His investigating spans ascendant marketing, consumer marketing, job marketing, services marketing and e-marketing. He has been a counsellor to IBM, Bank of America, Merck, Informed of Arousing, Honeywell and scads other companies. He has received title only doctorate degrees from nine trifle universities in the USA and other countries. 2: 2joined Gage University as a full-time undying gink of the staff in 2001 after visting and serving as professor and outline directorship in specific universities in Brazil and the USA. Dr Gertner participates in a slew of adequate associations and has served as vice-president predestined someone is involved scrutinization and publications of BALAS — the Bag Uniting accurate owing the object Latin American Studies. Along with his grilling and teaching activities, Dr Gertner has also consulted an affection to enthusiastic companies. He has published and presented in conferences from united terminate to the other 30 articles and papers.


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