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Docker - Lightweight Virtualization

Docker - Lightweight Virtualization

Docker - Lightweight Virtualization with Containers

Mehdi Hasan Khan

May 14, 2014

More Decks by Mehdi Hasan Khan

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    run anywhere • Continuous integration • Create sandboxed app • Run your own PaaS
  2. Docker vs. VM Hardware Linux/Kernel Container Container Container Container Container

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  4. Docker Vocabulary • Repository • Image • Tag $ docker

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  5. Docker Vocabulary • Registry $ docker pull ubuntu:12.04 Pulling repository

    ubuntu c0fe63f9a4c1: Pulling dependent layers 511136ea3c5a: Download complete 6170bb7b0ad1: Download complete 79fdb1362c84: Downloading [===> ]56 MB/66.64 MB 10m9s
  6. Docker Vocabulary • Container $ docker run ubuntu:12.04 echo Hello

    World Hello World $ docker run -i -t ubuntu:12.04 /bin/bash root@a09d485c9a9f:/# uname -a Linux a09d485c9a9f 3.13.3-tinycore64 #1 SMP Wed Mar 26 03:16:13 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux ! root@a09d485c9a9f:/# $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS ! f0638f0a1c7a ubuntu:12.04 /bin/bash 46 minutes ago Up 4 seconds Tip: Press Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Q to detach running containers
  7. Docker Vocabulary • Dockerfile $ cat Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:12.04! !

    MAINTAINER Mehdi Hasan "[email protected]"! ! RUN apt-get -y install python-software-properties! RUN add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js! RUN apt-get update! RUN apt-get -y install python g++ make nodejs! $ docker build -t mehdi/nodejs . There is a trailing dot $ docker push mehdi/nodejs Image c0fe63f9a4c1 already pushed, skipping Image 5ff6986cd174 already pushed, skipping Image 3867fae91348 already pushed, skipping Image 4574f80c91e4 already pushed, skipping Image 37c2cc34fa4e already pushed, skipping 757db77867dd: Image successfully pushed Pushing tag for rev [757db77867dd] on {https:// registry-1.docker.io/v1/repositories/mehdi/nodejs/tags/ latest} Any idea why these images are skipped?
  8. Container vs. Image! Still Puzzled? Running container from an image:

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  9. Your Next Weekend Fun Project: Deploy something with Dokku Dokku

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  10. The rabbit hole goes deeper than that… • How to

    deal with data, logs, file uploads? Where to store? Inside container? Inside host? Inside another container?
 Hint: Read http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/use/ working_with_volumes/ • How to deal with distributed systems? 
 Hint: Follow http://www.centurylinklabs.com/category/ docker-posts/