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Captain Americano - PDF

Captain Americano - PDF

Niklas Gustafson

November 23, 2023


  1. Seq 1 Shot 1 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 1

    Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 1 Panel 3 Seq 1 Shot 1 Panel 4 Dialog Barista: One oat milk flat white... Seq 1 Shot 2 Panel 1 Dialog Super: Thank you Seq 1 Shot 2 Panel 2 Dialog Super: Thank you Seq 1 Shot 2 Panel 3 Seq 1 Shot 2 Panel 4 Seq 1 Shot 3 Panel 1 Story course lesson2 Page 1/13
  2. Seq 1 Shot 3 Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 4

    Panel 1 Dialog Barista: ... and one Seq 1 Shot 4 Panel 2 Dialog Americ... Seq 1 Shot 4 Panel 3 Dialog Americ... Seq 1 Shot 5 Panel 1 Dialog ... Seq 1 Shot 5 Panel 2 Dialog ... Seq 1 Shot 6 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 6 Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 6 Panel 3 Dialog Americano Story course lesson2 Page 2/13
  3. Seq 1 Shot 6 Panel 4 Dialog next! Seq 1

    Shot 7 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 7 Panel 2 Dialog Cap: what? Seq 1 Shot 7 Panel 3 Dialog Cap: At least I don't pretend to be someone I'm not Seq 1 Shot 7 Panel 4 Dialog Cap: At least I don't pretend to be someone I'm not Seq 1 Shot 7 Panel 5 Dialog Cap: you know, people used to respect us hero.. Seq 1 Shot 7 Panel 6 Dialog Cap: you know, people used to respect us hero.. Seq 1 Shot 7 Panel 7 Dialog Super: Agh, time to move on cap. Seq 1 Shot 7 Panel 8 Dialog Super: Things have changed, and so should we. Story course lesson2 Page 3/13
  4. Seq 1 Shot 7 Panel 9 Seq 1 Shot 7

    Panel 10 Seq 1 Shot 8 Panel 1 Dialog Super: Either way, Iʼve got better things to think about these days Seq 1 Shot 8 Panel 2 Dialog Super: Either way, Iʼve got better things to think about these days Seq 1 Shot 9 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 9 Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 9 Panel 3 Seq 1 Shot 10 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 10 Panel 2 Dialog Super: Hey, ever wondered where loose balloons end up? Story course lesson2 Page 4/13
  5. Seq 1 Shot 11 Panel 1 Dialog Cap: come on...I'm

    serious Seq 1 Shot 11 Panel 2 Dialog Cap: hear me out Seq 1 Shot 11 Panel 3 Dialog Cap: please? Seq 1 Shot 12 Panel 1 Dialog Cap: Hear me out. Please. Seq 1 Shot 13 Panel 1 Dialog Cap: Iʼm going crazy here. There is nothing to do. Seq 1 Shot 13 Panel 2 Dialog Cap: I mean look at this place? Seq 1 Shot 13 Panel 3 Dialog Cap: I mean look at this place? Seq 1 Shot 14 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 14 Panel 2 Story course lesson2 Page 5/13
  6. Seq 1 Shot 14 Panel 3 Dialog Cap: where is

    the fear? No-one needs saving anymore Seq 1 Shot 15 Panel 1 Dialog Cap: where is the fear? No-one needs saving anymore Seq 1 Shot 15 Panel 2 Dialog ugh Seq 1 Shot 15 Panel 3 Dialog Super: ah come on now Seq 1 Shot 16 Panel 1 Dialog Super: if you think about it itʼs pretty neat. Seq 1 Shot 16 Panel 2 Dialog Super: integrating monsters has been wonderful for the city. Seq 1 Shot 17 Panel 1 Dialog Super: integrating monsters has been wonderful for the city. Seq 1 Shot 17 Panel 2 Dialog Super: integrating monsters has been wonderful for the city. Seq 1 Shot 17 Panel 3 Story course lesson2 Page 6/13
  7. Seq 1 Shot 18 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 18

    Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 18 Panel 3 Dialog Super: You know, I took a course the other day about different perspectives on evil. Seq 1 Shot 18 Panel 4 Dialog Super: Turns out, that what makes a villain is just subjective. Seq 1 Shot 19 Panel 1 Dialog Super: Turns out, that what makes a villain is just subjective. Seq 1 Shot 19 Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 19 Panel 3 Dialog Super: This way, everyone is equal. And we can all be whoever we want Seq 1 Shot 19 Panel 4 Dialog Super: This way, everyone is equal. And we can all be whoever we want Seq 1 Shot 20 Panel 1 Story course lesson2 Page 7/13
  8. Seq 1 Shot 20 Panel 2 Dialog Super: No need

    to be shackled by the burdens of hero-dom anymore Seq 1 Shot 21 Panel 1 Dialog Super: No need to be shackled by the burdens of hero-dom anymore Seq 1 Shot 21 Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 22 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 22 Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 23 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 24 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 25 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 26 Panel 1 Story course lesson2 Page 8/13
  9. Seq 1 Shot 27 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 27

    Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 27 Panel 3 Dialog Cap: say that again? Seq 1 Shot 28 Panel 1 Dialog Super: Oh? Seq 1 Shot 28 Panel 2 Dialog Super: I said, no need to be shackl... Seq 1 Shot 29 Panel 1 Dialog Cap: No not that. Seq 1 Shot 29 Panel 2 Dialog Cap: ...be anything you want...? Seq 1 Shot 30 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 30 Panel 2 Dialog Cap: hey... Story course lesson2 Page 9/13
  10. Seq 1 Shot 31 Panel 1 Dialog ...donʼt you miss

    the rush? Seq 1 Shot 31 Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 31 Panel 3 Dialog Cap: The adrenaline... Seq 1 Shot 31 Panel 4 Dialog ...pumping through your veins Seq 1 Shot 31 Panel 5 Dialog the chase! Seq 1 Shot 31 Panel 6 Dialog the triumph Seq 1 Shot 31 Panel 7 Dialog the applause Seq 1 Shot 32 Panel 1 Dialog Super: what's going on? Seq 1 Shot 32 Panel 2 Story course lesson2 Page 10/13
  11. Seq 1 Shot 32 Panel 3 Seq 1 Shot 33

    Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 34 Panel 1 Dialog Super: oh you're out of your mind! Seq 1 Shot 35 Panel 1 Dialog Cap: What? Iʼll only pretend to steal it. Seq 1 Shot 35 Panel 2 Dialog Cap: And this time you can be the hero. Seq 1 Shot 36 Panel 1 Dialog Cap: weʼll take turns Seq 1 Shot 36 Panel 2 Dialog Cap: you said it yourself... Seq 1 Shot 37 Panel 1 Dialog ...we can be whatever we want Seq 1 Shot 38 Panel 1 Dialog Cap: I want to be a hero Story course lesson2 Page 11/13
  12. Seq 1 Shot 39 Panel 1 Dialog Cap: Heroes need

    villains... Seq 1 Shot 40 Panel 1 Dialog Super: caaap Seq 1 Shot 41 Panel 1 Dialog Cap [cont]: ...So lets be both Seq 1 Shot 42 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 42 Panel 2 Seq 1 Shot 43 Panel 1 Dialog Super: stop it! Seq 1 Shot 43 Panel 2 Dialog Super: stop it! Seq 1 Shot 44 Panel 1 Seq 1 Shot 44 Panel 2 Story course lesson2 Page 12/13
  13. Seq 1 Shot 44 Panel 3 Seq 1 Shot 44

    Panel 4 Dialog Cap: Try you best! Seq 1 Shot 44 Panel 5 Seq 1 Shot 44 Panel 6 Seq 1 Shot 44 Panel 7 Story course lesson2 Page 13/13