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Git - What Matters - Introduction-from Github t...

Git - What Matters - Introduction-from Github to Clone

Minimalistic introduction to git and Github.

Adam Quinton

October 01, 2015

Other Decks in Programming


  1. commit push git github branch pull request pull repository master

    fork origin local remote upstream clone checkout cherry pick merge
  2. what matters? commit push git github branch pull request pull

    repository master fork origin local remote upstream merge clone checkout cherry pick
  3. background github github is a hosting service for git git

    is a version control system (vcs) a vcs tracks changes of a repository
  4. background github github is a hosting service for git git

    is a version control system (vcs) a vcs tracks changes of a repository a repository contains a project and it’s history
  5. background github git is underneath github git is a command

    line tool github is a web-interface with some features
  6. background github git is underneath github git is a command

    line tool github is a web-interface with some features some git knowledge is still needed
  7. clone copies a repository to your local computer history kept

    in .git (hidden folder) never manually change .git directory
  8. clone copies a repository to your local computer usage: git

    clone https://github.com/user-name/repository-name
  9. clone copies a repository to your local computer usage: git

    clone https://github.com/user-name/repository-name downloads repository-name folder in current folder
  10. clone copies a repository to your local computer usage: git

    clone https://github.com/user-name/repository-name downloads repository-name folder in current folder all changes are local until pushing
  11. push upload local changes to remote changes invisible until commit

    must understand the three states https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Git-Basics#The-Three-States