We have Olga Minguett talking about "Text Classification using HuggingFace Transformers" and Sahana Hegde talking about "PySpark 101: Tips and Tricks".
Big thanks to Optum for partnering with us and having Olga and Sahana giving their talks.
👉 Event Page: https://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/279318562/
TALK 1: Text Classification using HuggingFace Transformers
Explanation about HuggingFace Transformers, described in 2 sections. Theory: What it is? and How to use it? datasets and tasks that you can perform with it. Practice: Example using Text Classification using HFT
ABOUT OLGA: Olga Minguett is a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence student with interest in AI in Healthcare. She currently works as a data scientist for a technology and healthcare services company part of UnitedHealth Group. https://Linkedin.com/in/olgaminguett
TALK 2: PySpark 101: Tips and Tricks
In this session, I'd like to share a few tips and tricks that I've learnt over the years while using PySpark in my day-to-day activities by showing code snippets. These elements will help you create more efficient code that leads to better/faster results.
ABOUT SAHANA: I am a Data Scientist working with UnitedHealth Group during office hours, and I'm a passionate cook and yoga enthusiast outside. I love to travel in my free time and use my phone's lens to capture beautiful moments. https://www.linkedin.com/in/sahana-hegde
I'd like to thank all those who have been attending and watching our videos, we appreciate your support as it took a lot of work to set it up, if you are curious, you can read Vicky's post about it: https://dev.to/pyladiesdub/live-streaming-from-zoom-meet-via-obs-to-youtube-2l3h - any feedback would be helpful to make this process smoother and easier to manage. 🥰
📢 CALL FOR SPEAKERS for 2021 (from Sep onwards)
Interested in speaking at our upcoming meetups, please submit talk details to: https://pyladiesdublin.typeform.com/to/VvW3iME6
If you have referrals of speakers you want us to invite, let us know also, being a virtual event helps close the boundaries of inviting speakers further afield than Ireland. 😊
Email dublin@pyladies.com.