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August 04, 2016


從數位治理到開放政府 - 前言介紹


August 04, 2016


  1. 不滿總統蔡英文處理原住 民轉型正義的政策,部分 原住民團體 3 日早上召開 記者會後打算在凱道長期 抗戰,蔡英文下午「路 過」,與包括阿美族歌手 巴奈(Panai Kusui)等人

    對談半小時,幾度說: 「給我們一點時間」;蔡 英文也說,「可以隨時來 見我」,不必等她「路 過」,並承諾會到部落了 解原住民的各項問題。 http://www.storm.mg/article/149958
  2. President Obama – 2009 “We must use all available technologies

    and methods to open up the federal government, creating a new level of transparency to change the way business is conducted in Washington, and giving Americans the chance to participate in government deliberations and decision making in ways that were not possible only a few years ago. http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/threatlevel /2009/04/obamatechplan.pdf
  3. https://github.com/oreillymedia/open_government Can Technology Forge a New Relationship Between Government and

    the Public? For O`Reilly, Government 2.0 isn`t about every office in D.C. having its own website and posting reams of data. It`s about, as he put it in a blog post-cum-manifesto, “a new compact between government and the public, in which government puts in place mechanisms for services that are delivered not by government, but by private citizens.”