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Functions for nothing, and your tests for free

Functions for nothing, and your tests for free

An intro to property-based testing, and using F# for testing.

Presented at the ALT.NET Melbourne meetup.

George Pollard

January 30, 2018

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  1. Functions for nothing, and your tests for free } {

    F# FsCheck & property-based testing
  2. : • What are property-based tests? • What do Hedgehog/FsCheck

    do? • Applying property-based testing • Patterns • What not to do • F# for testing • Demo: model-based testing
  3. • What are property-based tests? • What do Hedgehog/FsCheck do?

    • Applying property-based testing • Patterns • What not to do • F# for testing • Demo: model-based testing
  4. [Fact] public void TestUppercase() { var input = "hello"; Assert.Equal("HELLO",

    input.ToUpper()); } [<Fact>] let testUppercase() = let input = "hello" Assert.Equal("HELLO", input.ToUpper())
  5. [Theory] [InlineData("hello", "HELLO")] public void TestUppercase(string input, string output) {

    Assert.Equal(output, input.ToUpper()); } [<Theory>] [<InlineData("hello", "HELLO")>] let testUppercase (input : string) (output : string) = Assert.Equal(output, input.ToUpper())
  6. [Theory] [InlineData("hello", "HELLO")] public void TestUppercase(string input, string output) {

    Assert.Equal(output, input.ToUpper()); } [<Theory>] [<InlineData("hello", "HELLO")>] let testUppercase (input : string) (output : string) = Assert.Equal(output, input.ToUpper())
  7. [Theory] [InlineData("hello", "HELLO")] public void TestUppercase(string input, string output) {

    Assert.Equal(output, input.ToUpper()); } [<Theory>] [<InlineData("hello", "HELLO")>] let testUppercase (input : string) (output : string) = Assert.Equal(output, input.ToUpper())
  8. public void TestUppercase(string input) { var output = input.ToUpper(); Assert.DoesNotContain(output,

    char.IsLower); } let testUppercase (input : string) = let output = input.ToUpper() Assert.DoesNotContain(output, Char.IsLower)
  9. public void NoLowercaseInToUpperResult(string input) { var output = input.ToUpper(); Assert.DoesNotContain(output,

    char.IsLower); } let noLowercaseInToUpperResult (input : string) = let output = input.ToUpper() Assert.DoesNotContain(output, Char.IsLower)
  10. • What are property-based tests? • What do Hedgehog/FsCheck do?

    • Applying property-based testing • Patterns • What not to do • F# for testing • Demo: model-based testing
  11. What do they provide?: A way to generate (and shrink)

    random test data Integration with test runner
  12. public void NoLowercaseInToUpperResult(string input) { var output = input.ToUpper(); Assert.DoesNotContain(output,

    char.IsLower); } let noLowercaseInToUpperResult (input : string) = let output = input.ToUpper() Assert.DoesNotContain(output, Char.IsLower)
  13. [Property] public void ToUpperLeavesNoLowercase(NonNull<string> input) { var output = input.Get.ToUpper();

    Assert.DoesNotContain(output, char.IsLower); } [<Property>] let noLowercaseInToUpperResult (input : NonNull<string>) = let output = input.Get.ToUpper() Assert.DoesNotContain(output, Char.IsLower)
  14. [Property] public void ToUpperLeavesNoLowercase(NonNull<string> input) { var output = input.Get.ToUpper();

    Assert.DoesNotContain(output, char.IsLower); } [<Property>] let noLowercaseInToUpperResult (input : NonNull<string>) = let output = input.Get.ToUpper() Assert.DoesNotContain(output, Char.IsLower)
  15. [Property] public void ToUpperLeavesNoLowercase(NonNull<string> input) { var output = input.Get.ToUpper();

    Assert.DoesNotContain(output, char.IsLower); } [<Property>] let noLowercaseInToUpperResult (input : NonNull<string>) = let output = input.Get.ToUpper() Assert.DoesNotContain(output, Char.IsLower)
  16. Writing your own generator: C#: static Gen<string> FoodGenerator = Gen.Elements("fish",

    "carrot", "shoes"); static Gen<Dog> DogGenerator = from name in Arb.Generate<string>() from colours in Gen.ArrayOf(Arb.Generate<Color>()) from food in FoodGenerator select new Dog(name, colours, food);
  17. Writing your own generator: F#: let foodGenerator = Gen.elements [

    "fish"; "carrot"; "shoes" ] let dogGenerator = gen { let! name = Arb.generate<string> let! colours = Gen.arrayOf Arb.generate<Color> let! food = foodGenerator return Dog(name, colours, food) }
  18. ^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$ 1. Start of string, 2. alphanumeric characters 3. …

    3-24 times, 4. end of string… possibly preceded by a newline.
  19. • What are property-based tests? • What do Hedgehog/FsCheck do?

    • Applying property-based testing • Patterns • What not to do • F# for testing • Demo: model-based testing
  20. Applying property-based testing: How can I use it with my

    existing code? What properties do I test for?
  21. Do: check idempotence: ‘once is enough’ | x.f(…); | x.f(…);

    y.f(…); | Assert(x == y); e.g. Create/Delete
  22. Do: check roundtripping: ‘there and back’ | store(x); | y

    = get(x); | Assert(x == y); e.g. PUT/GET
  23. Do: check invariants: ‘things that don’t change’ | inv(f(x)) ==

    inv(x) Examples: Reverse, Select/Map, etc (length)
  24. Do: check commutativity: ‘order doesn’t matter’ | f(x, y) ==

    f(y, x) Examples: Addition, Multiplication, etc Min, Max, etc
  25. Do: Use model-based testing: Create a simpler version that doesn’t

    implement the full specification Use it to check only those parts
  26. Do: Use model-based testing: 1. Describe actions as values 2.

    Randomly generate actions 3. Apply to all implementations 4. Verify real against model
  27. Do not: Re-run failures: Throws away the specific failure Instead:

    Investigate failure, save as new example-based test
  28. Do not: Perform ad-hoc filtering: For conditional tests, don’t filter

    input values yourself Instead: Use the framework support
  29. • What are property-based tests? • What do Hedgehog/FsCheck do?

    • Applying property-based testing • Patterns • What not to do • F# for testing • Demo: model-based testing
  30. class PlayingCard { public PlayingCard(Rank rank, Suit suit) { Rank

    = rank; Suit = suit; } public Rank Rank { get; } public Suit Suit { get; } }
  31. class PlayingCard : IEquatable<PlayingCard> { public PlayingCard(Rank rank, Suit suit)

    { Rank = rank; Suit = suit; } public Rank Rank { get; } public Suit Suit { get; } public bool Equals(PlayingCard other) => other != null && Rank == other.Rank && Suit == other.Suit; public override bool Equals(object obj) => Equals(obj as PlayingCard); public override int GetHashCode() => (Rank.GetHashCode() * 137) ^ Suit.GetHashCode(); }
  32. class PlayingCard : IEquatable<PlayingCard> , IComparable<PlayingCard> { public PlayingCard(Rank rank,

    Suit suit) { Rank = rank; Suit = suit; } public Rank Rank { get; } public Suit Suit { get; } public int CompareTo(PlayingCard other) { var rankCompare = Rank.CompareTo(other.Rank); if (rankCompare != 0) { return rankCompare; } return Suit.CompareTo(other.Suit); } public bool Equals(PlayingCard other) => other != null && Rank == other.Rank && Suit == other.Suit; public override bool Equals(object obj) => Equals(obj as PlayingCard); public override int GetHashCode() => (Rank.GetHashCode() * 137) ^ Suit.GetHashCode(); }
  33. class PlayingCard : IEquatable<PlayingCard> , IComparable<PlayingCard> { public PlayingCard(Rank rank,

    Suit suit) { Rank = rank; Suit = suit; } public Rank Rank { get; } public Suit Suit { get; } public int CompareTo(PlayingCard other) { var rankCompare = Rank.CompareTo(other.Rank); if (rankCompare != 0) { return rankCompare; } return Suit.CompareTo(other.Suit); } public bool Equals(PlayingCard other) => other != null && Rank == other.Rank && Suit == other.Suit; public override bool Equals(object obj) => Equals(obj as PlayingCard); public override int GetHashCode() => (Rank.GetHashCode() * 137) ^ Suit.GetHashCode(); public override string ToString() => $"Rank: {Rank} Suit: {Suit}"; }
  34. class PlayingCard : IEquatable<PlayingCard> , IComparable<PlayingCard> { public PlayingCard(Rank rank,

    Suit suit) { Rank = rank; Suit = suit; } public Rank Rank { get; } public Suit Suit { get; } public int CompareTo(PlayingCard other) { var rankCompare = Rank.CompareTo(other.Rank); if (rankCompare != 0) { return rankCompare; } return Suit.CompareTo(other.Suit); } public bool Equals(PlayingCard other) => other != null && Rank == other.Rank && Suit == other.Suit; public override bool Equals(object obj) => Equals(obj as PlayingCard); public override int GetHashCode() => (Rank.GetHashCode() * 137) ^ Suit.GetHashCode(); public override string ToString() => $"Rank: {Rank} Suit: {Suit}"; public static bool operator ==(PlayingCard left, PlayingCard right) => Equals(left, right); public static bool operator !=(PlayingCard left, PlayingCard right) => !Equals(left, right); public static bool operator <(PlayingCard left, PlayingCard right) => left.CompareTo(right) < 0; public static bool operator >(PlayingCard left, PlayingCard right) => left.CompareTo(right) > 0; public static bool operator >=(PlayingCard left, PlayingCard right) => left.CompareTo(right) >= 0; public static bool operator <=(PlayingCard left, PlayingCard right) => left.CompareTo(right) <= 0; }
  35. class Result<T> { class Success : Result<T> { private T

    _value; // ... } class Failure : Result<T> { private string _value; // ... } } type Result<'t> = | Failure of string | Success of 't
  36. type Result<'t> = | Failure of string | Success of

    ‘t let getPerson (name : string) : Result<Person> = …
  37. type Result<'t> = | Failure of string | Success of

    ‘t let getPerson (name : string) : Result<Person> = … let myFunc () = match getPerson "George" with | Failure msg -> … | Success p -> …
  38. type Result<'t> = | Failure of string | Success of

    ‘t let getPerson (name : string) : Result<Person> = … let myFunc () = match getPerson "George" with | Failure "Currently presenting" -> … | Failure msg -> … | Success p -> …
  39. [Fact] public void AccountBalanceIncreasesWhenDepositIsMade() { var bankAccount = new BankAccount();

    bankAccount.Deposit(100); Assert.Equal(100, bankAccount.Balance); }
  40. [Fact] public void AccountBalanceIncreasesWhenDepositIsMade() { var bankAccount = new BankAccount();

    bankAccount.Deposit(100); Assert.Equal(100, bankAccount.Balance); }
  41. [<Fact>] let ``Account balance increases when deposit is made`` ()

    = let account = deposit emptyAccount 100 Assert.Equal(100, account.balance)
  42. [<Fact>] let ``Great test `` () = let account =

    deposit emptyAccount 100 Assert.Equal(100, account.balance)