4% 41% 49% 37% 47% 25% 30% 19% 15% 33% 27% 44% 46% 17% 13% 11% 10% 20% 18% 1% 1% 1% 3% 4% 3% Working with industry partners to develop packages (e.g. wine, culinary, cycling, golf and garden experiences) Providing an engaging, dynamic, content-rich consumer website www.visitniagaracanada.com Public Relations Events (e.g., Hosting Breakfast Television, Canada AM) Providing information to partners through the website www.niagarasrto.com Implement web-based learning program to improve the Region’s labour force through building service pride and helping them to anticipate guest needs Providing advertising opportunities in its travel magazine Top priority High priority Moderate priority Low priority Don't know Q4.$Thinking$about$all$of$the$ways$that$TPN$can$support$your$marke5ng$efforts$or$those$of$the$tourism$industry,$how$much$ of$a$priority$do$you$think$TPN$should$place$on$the$following?$Base:$all$respondents$n=79$ $ 64%. 71%. 55%. 61%.