5000 Students 450 Teach&staff 400 Researchers Founded by Politecnico di Milano, POLI.Design operates in the field of Design by organizing training programes for young graduates and professionals, as well as for companies that are closely focused on innovation. XDA Academy is the center of applied research of POLI.design dedicated to the User Experience in both digital and physical fields. It deals with training, coaching and applied research for companies and institutions. • POLI.DESIGN • • DEPARTMENT OF DESIGN • • SCHOOL OF DESIGN •
5. 参加者との異業種交流による情報交換と⼈脈形成 Basic of Service Design アート・デザイン分野において世界トップレベルのミラノ⼯科⼤学の 教授から直にサービスデザインのエッセンスを学べる機会です。 本研修では、講義と実践形式のグループワークを通じて、 サービスデザインの基本的な⽅法論とマインドセットを習得します。 6 days in Milano, Italy 2023/10/16(月)〜21(土) Tangity Italy Studio Location Milano Design Studio: ※宿泊は10⽉15⽇(⽇)〜22⽇(⽇)の7泊を予定。
Educational Design Program Tangity has developed a design training program for the entire NDDN network in partnership with the global renown university Politecnico of Milano (PoliMI) The program supports companies in training their staff through courses, lectures and workshops that combine theoretical knowledge with the design expertise of its designers. Design Thinking framework Addressed both to designers and non-designers Design-Driven Mindset Aimed to develop transversal skills and competences related to Design Digital products and services