This session will guide you on upgrading applications to Jakarta EE 10 or frameworks like Spring Boot 3. Based on my experience and research, I'll show you a safe path from Java EE to Jakarta EE 10.
After Java EE became Jakarta EE, a major change occurred in Jakarta EE 9 - renaming packages from javax to jakarta. It sounds easy to automate, but in reality it's not so simple. Manual search and replace can be tedious. You need to upgrade libraries to versions that support Jakarta EE. Some libraries still don't support Jakarta EE or upgrading them may be too risky for you. On top of that, Jakarta EE 10 introduces yet additional breaking changes, possibly requiring more adjustments in your application.
To help you overcome these challenges, I'll share best practices that have worked for us and our clients. I'll introduce easy-to-use automation tools like Eclipse Transformer and OpenRewrite, and demonstrate their application on a real-world, non-trivial app. We'll also discuss handling third-party dependencies and fully embracing Jakarta EE 10 without sacrifices. After this session, you should be prepared to seamlessly upgrade to Jakarta EE 10, without any excuses.
Source code for demos: