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Dysfunctional Ruby

Dysfunctional Ruby

A short 30min talk for Malaga Scala Meetup about caticorns and why rubyists deserve better.


Nando Sola

July 15, 2015

More Decks by Nando Sola

Other Decks in Programming


  1. 1. The trouble with nil 2. The inheritance crisis 3.

    Bad romance overflow 4. Please don’t mutate my feelings 5. Share the love, not the state 6. True love scales
  2. Procedural code gets information then makes decisions. Object-oriented code tells

    objects to do things. — Alec Sharp, “Smalltak by Example” http://sdmeta.gforge.inria.fr/FreeBooks/ByExample/SmalltalkByExampleNewRelease.pdf https://pragprog.com/articles/tell-dont-ask
  3. 2. The inheritance crisis Extending core classes in Ruby is

    a bad idea Integers are “immediates”, ie. architecture-dependent The rest are implemented in C (MRI/YARV), for efficiency http://words.steveklabnik.com/beware-subclassing-ruby-core-classes
  4. 3. Bad romance overflow These implementations will fail for large

    values of n SystemStackError: stack level too deep why?
  5. Ruby (YARV) has TCO since version 1.9 JRuby depends on

    the JVM optimizations Rubinius won’t implement TCO http://chris.mowforth.com/posts/2011/avoiding-stack-overflow-in-ruby-with-trampolines/ http://blog.vmoroz.com/posts/2015-04-18-generic-recursion-in-ruby-with-trampolines-and-thunks.html Solution: be agnostic (and lazy)
  6. 4. Please don’t mutate my feelings In Ruby, only Fixnum

    and Symbol are immutable Using Struct and OpenStruct is not OK #freeze and #dup are not your friends
  7. http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.0.0/Enumerator/Lazy.html https://github.com/hamstergem/hamster https://github.com/tcrayford/Values Use the std and core libraries Use

    gems that provide immutability Namespace pollution Expect a good deal of metaprogramming under the hood Compatibility with the other “good gems”
  8. 5. Share the love, not the state Ruby (YARV) just

    provides Thread and Fiber primitives Their underlying implementations vary from GIL to 1:1 models Rubinius and JRuby: real multithreading Rubinius provides an additional actor model http://merbist.com/2011/02/22/concurrency-in-ruby-explained/ http://www.jstorimer.com/products/working-with-ruby-threads http://rubini.us/doc/en/systems/concurrency/
  9. Use an implementation-agnostic gem for concurrency Advanced thread sync mechanisms

    Futures/Promises Channels Actors I/O reactor If possible, use Rubinius or JRuby Real threads Look for servers/clients using these https://github.com/celluloid/celluloid https://github.com/ruby-concurrency/concurrent-ruby https://github.com/celluloid/celluloid-io
  10. 6. True love scales Ruby has a remote object framework

    in its stdlib (dRuby) Enables remote method calling Peer to peer Each remote method invocation is handled synchronously by a new server thread Not truly concurrent (Mutex needed) A distributed, immutable “tuplespace" is shared among all objects (Rinda) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4696027 http://ruby-doc.org/docs/Distributed%20Ruby%20(drb%20and%20Rinda)/DistributedRuby.pdf
  11. JRuby Mikka Java-flavored Akka Rubinius rubinius-actor Remoting is “bleeding-edge” Agnostic:

    DCell (distributed objects for Ruby) External systems: Redis, RabbitMQ, … https://github.com/iconara/mikka https://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/5957087 http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/snapshot/java/untyped-actors.html
  12. Use a functional language Scala, Clojure and Erlang have (most

    of) all of these features already baked-in No need for extra gems No need to stretch the boundaries of the language No need to hide anymore