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Change-based FODA diagrams - Bridging the gap b...

March 17, 2012

Change-based FODA diagrams - Bridging the gap between feature-oriented design and implementation

Feature Oriented Design Analysis (FODA) diagrams present the design of feature-oriented software applications. In some cases, however, the actual implementation of such an application does not correspond to the design that was set forward by the FODA diagram. Such discrepancies are referred to as the gap between design and implementation.

We present a bottom-up approach for generating FODA diagrams from the changes to the source code. Unlike ordinary FODA diagrams, those diagrams are based on the implementation. Thanks to that, they do not only contain coarse-grained design information, but also incorporate fine-grained implementation details, which can be used to bridge between feature-oriented design and implementation.


March 17, 2012

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  25. Buffer Restore Logging Mul. Res Invoke Log LogMe thod PrintInst

    Vars B2 B1 B4 B3 B6 B5 R1 R2 R4 R3 M4 M6 M1 M2 M3 M5 L6 L5 L4 L2 L3 L1 Change Based FODA Diagram 15 () { R4 Stack new(); f ); x ) { x); () { pop(); .top()); M4 M6 M1 2 M3 M5 print(back); print(buf); } } L5 L6 print(back.top()); print(buf); } } void logit() { print(back); print(buf); } } L1 L5 L6 void logit() { print(back.top()); print(buf); } } ft to right: source of Restore, Logging, and MultipleRestore and the change specifica Buffer Restore Logging Mul. Res Invoke Log LogMe thod st B2 B1 B4 B3 B6 B5 R1 R2 R4 R3 M4 M6 M1 M2 M3 M5 L4 L2 L3 L1 B2 B1 R3 B2 M1 R1 B3 B1 R4 R1 M2 R3 B5 B1 R4 R2 M3 M2 B4 B3 R4 B2 M4 R4 B4 B2 L1 B1 M5 M4 B6 B2 L2 L1 M6 L5 B6 B5 L2 B3 L5 L1 R1 B1 L3 L1 L5 R1 R2 B1 L3 R2 L6 L1 R3 R1 L4 L1 L6 B2 R3 B3 L4 B5 e 4: Change-based FODA diagram representing the Bu er change specification. mplementation. Note that there is even ” dependency that shows up in Figure 4, t to depend on Restore. meaning” of the change-based FD (Fig- s that of the original change specifica- all change objects that make up the system. Anoth tant concept is that of a feature, so let F denote all features f i in the system. As seen in Section 2.3 consist of changes and can have sub-features. First, consider the sub-feature relation. A featu Bridging the gap
  26. Buffer Restore Logging Mul. Res Invoke Log LogMe thod PrintInst

    Vars B2 B1 B4 B3 B6 B5 R1 R2 R4 R3 M4 M6 M1 M2 M3 M5 L6 L5 L4 L2 L3 L1 Change Based FODA Diagram 15 () { R4 Stack new(); f ); x ) { x); () { pop(); .top()); M4 M6 M1 2 M3 M5 print(back); print(buf); } } L5 L6 print(back.top()); print(buf); } } void logit() { print(back); print(buf); } } L1 L5 L6 void logit() { print(back.top()); print(buf); } } ft to right: source of Restore, Logging, and MultipleRestore and the change specifica Buffer Restore Logging Mul. Res Invoke Log LogMe thod st B2 B1 B4 B3 B6 B5 R1 R2 R4 R3 M4 M6 M1 M2 M3 M5 L4 L2 L3 L1 B2 B1 R3 B2 M1 R1 B3 B1 R4 R1 M2 R3 B5 B1 R4 R2 M3 M2 B4 B3 R4 B2 M4 R4 B4 B2 L1 B1 M5 M4 B6 B2 L2 L1 M6 L5 B6 B5 L2 B3 L5 L1 R1 B1 L3 L1 L5 R1 R2 B1 L3 R2 L6 L1 R3 R1 L4 L1 L6 B2 R3 B3 L4 B5 e 4: Change-based FODA diagram representing the Bu er change specification. mplementation. Note that there is even ” dependency that shows up in Figure 4, t to depend on Restore. meaning” of the change-based FD (Fig- s that of the original change specifica- all change objects that make up the system. Anoth tant concept is that of a feature, so let F denote all features f i in the system. As seen in Section 2.3 consist of changes and can have sub-features. First, consider the sub-feature relation. A featu Bridging the gap Buffer Restore Logging Mul. Res Invoke Log LogMe thod PrintInst Vars
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    FODA bridges between design and implementation • provides links between design and implementation • reveals possible inconsistencies 16