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June 30, 2012



June 30, 2012


  1. A single NV centre in diamond Mark S. Everitt1 Simon

    Devitt1 Bill Munro2 Kae Nemoto1 1The National Institute of Informatics 2NTT Basic Research Laboratories December 21, 2011 @ NTT BRL
  2. Introduction • We have a large scale (and we hope

    realistic) vision of how to build a quantum machine.
  3. Introduction • We have a large scale (and we hope

    realistic) vision of how to build a quantum machine. • NV looks great!
  4. Introduction • We have a large scale (and we hope

    realistic) vision of how to build a quantum machine. • NV looks great! • Is it too good to be true?
  5. Some definitions Select the states of the system to encode

    qubits on. Subsystem State Computational State electron |+1 |1 e |0 |0 e |−1 × nucleus |↑ |1 n |↓ |0 n With the computational basis set we can move on.
  6. The Hamiltonian H = H0 + HS + HHF +

    HD , where H0 = DS2 z + Bγe Sz − Bγn Iz , HS = E 2 (S + S + + S − S −) , HHF = A Sz Iz + A ⊥ 2 (S + I − + S − I +) , HD = Ω0 cos (νt + φ) (γe Sx − γn Ix) ,
  7. Components of the Hamiltonian |0 D |+1 γeB |−1 |↓

    |↑ 1 2 γnB H = DS2 z + Bγe Sz − Bγn Iz
  8. Components of the Hamiltonian |0 D |+1 γeB |−1 |↓

    |↑ 1 2 γnB E H = DS2 z + Bγe Sz − Bγn Iz + E 2 (S + S + + S − S −)
  9. Components of the Hamiltonian |0 D |+1 γeB |−1 |↓

    |↑ 1 2 γnB E |↓ |↑ A A ⊥ H = DS2 z + Bγe Sz − Bγn Iz + E 2 (S + S + + S − S −) + A Sz Iz + A ⊥ 2 (S + I − + S − I +)
  10. The interaction picture • Choose the interaction picture that removes

    H0 . • All gates will be defined in this picture!
  11. The interaction picture • Choose the interaction picture that removes

    H0 . • All gates will be defined in this picture! • Provides rotating terms to describe resonances, or lack thereof.
  12. Strain induced splitting • We definitely don’t want this, since

    it takes us out of the computational basis.
  13. Strain induced splitting • We definitely don’t want this, since

    it takes us out of the computational basis. ¯ HS = E |1 e −1|e ei2Bγe t + |−1 e 1|e e−i2Bγe t
  14. Strain induced splitting • We definitely don’t want this, since

    it takes us out of the computational basis. ¯ HS = E |1 e −1|e ei2Bγe t + |−1 e 1|e e−i2Bγe t • So long as E 2Bγe , we can neglect it.
  15. Perpendicular hyperfine term −106 −104 −102 −100 −98 0 0.2

    0.4 0.6 0.8 1 B [mT] PSWAP At about ∓0.1 T the system hits an “exchange resonance”, when |±1 e |0 n |0 e |1 n . Width of 0.368 mT
  16. Perpendicular hyperfine term • This has been shown to work

    as a memory1. i.e. Nucleus always initialised in |0 n . 1G. D. Fuchs et al. (June 26, 2011). “A quantum memory intrinsic to single nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond”. In: Nature Physics 7.10, pp. 789–793.
  17. Perpendicular hyperfine term • This has been shown to work

    as a memory1. i.e. Nucleus always initialised in |0 n . • But this isn’t really a SWAP gate. Taken alone, it’s iSWAP. 1G. D. Fuchs et al. (June 26, 2011). “A quantum memory intrinsic to single nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond”. In: Nature Physics 7.10, pp. 789–793.
  18. Perpendicular hyperfine term • This has been shown to work

    as a memory1. i.e. Nucleus always initialised in |0 n . • But this isn’t really a SWAP gate. Taken alone, it’s iSWAP. • It’s not alone, because there is still the parallel term. 1G. D. Fuchs et al. (June 26, 2011). “A quantum memory intrinsic to single nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond”. In: Nature Physics 7.10, pp. 789–793.
  19. Perpendicular hyperfine term • This has been shown to work

    as a memory1. i.e. Nucleus always initialised in |0 n . • But this isn’t really a SWAP gate. Taken alone, it’s iSWAP. • It’s not alone, because there is still the parallel term. • Errors from iSWAP will screw everything up! 1G. D. Fuchs et al. (June 26, 2011). “A quantum memory intrinsic to single nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond”. In: Nature Physics 7.10, pp. 789–793.
  20. Parallel hyperfine term • It commutes with H0 so ¯

    H ≈ A Sz Iz • In the computational basis, this is locally equivalent to a controlled-Z gate.
  21. Parallel hyperfine term • It commutes with H0 so ¯

    H ≈ A Sz Iz • In the computational basis, this is locally equivalent to a controlled-Z gate. • Bell state in ≈ 1 µs.
  22. Parallel hyperfine term • It commutes with H0 so ¯

    H ≈ A Sz Iz • In the computational basis, this is locally equivalent to a controlled-Z gate. • Bell state in ≈ 1 µs. |ψ n eiθσz |φ e eiπσz /4 = |ψ n |φ e
  23. The bare Hamiltonian • Without a drive, we have a

    controlled-Z gate to entangle qubits together.
  24. The bare Hamiltonian • Without a drive, we have a

    controlled-Z gate to entangle qubits together. • Must avoid B ≈ ∓0.1 T (iSWAP).
  25. The bare Hamiltonian • Without a drive, we have a

    controlled-Z gate to entangle qubits together. • Must avoid B ≈ ∓0.1 T (iSWAP). • That’s big, thin, no problem.
  26. A big difference • An electron is very light, so

    it has a large gyromagnetic ratio γe ≈ 28 GHz T−1.
  27. A big difference • An electron is very light, so

    it has a large gyromagnetic ratio γe ≈ 28 GHz T−1. • A nucleus is very heavy, and has a correspondingly small gyromagnetic ratio γn ≈ 4.3 MHz T−1.
  28. A big difference • An electron is very light, so

    it has a large gyromagnetic ratio γe ≈ 28 GHz T−1. • A nucleus is very heavy, and has a correspondingly small gyromagnetic ratio γn ≈ 4.3 MHz T−1. • It turns out that this makes it very difficult to manipulate the nucleus without affecting the electron.
  29. A big difference • An electron is very light, so

    it has a large gyromagnetic ratio γe ≈ 28 GHz T−1. • A nucleus is very heavy, and has a correspondingly small gyromagnetic ratio γn ≈ 4.3 MHz T−1. • It turns out that this makes it very difficult to manipulate the nucleus without affecting the electron. γe γn ≈ 6500
  30. A crude driving model 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101

    102 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Frequency [GHz] Pexcite Ω0 = 0.0010 GHz
  31. Driving the electron • We can neglect the nucleus; weakly

    driven and far from resonance. • Must not neglect the |0 e |−1 e transition!
  32. Driving the electron • We can neglect the nucleus; weakly

    driven and far from resonance. • Must not neglect the |0 e |−1 e transition! Ω0γe 2 √ 2 |2Bγe|, 2D
  33. Driving the electron • We can neglect the nucleus; weakly

    driven and far from resonance. • Must not neglect the |0 e |−1 e transition! Ω0γe 2 √ 2 |2Bγe|, 2D • i.e. the effective drive must be much less than the detuning between these transitions.
  34. Driving the electron • We can neglect the nucleus; weakly

    driven and far from resonance. • Must not neglect the |0 e |−1 e transition! Ω0γe 2 √ 2 |2Bγe|, 2D • i.e. the effective drive must be much less than the detuning between these transitions. • D is an intrinsic limiter for minimum gate time.
  35. Driving the electron • In the interaction picture, if the

    aforementioned inequality holds H ≈ A Sz Iz − Ω0γe 2 √ 2 |0 e 1|e + |1 e 0|e
  36. Driving the electron • In the interaction picture, if the

    aforementioned inequality holds H ≈ A Sz Iz − Ω0γe 2 √ 2 |0 e 1|e + |1 e 0|e • Obvious that we must drive much faster than the hyperfine term. Optimal gate times of ∼ 50 ns which corresponds to a drive amplitude of ∼ 10 MHz.
  37. Driving the electron • In the interaction picture, if the

    aforementioned inequality holds H ≈ A Sz Iz − Ω0γe 2 √ 2 |0 e 1|e + |1 e 0|e • Obvious that we must drive much faster than the hyperfine term. Optimal gate times of ∼ 50 ns which corresponds to a drive amplitude of ∼ 10 MHz. • The phase of the drive determines if it is a rotation about x or y.
  38. Driving the electron2 0 10 20 30 40 0 0.2

    0.4 0.6 0.8 1 τ [µs] | 1|e +|n Re x |0 e |+ n |2 500 1000 Hz) B A D Simulation Experiment 1 50 100 200 500 Rabi Freq (MH 29 MHz 57 MHz Rabi field calculated from power 20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 P 0 P 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 20 Power increase (dB) 109 MHz C Simulated spin dynamics 440 MHz 20 40 60 80 100 10 20 30 40 20 40 60 80 100 10 20 30 40 0 P 1 0 223 MHz 440 MHz Microwave pulse 2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 H 1 1/H 0 P 1 0 1 440 MHz 0 5 10 15 Time (ns) 2 4 6 8 10 Pulse width (ns) 2 4 6 8 10 Pulse width (ns) P 0 on November 6, 2011 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from B = 200 G, F = 0.998. 2G. D. Fuchs et al. (Dec. 11, 2009). “Gigahertz Dynamics of a Strongly Driven Single Quantum Spin”. In: Science 326.5959, pp. 1520–1522.
  39. Driving the nucleus Forgetting the electron for the moment •

    Similar gate times (∼ 50 ns) would require a drive amplitude of ∼ 100 GHz! • Clearly not so realistic.
  40. Driving the nucleus Forgetting the electron for the moment •

    Similar gate times (∼ 50 ns) would require a drive amplitude of ∼ 100 GHz! • Clearly not so realistic. Remembering the electron again The electron will see this as a DC field and rotate rapidly. It is possible to place the electron in a state invariant under this rotation, but we must know the state of the electron and it thus cannot be entangled to do so. Not a great solution.
  41. Driving the nucleus We must drive sloooooowly • To avoid

    perturbing the electron a weak drive is needed.
  42. Driving the nucleus We must drive sloooooowly • To avoid

    perturbing the electron a weak drive is needed. • So weak that we can’t neglect hyperfine shift.
  43. Driving the nucleus We must drive sloooooowly • To avoid

    perturbing the electron a weak drive is needed. • So weak that we can’t neglect hyperfine shift. • The frequency of the drive depends on the state of the electron.
  44. Driving the nucleus We must drive sloooooowly • To avoid

    perturbing the electron a weak drive is needed. • So weak that we can’t neglect hyperfine shift. • The frequency of the drive depends on the state of the electron. • Gate times τ > 100 µs.
  45. Driving the nucleus We must drive sloooooowly • To avoid

    perturbing the electron a weak drive is needed. • So weak that we can’t neglect hyperfine shift. • The frequency of the drive depends on the state of the electron. • Gate times τ > 100 µs. That’s a really long gate time! It is, and we have to use it. The only option we have is to minimize the number of uses.
  46. Driving the nucleus 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 τ [µs] Pflip
  47. What do we actually want to do? Considerations • We

    want to build a graph state with nuclei. • Electrons and photons are essentially ancillae. • Keep the electron polarised as much as possible to isolate the nucleus from Ising interaction.
  48. Entangling the electron and nucleus sin2(θ) |0 0| |0 n

    eiθσx eiπσz /2 |0 e eiπσx /4 eiπσy /4 z
  49. Summary • Full set of gates between the spins in

    a single NV centre. • Manipulation of the nuclear spin is slow. . . • . . . but we only need to do it when initialising or reading out.