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Roman Architecture

March 05, 2013

Roman Architecture


March 05, 2013


  1. Roman  Art:  Architecture   Reading:   Stokstad,  170-­‐204    

    Range:   200  BCE-­‐400  CE   Roman  Republican,  Roman  Imperial     Terms/Concepts:   axial,  aqueduct,  arch,  arcade,  vault,   keystone,  barrel  vault,  groin  vault,   voussoirs,  spandrels,  engaged   column,  doric,  ionic,  corinthian,   acanthus,  basilica,  calderium,   frigidarium,  tepidarium,  bread  and   circuses,  palaestra.   Monument  List:     6-­‐18,  Temple,  perhaps  dedicated   to  Portunus.  Roman  Republic,   Late  second  century  BCE.       6-­‐17,  Pont  du  Gard,  Nîmes   (France).    Imperial  Roman,  Late   first  century  BCE.       6-­‐39,  Flavian  Amphitheater  (the   Coliseum).  Imperial  Roman,  70-­‐80   CE.       6-­‐43,  Apollodorus  of  Damascus.     Forum  of  Trajan,  Imperial  Roman,   c.  112  CE.     6-­‐60,  Baths  of  Caracalla,  Rome,   Imperial  Roman,  c.211  CE.    
  2. 100  gallons  per  person   30  Miles  North   Channel

     would  have  been  covered  to  prevent   heaZng  and  contaminaZon  
  3. •  Voussoir: A wedge- shaped block used in the construction

    of an arch •  The central voussoir is the keystone
  4. Doric Ionic Corinthian Engaged columns ★Engaged  columns  only  give  the

     impression  of   support.    The  arcades  could  support  themselves.  
  5. Diagram of a barrel vault Diagram of a groin vault

    Groin  vaults  are  two  crossed  barrel  vaults.  
  6. Temple  to  the  Divine  Trajan   Column  of  Trajan  

    Libraries   Basilica  Ulpia   M    a    r    k    e    t    s   Longitudinal  Axis  
  7. ★ Temple dedicated to all the gods (pan=all and theion=gods)

    pediment porch   dome   cylindrical     drum  
  8. ★Niches  once  held  the  statues  of  gods,  but  were  replaced

      by  saints    in  609  by  Pope  Boniface  IV.  
  9. CriZcal  Thinking  QuesZons   1.  What  is  the  importance  of

     construcZon  to   Roman  emperorship  and  empire-­‐building?   2.  What  were  some  of  the  major  structural  and   material  innovaZons  of  Roman  engineers?   3.  What  are  some  key  differences  between   Roman  temples  and  Greek  temples?   4.  What  does  the  term  “bread  and  circuses”   mean?    How  does  this  connect  to   architecture?