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TPN's Powerhouse Strategy Presentation to Twent...

July 02, 2013

TPN's Powerhouse Strategy Presentation to Twenty Valley DMO


July 02, 2013


  1. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ 1 The Tourism Partnership of Niagara’s ! Powerhouse Strategy!

    Presented to Twenty Valley DMO! June 27, 2013! Robin Garrett! CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER!
  2. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Tourism Partners! $ $ $ $ $ $ $

    $ $ $CTC $ $ $ $ $ $ $OTMP $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $RTO $ $ $ $ $ $DMOs & Sectors $ $ $Operators $ $ $ $ $All levels of government $ $ $ CTC OTMPC RTO DMOs & Sectors Operators All levels of government Leverage Our Collective Resources 2
  3. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ 4 Our Vision! Become the #1 international tourism destination

    in North America by creating a Niagara discovery experience that is so naturally awe-inspiring, so vibrant, and so much fun that visitors cant wait to be a part of it.!
  4. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ 5 Our Mission! Enhance and grow a highly competitive

    tourism region through visitor- centric strategies. Build a strong brand that maintains Niagara’s reputation as a world-renowned destination for leisure and business travel.!
  5. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Our Mandate! !  TPN’s mandate is to provide leadership

    and coordination to: !  Attract more visitors !  Generate more economic activity … $$$$ !  Create more jobs across the Niagara region 6
  6. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Our Leadership Role TPN achieves its mandate through partnerships

    … reaching where others can’t reach and leveraging partner investments by: !  Leading brand marketing: TV, print, magazine, PR !  Creating packages and itineraries for target consumers: website, seamless reservation system, email !  Creating common offers: advertising and website !  Attracting blockbuster events 7
  7. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Priorities! !  Build the brand and implement targeted marketing

    to high prospect consumers !  Feature packages and common offers in our advertising and through our web portal !  Pursue blockbuster events that will motivate travel, build the brand and leave a legacy !  Nurture relationships with industry to develop effective partnerships and secure sustainable funding !  Build our reputation for organizational excellence with: an effective governance structure that facilitates decision- making; and, a scorecard of performance measures that fosters continuous improvement 9
  8. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Our Budget ! !  2013/14 budget could grow to

    $4.7M !  $500k base funding !  $3.0M performance-based funding !  Up to $613k in partnership funding if matched by industry, municipal or federal government 10 Marke5ng$$ 61%$ Administra5on$ 14%$ Product$ Development$ 21%$ Communica5on$ 1%$ Research$ 2%$ 2013/14$Budget$Alloca5on$ (core$funding)$
  9. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ How We Measure Success! !  Advertising awareness !  Number

    of visits to our website !  Number of leads generated to partners !  Number of consumers in our database !  Number of Facebook likes !  Partner satisfaction !  $ leveraged through partnership !  Number of certified Niagara Ambassadors 11
  10. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ 1 3 Excellent Brand Health! !  Since launching the

    Niagara Canada Brand in May 2012! !  40% of respondents agreeing the advertising made me feel good about the Niagara region! !  60% of couples strongly agreeing that the advertising made me feel theres more to Niagara than the Falls! !  7% increase in the perception that Niagara is a place with lots to see and do!
  11. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ In our first year …! 14 !  516,340 visits

    to visitniagaracanada.com !  171,610 leads generated to partners !  29,661 consumers in our database visitniagaracanada.com.
  12. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ 2012/13 Achievements! !  Expanded creative assets! !  Stunning heli

    footage! !  TV ads! !  Magazine lure! !  MC&IT collateral & serpent display! !  Launched spring, fall & winter campaigns! !  Seasonal refresh of content on web portal www.visitniagaracanada.com ! !  Supported blockbuster events (Jay Cochrane Skywalker, Flatwater Festival, Red Bull Crashed Ice, World Garden Event bid, Icewine festivals)! 16 !  Culinary & Wine Tourism Summit ! !  Undertook a feasibility study for air flight service in partnership with Niagara regional government! !  Launched the Niagara Ambassador program and awarded 204 certificates! !  Advocated for sustainable and fair share of funding! !  Leveraged partner funding 8:1! !  Held stakeholder events on November 6th and May 1st ! !  Undertook a partner satisfaction survey!
  13. Main Take-Aways !  Overall, results are quite positive, especially given

    that TPN is a new organization. !  Main strengths – staff and support of events attracting significant media attention and motivating overnight travel. !  More moderate ratings in most other areas, but can be traced to lack of familiarity with mandate. !  Partners lack of familiarity with TPN leading to perceptions out of sync with reality. !  Improving communications will lead to greater familiarity and improvements to overall performance. Tourism Partnership of Niagara" Partner Survey 2013" " 18
  14. Ranking – Most Valued TPN Support Q4.$Thinking$about$all$of$the$ways$that$TPN$can$support$your$marke5ng$efforts$or$those$of$the$tourism$industry,$how$much$ of$a$priority$do$you$think$TPN$should$place$on$the$following?$Base:$all$respondents$n=79$ $ 49%

    38% 32% 30% 33% 38% 42% 44% 10% 17% 17% 19% 6% 5% 9% 5% 1% 3% 1% 1% Building a strong Niagara Canada travel destination brand Marketing Niagara Canada through advertising (e.g. television ads, print ads, magazine, billboards) Working with government, industry and community groups to attract world-class tourism opportunities (e.g., flight service to the Niagara District Airport, Flora Niagara 2017 – an International Horticultural Exhibition) Supporting events that attract significant media attention and motivate overnight travel (e.g., Red Bull Crushed Ice, Jay Cochrane Skywalk, Welland Flatwater Sports Festival) Top priority High priority Moderate priority Low priority Don't know 82%. 76%. 74%. 74%. 19
  15. Ranking – TPN Support 20 23% 22% 18% 14% 6%

    4% 41% 49% 37% 47% 25% 30% 19% 15% 33% 27% 44% 46% 17% 13% 11% 10% 20% 18% 1% 1% 1% 3% 4% 3% Working with industry partners to develop packages (e.g. wine, culinary, cycling, golf and garden experiences) Providing an engaging, dynamic, content-rich consumer website www.visitniagaracanada.com Public Relations Events (e.g., Hosting Breakfast Television, Canada AM) Providing information to partners through the website www.niagarasrto.com Implement web-based learning program to improve the Region’s labour force through building service pride and helping them to anticipate guest needs Providing advertising opportunities in its travel magazine Top priority High priority Moderate priority Low priority Don't know Q4.$Thinking$about$all$of$the$ways$that$TPN$can$support$your$marke5ng$efforts$or$those$of$the$tourism$industry,$how$much$ of$a$priority$do$you$think$TPN$should$place$on$the$following?$Base:$all$respondents$n=79$ $ 64%. 71%. 55%. 61%.
  16. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Corporate Strategies! 22 Build a strong relevant brand that

    creates a desire in our visitor to keep exploring and rediscovering Niagara Canada. ! MARKETING! ! Animate the destination with events and develop packages featuring wine, culinary, cycling, golf, and garden experiences.! PRODUCT! DEVELOPMENT! ! Work with government, industry and community groups to attract world- class tourism opportunities.! INVESTMENT! ATTRACTION! ! Build awareness and implement a workforce learning program to promote service pride.! WORKFORCE! DEVELOPMENT! ! Build a reputation for organizational excellence that fosters continuous improvement.! ORGANIZATIONAL! EXCELLENCE! 1 2 3 4 5
  17. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Brand Strategy! 27 Niagara Canada. A place of wonders

    …big and small.! Domestic! International! Product knowledge ! & visitor engagement! Visitors are more familiar with the variety of our products. They look to us as a regular destination for quick, restorative getaways.! Visitors to North America make it a point to see the wonder and beauty of Niagara Falls, without understanding that the Falls are just one part of what makes this region so special.! ! Positioning! “Let’s get away”! “The Falls will amaze you. ! Our other wonders will too.”!
  18. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Communication Strategy! The Niagara Canada brand is full of

    visual stopping power. Our fun and vibrant experiences and awe-inspiring products are best communicated through visual mediums such as TV, print and online. These should be the priority communication channels. 28
  19. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Target Markets! 29 Core! Growth & Opportunity! GTA and

    New York State! •  Empty nesters 45-64! •  GenXers & Boomer couples with and without kids 35-54! ! •  Meeting planners in Canada & US! Partner with CTC, OTMPC, Tourism Toronto to leverage markets:! •  Generation Y! •  LGBT! •  Ottawa! •  Montreal! •  International (US focus)! ! $
  20. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Building the Niagara Brand !  Stunning new footage ! 

    TV ads !  2 minute lure video - VisitNiagaraCanada YouTube channel - Ontario Tourism Info Centres - Fam tours - Invite partners to play on screens everywhere! 31
  21. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ 5 1 Promoting Festivals & Events ! !  Promoting

    events to help keep our destination vibrant throughout the year! !  Culinary & wine festivals and events are featured in our Niagara Travel magazine and integrated with all media channels! !  All advertising drives to visitniagaracanada.com !
  22. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Niagara Culinary Experiences ! !  YPartnership research identified this

    as our biggest product development opportunity! !  Developed a strategy and action plan with help of Ontario Culinary Tourism Alliance (OCTA)! !  Held a Culinary & Wine Tourism Summit on April 4th! !  “Fall for Niagara” wine country getaway contest and promotion in market for 8 weeks from mid/late August to mid/late October including :15 contest spot and promoted online across foodnetwork.ca and globaltv.com. !
  23. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ ! Top Chef:! !  Two night in your choice

    of xx hotels (only those that meet the criteria)! !  Dinner at your choice of xx restaurants (Criteria can include Ontario wine list and some farm-to-table menu) ! !  Tickets to outdoor music festival! !  Backstage VIP reception (exclusive only xxx tickets available)! !  ½ day wine-wrap spa day! ! Imagine…"
  24. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Recipe for Success" . !  Amazing$Niagara$experiences$packaged$together$ !  Create$a$core$experience$to$wrap$the$package$around$ ! 

    Industry$must$work$together$to$develop$visitorXcentric$ packages$ !  The$experience$must$be$perceived$as$good$value$for$ the$money$
  25. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ 57 Seamless Reservation System! !  Adding a seamless reservation

    system to sell packages and deliver incremental sales ! !  A hybrid solution that can book for DMOs that do not have a booking capacity AND facilitate a transaction through DMOs that already have a booking engine!
  26. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Partnership Opportunities 64 !  Get creative! Work with industry

    partners to develop packages! !  TPN will be soliciting culinary packages for the digital campaign this fall!
  27. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Air Access ! 67 ( !  Great experiences (and

    packages) include making it easy for visitors to get here ! !  TPN partnered with the regional government to explore the feasibility of air flights to the Niagara District Airport! $ Transporta1on(is(an(issue(that(must(be(improved(and( overcome.(((((G(Peter(Yesowich,(TPNs(Strategic(Tourism(Development(Plan,(2011(
  28. Air Flights Feasibility Study Objectives 1.  Evaluate the demand for

    flight service in the context of other modes of transportation such as rail, bus and auto. Take into account the possibility of improvements to these other modes of transportation e.g. year-round GO Train service. Determine the possible impact and effect on these ground transportation services if flight service is offered. 2.  Analyze the potential for flight use from airports within an 800 km radius. Initial target markets include Ottawa, Montreal and New York and this could include connections through the Billy Bishop airport in Toronto. 3.  Evaluate the tourism industry’s capacity to support flight service including visitor services such as ground transportation; compelling experiences; and marketing. 68
  29. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ Air Flight Study Conclusions !  There is enough air

    passenger traffic to support commercial air service to Niagara District Airport (YCM) !  New York, Chicago and Washington DC are the best opportunities for YCM to have non-stop air service !  The primary source of new passengers are currently using the Buffalo airport !  These visitors tour numerous attractions and communities in Ontario but all visit Niagara !  A substantial number of these visitors are on tour operator packages 6 9
  30. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ 71 Think BIG!! !  Clustering what Niagara does best

    - agriculture, tourism, food and wine production - is the best way to create strong economic growth for our region! !  International Horticulture Exhibitions mean big business … 3 Million visitors! !  Garden tourism is growing world-wide and is a great way to attract our target consumers! !  10% annual projected growth for tourism & horticulture industries! 150$day$celebra5on$$ of$Canadas$150th$birthday$...$$ Shining$the$spotlight$on$our$aweXinspiring$ landscape,$worldXclass$wine$&$culinary$ experiences,$and$our$prowess$in$the$ hor5culture$and$environmental$fields$
  31. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ 74 Niagara Ambassador! !  Extraordinary service helps create memorable

    experiences! !  Become a Niagara Ambassador by getting certified! !  Encourage your staff to get certified! learning.niagarasRTO.com$
  32. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ ▪ Content to feature in our advertising ▪ Signature

    experiences that meet our customers’ interests ▪ Packages ▪ Special offers ▪ Media stories ▪ On-brand visuals ▪ Shadow pages on websites to leverage our advertising ▪ Align and coordinate marketing efforts What DMOs Can Do! 78
  33. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ ▪ Service quality training ▪ Signature experiences ▪ Packages

    ▪ Partnership ▪ Revitalize your community ▪ Get involved! What Operators Can Do! 79
  34. The$Tourism$Partnership$of$Niagara$ ▪ Attract investors … so we can develop the

    destination e.g. attractions, accommodations, cycling trails, culinary trails and gardens ▪ Invest in transportation … that makes it easy for consumers to get around e.g. Go train service, regional transportation, great highways, way-finding ▪ Create a sense of arrival … beautification, greenery, welcome signage, information services ▪ Workforce training … branding our region as the friendliest and most knowledgeable about what there is to do in Niagara What Governments Can Do! 80