen Ökosystem Investitions- fähigkeit in Ausbau, Attraktivität und User Experience Chancen durch Digitale Ökosysteme
  20. … leider liegt es außerhalb unserer Komfortzone Big Picture Ende-zu-Ende

    Langfristiges Denken Geduld Daten- getriebene Geschäfts- modelle Werte- netzwerke Ausgeglichene Interessen Fehlende Gesamt- kontrolle Organisa- tationen übergreifend Diversität Unsicherheit Keine vorgegebenen Wege und Methoden
  21. Business Technology Legal CORE Vision Strategy Engineering Usage Operation Governance

    ORGANIZATION Partner Scouting Casting & Matching Pairing & Engagement Technical Scouting Collaboration Evaluation PARTNERS Establishment Exploitation Nurturing COMMUNITY Observation Exploration Analysis Intervention COMPETITORS OTHER KNOWN PLAYERS Platform Economy Fraunhofer Digital Ecosystems Reference Model Google Apple Facebook Amazon Microsoft Samsung
  22. Ecosystem Evolution Time Time Network Effects More Services More Benefits

    More Asset Types Business Volume Volume by Asset Consumers #Asset Consumers Volume by Asset Providers #Asset Providers Platform Status
  23. Digitale Ökosysteme und Plattformökonomie Warum wir nicht alles undifferenziert „Plattform“

    nennen sollten! Dr. Matthias Naab https://digitale-oekosysteme.org
  24. Digitale Ökosysteme: Welche Herausforderungen stellt der Aufbau und wie gelingt

    er? https://www.informatik-aktuell.de/management-und-recht/digitalisierung/digitale-oekosysteme-welche-herausforderungen-stellt-der-aufbau-und-wie-gelingt-er.html Digitale Ökosysteme und Plattformökonomie: Was ist das und was sind die Chancen? https://www.informatik-aktuell.de/management-und-recht/digitalisierung/digitale-oekosysteme-und-plattformoekonomie.htm Dr. Marcus Trapp Dr. Matthias Naab Dr. Dominik Rost Claudia Nass Matthias Koch Bernd Rauch