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Taming Concurrent Programming with Domain-Speci...

Philipp Haller
October 23, 2017

Taming Concurrent Programming with Domain-Specific Languages

Philipp Haller

October 23, 2017

More Decks by Philipp Haller


  1. Taming Concurrent Programming with Domain-Specific Languages Philipp Haller KTH Royal

    Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden 4th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Software Engineering for Parallel Systems (SEPS '17) Vancouver, Canada, October 23rd, 2017 1
  2. Isn't Concurrent Programming a Solved Problem? There are promising concurrent

    programming models and abstractions! • Join-calculus • OpenMP • STM • Async/await • Reactive streams … • Actors • Monitors • Futures, promises • CSP • MPI • Agents 2
  3. Why are there so many? How best to model systems?

    How best to exploit different forms of concurrency and parallelism? Multiple hazards: race conditions, deadlocks, livelocks, etc. Concurrent programming is difficult: Concurrent programming models 3
  4. Successes Built-in, lightweight processes (actor model) Erlang without processes: a

    purely functional language Distributed by design Example: Erlang "Process virtual machine" Monitoring, code hot swapping 4
  5. What Next? How to efficiently support multiple forms of concurrency?

    How to make a variety of programming abstractions fault-tolerant? How to test and verify distributed programs? Great challenges remain, e.g.: 5
  6. Domain-specific languages Enabling experimentation Progress on any of these challenges

    requires exploration and experimentation Implementing new compilers and runtime environments is expensive. Domain-specific languages (DSLs) to the rescue! 6
  7. Embedding DSLs Enabling experimentation Embedding in general-purpose languages enables reuse

    of infrastructure. Deep embedding: stage program written in DSL, analyze and transform staged representation. Shallow embedding: DSL = pure library 7
  8. High-level picture: From there, think of your distributed data like

    a single collection... wiki val wiki: RDD[WikiArticle] = ... wiki.map { article => article.text.toLowerCase } Example: Transform the text of all wiki articles to lowercase. 12
  9. Then, why do we build these systems using RPC or

    message passing? 2) Fault recovery not a natural fit 1) Computational pattern: send functions to data 13
  10. Idea: Capitalize on the structure of the problem: Simplifies fault

    tolerance by design Functional data structure falls out of this 14
  11. Distributed Programming with Functional Lineages Key idea: inversion of the

    actor model. New data-centric programming model for functional processing of distributed data. 15
  12. Key idea: Inversion of the actor model. Actors: Encapsulate state

    and behavior. Are stationary. (References to actors mobile.) Actors exchange data/commands through asynchronous messaging. 16
  13. Key idea: Inversion of the actor model. Actors: keep functionality

    stationary, send data. Functional lineages: keep data stationary, send functionality. (this work!) 17
  14. Key idea: Inversion of the actor model. Functional lineages: (this

    work!) Stateless. Persistent data structures. Keep data stationary. Functions are exchanged through asynchronous messaging. 18
  15. The Functional Lineages Model Introducing Consists of 3 parts: Silos:

    stationary, typed, immutable data containers SiloRefs: references to local or remote Silos. Spores: safe, serializable functions. 19
  16. Silos What are they? Silo[T] T SiloRef[T] Two parts. def

    apply def send def persist def unpersist SiloRef. Handle to a Silo. Silo. Typed, stationary data container. User interacts with SiloRef. SiloRefs come with 4 primitive operations. 21
  17. Silos What are they? Silo[T] T SiloRef[T] Primitive: apply Takes

    a function that is to be applied to the data in the silo associated with the SiloRef. Creates new silo to contain the data that the user- defined function returns; evaluation is deferred def apply[S](fun: T => SiloRef[S]): SiloRef[S] Enables interesting computation DAGs Deferred def apply def send def persist def unpersist 22
  18. Silos What are they? Silo[T] T SiloRef[T] Primitive: send Forces

    the built-up computation DAG to be sent to the associated node and applied. Future is completed with the result of the computation. def send(): Future[T] EAGER def apply def send def persist def unpersist 23
  19. Silos What are they? Silo[T] T SiloRef[T] Primitive: persist Ensures

    silo is cached in memory. def persist(): SiloRef[T] def apply def send def persist def unpersist Deferred 24
  20. Silos What are they? Silo[T] T SiloRef[T] Primitive: unpersist Enables

    silo to be removed from memory. def unpersist(): SiloRef[T] def apply def send def persist def unpersist Deferred 25
  21. Silos Silo[T] T SiloRef[T] Silo factories: Creates silo on given

    host containing given value/text file/… object SiloRef { def populate[T](host: Host, value: T): SiloRef[T] def fromTextFile(host: Host, file: File): SiloRef[List[String]] ... } def apply def send def persist def unpersist Deferred What are they? 26
  22. ) Basic idea: apply/send Silo[T] Machine 1 Machine 2 SiloRef[T]

    λ T SiloRef[S] S Silo[S] ) T㱺SiloRef[S] 27
  23. The Problem with Closures Distributing Functions class MyCoolApp { val

    param = 42 val log = new Log(...) ... def work(silo: SiloRef[Int]) = { silo.apply(x => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, x + param) ).send() } } 28
  24. The Problem with Closures Distributing Functions class MyCoolApp { val

    param = 42 val log = new Log(...) ... def work(silo: SiloRef[Int]) = { silo.apply(x => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, x + this.param) ).send() } } Accidental capture of a non-serializable object. 29
  25. The Problem with Closures Distributing Functions class MyCoolApp { val

    param = 42 val log = new Log(...) ... def work(silo: SiloRef[Int]) = { silo.apply(x => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, x + this.param) ).send() } } Accidental capture of a non-serializable object. 30
  26. The Problem with Closures: Solution Distributing Functions class MyCoolApp {

    val param = 42 val log = new Log(...) ... def work(silo: SiloRef[Int]) = { silo.apply(spore { val localParam = this.param x => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, x + localParam) }).send() } } Miller, Haller, and Odersky. Spores: a type-based foundation for closures in the age of concurrency and distribution. ECOOP 2014 Spore header Spore body 31
  27. More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s make an

    interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... 32
  28. More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s make an

    interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) adults 33
  29. More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s make an

    interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(spore { val localVehicles = vehicles // spore header ps => localVehicles.apply(spore { val localps = ps // spore header vs => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, localps.flatMap(p => // list of (p, v) for a single person p vs.flatMap { v => if (v.owner.name == p.name) List((p, v)) else Nil } ) adults owners vehicles val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) 34
  30. More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s make an

    interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(...) adults owners vehicles val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) 35
  31. More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s make an

    interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(...) adults owners vehicles val sorted = adults.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.sortWith(p => p.age)) }) val labels = sorted.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.map(p => "Hi, " + p.name)) }) sorted labels val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) 36
  32. More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s make an

    interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(...) adults owners vehicles sorted labels so far we just staged computation, we haven’t yet “kicked it off”. val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) val sorted = adults.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.sortWith(p => p.age)) }) val labels = sorted.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.map(p => "Hi, " + p.name)) }) 37
  33. More involved example Silo[List[Person]] Machine 1 SiloRef[List[Person]] Let’s make an

    interesting DAG! Machine 2 persons: val persons: SiloRef[List[Person]] = ... val vehicles: SiloRef[List[Vehicle]] = ... // adults that own a vehicle val owners = adults.apply(...) adults owners vehicles sorted labels λ List[Person]㱺List[String] Silo[List[String]] val adults = persons.apply(spore { ps => val res = ps.filter(p => p.age >= 18) SiloRef.populate(currentHost, res) }) val sorted = adults.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.sortWith(p => p.age)) }) val labels = sorted.apply(spore { ps => SiloRef.populate(currentHost, ps.map(p => "Hi, " + p.name)) }) labels.persist().send() 38
  34. A functional design for fault-tolerance Silos and SiloRefs relate to

    each other by means of lineages, persistent data structures. The lineage is based on the DAG of operations to derive the data of each silo. Since the lineage is composed of spores, it is serializable. This means it can be persisted or transferred to other machines. Putting lineages to work 39
  35. Next: we formalize lineages, a concept from the database +

    systems communities, in the context of PL. Natural fit in context of functional programming! Intuition: Spores & SiloRefs are safe to serialize. Therefore, we can save entire DAGs, share them, and use them to restart computations. A functional design for fault-tolerance Putting lineages to work Formalization: typed, distributed core language with spores, silos, and futures. 40
  36. Properties of Functional Lineages Formalization Subject reduction theorem guarantees preservation

    of types under reduction, as well as preservation of lineage mobility. Progress theorem guarantees the finite materialization of remote, lineage-based data. First correctness results for a programming model for lineage-based distributed computation. 41
  37. Building Applications with Functional Lineages Built two miniaturized example systems

    inspired by popular big data frameworks. Apache Spark MBrace Implemented Spark RDD operators in terms of the primitives of Functional Lineages: map, reduce, groupBy, and join Emulated MBrace using the primitives of Functional Lineages. (distributed collections) (F# async for distributing tasks) See https://github.com/heathermiller/f-p 42
  38. Revisiting safety Preventing unsafe state Accessing global, mutable state from

    within silos is undefined and meaningless. Additional static checking required to prevent undefined accesses. Proposal: objects put into silos must conform to the object capability model. Mark S. Miller. Robust Composition: Towards a Unified Approach to Access Control and Concurrency Control. PhD thesis, 2006 43
  39. Object capability model in Scala Empirical results LaCasa: Scala extension

    implementing the object capability model Empirical results show: many existing class definitions conform to the object capability model. Project #classes/traits #ocap (%) #dir. insec. (%) Scala stdlib 1,505 644 (43%) 212/861 (25%) Signal/Collect 236 159 (67%) 60/77 (78%) GeoTrellis -engine 190 40 (21%) 124/150 (83%) -raster 670 233 (35%) 325/437 (74%) -spark 326 101 (31%) 167/225 (74%) Total 2,927 1,177 (40%) 888/1,750 (51%) 44
  40. Limitations of Embedded DSLs DSL definition: Control flow (e.g., no

    first-class continuations) Static checking (e.g., no type system extensions) DSL implementation: Same runtime environment as host language DSLs realized as shallow embeddings limit: "The Next 700 Asynchronous Programming Models", ACM SPLASH-I 2013
 https://www.infoq.com/presentations/rx-async 45
  41. Addressing DSL limitations Improving DSL embedding Experimentation with variety of

    DSLs helps identify limitations and discovery of constructs applicable to multiple DSLs. Shown language extensions: Spores: safe, serializable closures Possible approach: extend general-purpose programming languages to improve embedding of concurrency DSLs. Object-capability security 46
  42. Find out more! References Spores: safe, serializable closures Functional Lineages:

    Object capabilities and affine types in Scala: Haller, Miller, and Müller. A Programming Model and Foundation for Lineage-Based Distributed Computation. 2017. Draft: https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/230304 Miller, Haller, and Odersky. Spores: a type-based foundation for closures in the age of concurrency and distribution. ECOOP 2014 Miller, Haller, Müller, and Boullier. Function passing: a model for typed, distributed functional programming. Onward! 2016 Haller and Loiko. LaCasa: lightweight affinity and object capabilities in Scala. OOPSLA 2016 47
  43. Conclusions Lessons learnt Programming languages help simplify concurrency and distribution.

    DSLs enable experimenting with new programming models and constructs. Language extensions increase expressiveness and safety of DSLs. Extensions should not be DSL-specific. We have seen this at work in an embedded DSL implementing Functional Lineages. 48