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CodeEurope 2017 – Monoliths to Services with El...

CodeEurope 2017 – Monoliths to Services with Elixir and Phoenix

This talk was presented at CodeEurope 2017 by Lauren Tan. Recording available here - https://youtu.be/g2ATsmnkjbs.

Transitioning monolithic apps into a micro-service architecture isn't straightforward – in fact, it is often quite difficult. In this intermediate talk, we'll learn how Elixir umbrella apps and Phoenix utilize the Erlang VM (BEAM) to make building services less painful and more productive.

Lauren Tan

May 25, 2017

More Decks by Lauren Tan

Other Decks in Programming


  1. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix Monoliths

    to Services with Elixir & Phoenix PRESENTED BY Lauren Tan sugarpirate_ poteto Cinemagraph by /u/orbojunglist
  2. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix Microservices

    will improve our performance easily FALLACY #1
  3. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix You

    can write clean code without microservices
  4. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix It's

    easier to write something that does one thing well FALLACY #3
  5. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix Microservices

    are an organizational optimization https://martinfowler.com/bliki/MicroservicePremium.html
  6. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix I.

    Why Elixir? II. Umbrella monoliths III. Advanced topics
  7. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix I.

    Why Elixir? II. Umbrella monoliths III. Advanced topics
  8. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix The

    right tool for the job Cinemagraph by /u/smoothinto2nd
  9. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix ELIXIR

    IS GREAT FOR High scalability and fault tolerance
  10. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix Pre-emptive

    scheduling THE ERLANG VM: BEAM BEAM SCHEDULER SCHEDULER SCHEDULER SCHEDULER Processes Processes Processes Processes OS Process OS Thread OS Thread OS Thread OS Thread https://hamidreza-s.github.io/erlang/scheduling/real-time/preemptive/migration/2016/02/09/erlang-scheduler-details.html
  11. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix 1.

    Everything is a process 2. Processes are strongly isolated 3. Process creation and destruction is a lightweight operation 4. Message passing is the only way for processes to interact 5. Processes have unique names 6. If you know the name of a process you can send it a message 7. Processes share no resources 8. Error handling is non-local 9. Processes do what they are supposed to do or fail http://erlang.org/download/armstrong_thesis_2003.pdf
  12. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix ERLANG

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u41GEwIq2mE&t=3m59s Write once, run forever
  13. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix 1

    + 1 #!=> 2 {:ok, "hello"} [1, 2, 3] = [head | tail] head #!=> 1 tail #!=> [2,3]
  14. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    Math do def add(x, y), do: x + y def subtract(x, y) do x - y end end
  15. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    Collection do def sum([x, y, z]), do: x + y + z end
  16. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(2)>

    Collection.sum([1, 2, 3]) 6 iex(3)> Collection.sum([1, 2, 3, 4]) !** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Collection.sum/1 iex:2: Collection.sum([1, 2, 3, 4])
  17. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    serialize(user) do user !|> serialize_attributes() !|> serialize_relationships() !|> to_json() end
  18. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    validate_presence(input) do if input !== "" do "Can't be blank" end input end
  19. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    validate_presence(""), do: {:err, "Can't be blank"} def validate_presence(input), do: input
  20. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix thing

    = %{foo: "bar", baz: 123} %{foo: foo, baz: baz} = thing; IO.inspect(foo) # "bar" IO.inspect(baz) # 123
  21. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix thing

    = %{foo: "bar", baz: 123} %{foo: foo, baz: baz, qux: qux} = thing; !** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: %{baz: 123, foo: "bar"}
  22. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    save({:ok, %Response{body: %{"data" !=> _} = body, status_code: 200}}, schema_atom), do: do_save(body, schema_atom) defp do_save(body, schema_atom) do with {:ok, parsed} !<- parse_jsonapi(body), {:ok, normalized} !<- normalize(parsed), {:ok, _} !<- insert_all(normalized, schema_atom), do: {:ok, schema_atom} end
  23. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix with

    :ok !<- validate_guess(game, guess), {:ok, game} !<- record_guess(game, guess), {:ok, game, guess} !<- check_move(game, guess), {:ok, game} !<- update_letters(game, guess), {:ok, game} !<- update_guess_state(game, :good_guess) do report(game) else {:err, game, :already_guessed} !-> {:ok, game} = update_guess_state(game, :already_guessed) report(game) {:err, game, :bad_guess} !-> game !|> update_guess_state(:bad_guess) !|> subtract_turn() !|> report() end
  24. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    transform(%{} = transformed), do: Enum.reduce(transformed, %{}, &do_transform/2) defp do_transform({k, {:date, v}}, acc), do: Map.put(acc, k, to_ecto_datetime(v)) defp do_transform({k, {:string, v}}, acc), do: Map.put(acc, k, Kernel.to_string(v)) defp do_transform({k, {:foreign_key, v}}, acc), do: Map.put(acc, k, String.downcase(Kernel.to_string(v))) defp do_transform({k, {_, v}}, acc), do: Map.put(acc, k, v) defp do_transform({_, _}, _), do: {:err, :no_transformer}
  25. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    ID3Parser do def parse(file_name) do case File.read(file_name) do {:ok, binary} !-> mp3_byte_size = (byte_size(binary) - 128) !<< _ !:: binary-size(mp3_byte_size), id3_tag !:: binary !>> = binary !<< "TAG", title !:: binary-size(30), artist !:: binary-size(30), album !:: binary-size(30), year !:: binary-size(4), comment !:: binary-size(30), _rest !:: binary !>> = id3_tag IO.puts {title, artist, album, year, comment} _ !-> IO.puts "Couldn't open !#{file_name}" end end end ID3Parser.parse("sample.mp3") http://benjamintan.io/blog/2014/06/10/elixir-bit-syntax-and-id3/
  26. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix quote

    do: 1!..100 !|> Enum.map(&(&1 * &1)) {:!|>, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{:!.., [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [1, 100]}, {{:., [], [{:!__aliases!__, [alias: false], [:Enum]}, :map]}, [], [{:&, [], [{:*, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{:&, [], [1]}, {:&, [], [1]}]}]}]}]}
  27. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    SimpleQueue do use GenServer def init(state), do: {:ok, state} # GenServer API def handle_call(:dequeue, _from, [value|state]) do {:reply, value, state} end def handle_call(:dequeue, _from, []), do: {:reply, nil, []} def handle_call(:queue, _from, state), do: {:reply, state, state} def handle_cast({:enqueue, value}, state) do {:noreply, state !++ [value]} end # Client API def start_link(state, opts !\\ []) do GenServer.start_link(!__MODULE!__, state, opts) end def queue, do: GenServer.call(!__MODULE!__, :queue) def enqueue(value), do: GenServer.cast(!__MODULE!__, {:enqueue, value}) def dequeue, do: GenServer.call(!__MODULE!__, :dequeue) end
  28. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(1)>

    SimpleQueue.start_link([1, 2, 3]) {:ok, #PID<0.385.0>} iex(2)> SimpleQueue.dequeue 1 iex(3)> SimpleQueue.dequeue 2 iex(4)> SimpleQueue.queue [3] iex(5)> SimpleQueue.enqueue(5) :ok iex(6)> SimpleQueue.queue [3, 5]
  29. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(1)>

    {:ok, pid} = SimpleQueue.start_link([1, 2, 3]) {:ok, #PID<0.378.0>} iex(2)> GenServer.call(pid, :unknown) !** (EXIT from #PID<0.374.0>) an exception was raised: !** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in SimpleQueue.handle_call/3 (data_warehouse) lib/queue.ex:7: SimpleQueue.handle_call(:unknown, {#PID<0.374.0>, #Reference<>}, [1, 2, 3]) (stdlib) gen_server.erl:615: :gen_server.try_handle_call/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:647: :gen_server.handle_msg/5 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:247: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
  30. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(2)>

    GenServer.call(pid, :queue) warning: variable "pid" does not exist and is being expanded to "pid()", please use parentheses to remove the ambiguity or change the variable name iex:2 !** (CompileError) iex:2: undefined function pid/0 (stdlib) lists.erl:1354: :lists.mapfoldl/3
  31. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    SimpleSupervisor do use Supervisor def start_link do Supervisor.start_link(!__MODULE!__, :ok) end def init(:ok) do children = [ worker(SimpleQueue, [[], [name: SimpleQueue]]) ] supervise(children, strategy: :one_for_one) end end
  32. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(1)>

    {:ok, sup_pid} = SimpleSupervisor.start_link() {:ok, #PID<0.377.0>} iex(2)> SimpleQueue.enqueue(1) :ok iex(3)> SimpleQueue.queue [1] iex(4)> GenServer.call(SimpleQueue, :unknown) [error] GenServer SimpleQueue terminating !** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in SimpleQueue.handle_call/3 (data_warehouse) lib/simple_queue.ex:7: SimpleQueue.handle_call(:unknown, {#PID<0.374.0>, #Reference<>}, [1]) (stdlib) gen_server.erl:615: :gen_server.try_handle_call/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:647: :gen_server.handle_msg/5 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:247: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :unknown State: [1] (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:737: GenServer.call/3 iex(4)> SimpleQueue.queue []
  33. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix one

    web-server handling 2 millions sessions ✅ 2 million web-servers handling one session each
  34. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(one@localhost)2>

    Node.connect :two@localhost true iex(one@localhost)3> Node.list() [:two@localhost]
  35. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(three@localhost)1>

    Node.connect :one@localhost true iex(three@localhost)2> Node.list() [:one@localhost, :two@localhost]
  36. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(two@localhost)1>

    :rpc.multicall(IO, :inspect, ["Hello world!"]) "Hello world!" "Hello world!" "Hello world!" {["Hello world!", "Hello world!", "Hello world!"], []}
  37. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(two@localhost)10>

    System.get_pid() "95943" iex(two@localhost)11> :rpc.multicall(System, :get_pid, []) {["95943", "95810", "96120"], []}
  38. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(two@localhost)20>

    pid = :rpc.async_call(:one@localhost, Enum, :map, [[1, 2, 3], &(&1 * &1)]) #PID<0.132.0> iex(two@localhost)21> :rpc.yield(pid) [1, 4, 9]
  39. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix iex(two@localhost)1>

    Node.list [] iex(two@localhost)2> :net_adm.world_list([:localhost]) !|> Enum.map(&Node.connect/1) [true, true, true] iex(two@localhost)3> Node.list [:one@localhost, :three@localhost]
  40. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix The

    Outside World Cinemagraph by /u/orbojunglist
  41. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix I.

    Why Elixir? II. Umbrella monoliths III. Advanced topics
  42. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix Peedy

    STAMP WATERMARK QUEUE WEB TONIQ REDIS HTTP POST Watermarked PDF PDFKIT.JS ERLGUTEN PDFTK 200 OK HTTP POST to Callback URL http://localhost:4000/api/v1/documents?watermark=jim.bob@example.com&callback_url=http://localhost:4000/api/v1/dev/null https://github.com/poteto/peedy
  43. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    PeedyWeb.Router do use PeedyWeb.Web, :router pipeline :api do plug :accepts, ["json"] plug :fetch_session end scope "/", PeedyWeb do get "/healthcheck", HealthcheckController, :index end scope "/api", PeedyWeb do pipe_through :api scope "/v1", Api.V1 do resources "/documents", DocumentController, only: [:show, :create] post "/dev/null", DevNullController, :create end end end
  44. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    PeedyWeb.Api.V1.DocumentController do use PeedyWeb.Web, :controller alias Stamper.{Repo, Document} alias PeedyWeb.ErrorView @callback_client Application.get_env(:peedy_web, :callback_client) @whitelisted_content_types MapSet.new(~w(application/pdf)) @document_headers %{"Content-Type" !=> "multipart/form-data"} def create(conn, %{"watermark" !=> watermark_text, "callback_url" !=> callback_url} = params) do # get PDFs from post, enqueue watermark job end def create(conn, _) do conn !|> halt() !|> put_status(:bad_request) !|> render(ErrorView, "400.json", %{detail: "Watermark and/or callback_url are missing"}) end end
  45. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defp

    create_callback(%Document{id: id, output: output}, filename, callback_url) do file_path = System.tmp_dir!() !<> Zarex.sanitize(filename) File.write!(file_path, output) @callback_client.do_callback(callback_url, %{file: file_path, id: id}, @document_headers) end defp whitelist_content_type(uploads) when is_list(uploads) do Enum.filter(uploads, fn %Plug.Upload{content_type: content_type} !-> MapSet.member?(@whitelisted_content_types, content_type) end) end
  46. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    create(conn, %{"watermark" !=> watermark_text, "callback_url" !=> callback_url} = params) do params !|> Map.drop(["watermark", "callback_url"]) !|> Map.values() !|> whitelist_content_type() !|> case do [] !-> conn !|> halt() !|> put_status(:bad_request) !|> render(ErrorView, "400.json", %{detail: "No PDFs received"}) files !-> watermark = Watermarker.create(watermark_text) Enum.map(files, fn %Plug.Upload{filename: filename, path: path} !-> Peedy.F.watermark_with(watermark, &(create_callback(&1, filename, callback_url)), input_path: path, ephemeral!?: false) end) send_resp(conn, :ok, "OK") end end
  47. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    PeedyWeb.CallbackClient do use Toniq.Worker, max_concurrency: Application.get_env(:peedy_web, :max_concurrency) alias Stamper.{Repo, Document} @adapter HTTPoison def do_callback(callback_url, %{file: file, id: id}, headers, adapter !\\ @adapter) do Toniq.enqueue(PeedyWeb.CallbackClient, callback_url: callback_url, file: file, id: id, headers: headers, adapter: adapter) end def perform(callback_url: callback_url, file: file, id: id, headers: headers, adapter: adapter) do adapter.post(callback_url, multipart_encode([file: file, id: id]), headers) Repo.get!(Document, id) end defp multipart_encode(body) do body = Enum.map(body, fn {:file, path} !-> {:file, path} {key, value} !-> {to_string(key), value} end) {:multipart, body} end end
  48. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix Process

    watermark jobs asynchronously PEEDY: QUEUE
  49. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    Peedy.F do require Logger use Toniq.Worker, max_concurrency: Application.get_env(:f, :max_concurrency) alias Stamper.Document alias Watermarker.Watermark @doc """ Queues the watermarking of a document with text and invokes the callback when complete. """ @spec watermark_with(Watermark.t, callback !:: (!!... !-> any()), opts !:: [input_path: String.t, ephemeral!?: boolean()]) !:: %{} def watermark_with(%Watermark{} = watermark, callback, input_path: input_path, ephemeral!?: ephemeral?) when is_function(callback) do # enqueue job with callback end @doc """ Queues the watermarking of a document with text. Uses the default callback. """ @spec watermark_with(Watermark.t, opts !:: [input_path: String.t, ephemeral!?: boolean()]) !:: %{} def watermark_with(%Watermark{} = watermark, input_path: input_path, ephemeral!?: ephemeral?) do # enqueue job with default callback end end
  50. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    perform(watermark: watermark, input_path: input_path, ephemeral!?: true, callback: callback), do: do_perform(watermark, input_path, true, callback) def perform(watermark: watermark, input_path: input_path, ephemeral!?: false, callback: callback), do: do_perform(watermark, input_path, false, callback) defp do_perform(%Watermark{} = watermark, input_path, ephemeral?, callback) do %Document{} = watermark !|> Stamper.stamp_with(input_path: input_path, ephemeral!?: ephemeral?) !|> callback.() end
  51. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    create(text, strategy: :pdfkit) when is_binary(text), do: Pdfkit.new(text) def create(text, strategy: :erlguten) when is_binary(text), do: Erlguten.new(text)
  52. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    Watermarker.WatermarkerBehaviour do alias Watermarker.Watermark @callback new(text !:: String.t) !:: Watermark.t end
  53. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    Watermarker.Strategies.Pdfkit do @moduledoc """ Create a watermark by using a PDFKit. """ require Logger alias Watermarker.{Watermark,Repo} @behaviour Watermarker.WatermarkerBehaviour @nodejs Application.get_env(:watermarker, :executables)[:nodejs] @script_name Application.get_env(:watermarker, :executables)[:pdfkit] def new(text) when is_binary(text) do case Repo.get_by(Watermark, input: text) do %Watermark{} = watermark !-> watermark nil !-> sanitized_text = Zarex.sanitize(text) output_path = System.tmp_dir!() !<> "!#{sanitized_text}.pdf" output = text !|> to_pdf(output_path: output_path) !|> File.read!() %Watermark{} !|> Watermark.changeset(%{input: text, output: output}) !|> Repo.insert!() end end end
  54. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    to_pdf(text, output_path: output_path) when is_binary(text) do File.touch!(output_path) %Porcelain.Result{err: nil, out: out, status: 0} = Porcelain.exec(@nodejs, [@script_name, "!--text", text, "!--output", output_path]) out end
  55. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    stamp_with(%Watermark{id: id} = watermark, input_path: input_path, ephemeral!?: false) do {microseconds, document} = :timer.tc(fn !-> output_path = stamp_document(watermark, input_path) %Document{} !|> Document.changeset(%{ input: File.read!(input_path), output: File.read!(output_path), stamp_id: id}) !|> Repo.insert!() end) Logger.info("Stamped !#{document.id} in !#{microseconds / 1_000}ms") document end
  56. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defp

    stamp_document(%Watermark{} = watermark, input_path) do output_path = System.tmp_dir!() !<> "!#{Zarex.sanitize(random_string())}.pdf" stamp_path = stamp_path(watermark) if File.exists?(input_path) do %Porcelain.Result{err: nil, out: "", status: 0} = Porcelain.exec(@pdftk, [input_path, "multistamp", stamp_path, "output", output_path]) output_path else raise "Input at !#{input_path} does not exist" end end
  57. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix WEB

  58. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix What

    the business does BOUNDED CONTEXTS: DOMAIN
  59. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix Smaller

    units of the business BOUNDED CONTEXTS: SUBDOMAIN
  60. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix I.

    Why Elixir? II. Umbrella monoliths III. Advanced topics
  61. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    Queue do @strategy Queue.SimpleQueue def enqueue(message, strategy !\\ @strategy), do: strategy.enqueue(message) def enqueue_all(messages, strategy !\\ @strategy) when is_list(messages) do messages !|> Stream.map(&strategy.enqueue/1) !|> Enum.to_list() end def queue(strategy !\\ @strategy), do: strategy.queue() def dequeue(count !\\ 1, strategy !\\ @strategy) when is_integer(count), do: strategy.dequeue(count) end
  62. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    Queue.Application do @moduledoc false use Application def start(_type, _args) do import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false children = [ worker(Queue.SimpleQueue.Supervisor, []), worker(Queue.Pipeline.Producer, []), worker(Queue.Pipeline.Consumer, []) ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Queue.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end end
  63. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    Queue.Pipeline.Producer do use GenStage require Logger alias Queue.SimpleQueue def start_link(state !\\ 0) do GenStage.start_link(!__MODULE!__, state, name: !__MODULE!__) end def init(state) do {:producer, state} end def handle_cast(:check_messages, 0), do: {:noreply, [], 0} def handle_cast(:check_messages, state) when is_integer(state) do messages = SimpleQueue.dequeue(state) GenStage.cast(!__MODULE!__, :check_messages) {:noreply, messages, state - Enum.count(messages)} end def handle_demand(demand, state) when is_integer(state) do GenStage.cast(!__MODULE!__, :check_messages) {:noreply, [], demand + state} end end
  64. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    Queue.Pipeline.Processor do require Logger @interval 5_000 def start_link(message) do {:ok, _} = Task.start_link(!__MODULE!__, :process_message, [message]) end def process_message(message) do :timer.sleep(@interval) message !|> inspect() !|> Logger.info() end end
  65. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    Queue.Pipeline.Consumer do use ConsumerSupervisor def start_link do ConsumerSupervisor.start_link(!__MODULE!__, :ok) end def init(:ok) do children = [ worker(Queue.Pipeline.Processor, [], restart: :temporary) ] {:ok, children, strategy: :one_for_one, subscribe_to: [ {Queue.Pipeline.Producer, max_demand: 10, min_demand: 1} ]} end end
  66. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defmodule

    SomeApi do @fuse_name !__MODULE!__ @fuse_options { {:standard, 2, 10_000}, {:reset, 60_000} } def init do install_fuse() end def fetch_all do case :fuse.ask(@fuse_name, :sync) do :ok !-> # continue normally :blown !-> # handle failure so other applications that depend on this one won't # break end end defp do_fetch_all do case SomeApi.Adapter.get("/some/path") do {:ok, resp} !-> # do stuff with data {:error, _} !-> :fuse.melt(@fuse_name) end end defp install_fuse, do: :fuse.install(@fuse_name, @fuse_options) end
  67. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix defp

    do_fetch_all do case SomeApi.Adapter.get("/some/path") do {:ok, resp} !-> # do stuff with data {:error, _} !-> :fuse.melt(@fuse_name) end end
  68. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix def

    fetch_all do case :fuse.ask(@fuse_name, :sync) do :ok !-> # continue normally :blown !-> # handle failure so other applications that depend on this one won't # break end end
  69. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix I.

    Why Elixir? II. Umbrella monoliths III. Advanced topics
  70. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix I.

    Why Elixir? II. Umbrella monoliths III. Advanced topics
  71. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix I.

    Why Elixir? II. Umbrella monoliths III. Advanced topics
  72. CodeEurope 2017 Monoliths to Services with Elixir & Phoenix I.

    Why Elixir? II. Umbrella monoliths III. Advanced topics