We are delighted to have Mridu Bhatnagar talking about "Building Conversational Bot using Twilio and Python".
I'd like to thank all those who have been attending and watching our videos, we appreciate your support as it took a lot of work to set it up, if you are curious, you can read Vicky's post about it: https://dev.to/pyladiesdub/live-streaming-from-zoom-meet-via-obs-to-youtube-2l3h - any feedback would be helpful to make this process smoother and easier to manage. 🥰
Any announcements, events, call to actions, resources, projects, ideas, please add to https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/edit/mWZs+zlZOqA2fuP4UOhU9Xcn/ - I will be using this for announcements before the talk(s).
Event Details: https://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/272547215/
Youtube video of talk: https://youtu.be/IVJGnzD_mBU
Building Conversational Bot using Twilio and Python by Mridu Bhatnagar
Length: 45 mins
The talk provides a walkthrough to build a vocabulary bot for WhatsApp using Python and Twilio. On querying the bot the bot returns word definition, synonyms, antonyms, examples.
About Mridu Bhatnagar:
I am a Python Developer. I enjoy converting ideas into applications. I love speaking at various meetups and conferences.
SCHEDULE (*subject to change)
18:30 - 18:35 Event Starts / Settle down with cup of tea/coffee
18:35 - 18:45 Welcome & Announcements by Vicky
18:45 - 19:30 Building Conversational Bot using Twilio and Python by Mridu Bhatnagar
19:30 Event ends
Interested in speaking at our upcoming meetups, please submit talk details to: https://pyladiesdublin.typeform.com/to/Rr6hVJ
If you have referrals of speakers you want us to invite, let us know also, being a virtual event helps close the boundaries of inviting speakers further afield than Ireland. 😊
QUESTIONS Email dublin@pyladies.com.
Q. I'm not female, is it ok for me to attend?
A. Yes, PyLadies Dublin events are open to everyone at all levels.
Q. What do you do at PyLadies Dublin Meetups?
A. We have short (or long talks), demos, folks working on their own projects, ask questions on Python-related topics, work on projects together or generally chit-chat and meet like-minded people.
Q. Do you have a Code of Conduct?
A. Yes, you can find it at dublin.pyladies.com