2007-‐11 Average for Apr-‐Sep Period Small size of exis+ng domes+c Canadian flight market to Niagara suggests low current poten+al for YCM flights to Montreal, OQawa & Toronto Billy Bishop. Thus, YCM Canadian airport analysis has not been pursued further. Page 19 Total visitor-trips Flew as part of trip Person-Trips to Niagara Region - by Province: (Apr - Sep) (Apr - Sep) Newfoundland and Labrador 500 500 >100% Prince Edward Island 500 500 >100% Nova Scotia 2,300 1,300 >100% New Brunswick 3,800 1,200 >100% Quebec 73,100 0 >100% Subtotal: Quebec & east 80,200 3,500 >100% Ontario 3,468,400 5,000 >100% Manitoba 3,200 2,600 >100% Saskatchewan 1,600 1,400 >100% Alberta 9,600 7,100 >100% British Columbia 9,100 6,800 >100% Subtotal: Manitoba and West 23,500 17,900 >100% Canadian residents total 3,572,000 26,500 71% Person-Trips to Niagara Region - Selected CMAs: Montreal 38,100 0 >100% Ottawa-Gatineau 45,200 500 >100% Toronto 1,839,200 1,300 >100% Capture of existing air pax req'd for YCM to achieve 18,900 pax Source: Statistics Canada Travel Survey of Residents of Canada 2007-11. All computations, use and interpretation of these data are entirely that of RRC Associates.