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The Regent Street Cinema Project

November 08, 2012

The Regent Street Cinema Project


November 08, 2012


  1. Page 1 Regent Street Cinema Project [email protected][email protected] The

    Regent Street Cinema Rayhan Rafiq Omar & Matt Snyman
  2. Page 2 Regent Street Cinema Project [email protected][email protected] Regent

    Street Cinema Project Aims  Establish a unique cinematic venue at the location which birthed British Cinema.  The cinema will be supported by a full schedule of festivals and regular events.  Pioneering film and cinema technology in partnership with the University of Westminster Film School, and other organisations and educational establishments.  Provide student and experimental filmmakers with a hub for exhibition, networking and innovation. • Based upon the principles inherent in the history of innovation that established the site.
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    Outline Our Vision To provide British Filmmakers, Professional and Student, With a hub for exhibition, entertainment and networking.
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    Outline Our Goal To establish a unique cinematic venue at the location which Birthed British Cinema 307 Regent Street
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    Outline Introduction  Bringing together various stakeholders to enable the rescue of this historic venue for the benefit of future students, and especially student filmmakers  Current focus is to bring together a costed plan that enables a fully functioning single- screen cinema to be refurbished and operated outside of University time-tabled lecturing
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    There is a major shortage of cinema screens in London’s vibrant West End  Digital film exhibition has reached a stage meaning a single screen cinema is commercially viable  Situated opposite the UK Film Council, and around the corner from the major west end production and post houses (niche in screening room market)  6000 students on site and Oxford Circus’ Tourist pull  Student Filmmakers have limited exhibition opportunities, yet have to independently raise funds  Previous attempts have overreached Why Do This – Project Benefits Background
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    Do This – Project Benefits Historical Significance  The Regent Street Cinema is the Site of the Lumiére Brother’s first demonstration of their Cinematographe, making the site the birthplace of Cinema in the British Isles  site of the world’s first photography school and the UK’s first film school.  Home of the Magic Lantern Society and the Pepper’s Ghost Illusion  Contains one of three remaining Compton Organs in London that are still in their original location (Recently refurbished)  The BFI library was first launched here  Operated as a Cinema until 1981 Key Facts About the RSC Poster for the first demonstration
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    Do This – Project Benefits Milestones Pepper’s Ghost first Performed here -1862/3 Britain’s first film school established here -1933 The National Film Library held it’s first public screening here, 21st Feb 1936 Lumiere Brothers’ demonstrate Cinematographe Interior remodelled. Last used as a commercial cinema Cameo Poly 1896 1923 1930’s 1980 2001 2005 1860’s 2007 2009 Intended opening of the Regent Street Cinema Idea for Regent Street Cinema put together Engaged with Architects for feasibility Refitted as the Polytechnic Theatre Compton Theatre Organ installed - 1936 Compton Organ restored – celebrated 15th Feb 2006 with Lord Mayor Opening 2008
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    Public profile  Refurbishment of an essential learning space – Taking opportunity to provide desired facilities that were previously lacking for lecturing:  Chilled ventilation/air conditioning  Sturdy tablets folding into seat arms  Synergy with courses – MAD – Film School, Animation, Contemporary Media Practice – SSHL – Language Schools  Keeping students on Campus  Future partnerships better facilitated  Higher profile lectures and events venue  Regenerative impetus for Upper Regent Street  Bringing Students closer to industry  Making better use of a valuable space in its current down time  Increasing the number of corporate clients and having more people passing through the University’s doors Why Do This – Project Benefits Advantages for the University of Westminster
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    Film Council Operational Plan Location & Surrounding Industry – to be completed Regent Street Cinema Producers Other Media Partners Effects Houses Distributors Cinematic Community
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    Works Areas of Work  Frontage – Canopy, Interactive elements, Windows  Box office/Foyer  Bar/concessions area  Seating – Floor raking  Projection Equipment  Sound and Lighting  Toilet facilities  Ventilation  Possible extra internal decorations  Total capital cost estimated between £1.25-1.5m  Specific Costs and Scheme to come with procurement of architectural feasibility
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    Plan Target Audiences  Students – Year long pass – Sell bulk at discount during Freshers’ period and January – Regular special offers with local businesses for members  Local residents – Discounts for local residents – Membership options – annual or lifelong  Corporate hires – Target market between large Leicester Square venues and small Soho screening rooms – Partnerships with hotels  Tourists – Oxford Circus not served by any other cinema
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    Plan Financial Projections RSC Ticket Sales 3 shows a day Profit & Loss Seats Occupancy Ave. Price Total pa 300 25% £6.00 £491,400 Income 2009* 2010 2011 300 25% £6.50 £532,350 Ticket Sales 491,400 532,350 573,300 300 25% £7.00 £573,300 Advertising 10,000 14,000 18,000 300 25% £8.00 £655,200 Private Hires 17,550 26,550 26,550 300 25% £9.00 £737,100 Season Passes & Membership 1,000 2,500 4,000 320 25% £6.00 £524,160 Concessions/Bar 122,850 143,325 163,800 Total Sales Income 642,800 718,725 785,650 Concessions/Bar - Based on ticket sale admissions figures 300 seats, 25% occupancy, 3 shows, 365 days a year Expenditure Average spend per admission Annual Spend Staff 200,200 206,206 212,392 £1.50 £122,850 Distributor Fees 158,266 170,122 182,515 £1.75 £143,325 Concessions Purchases 30,713 35,831 40,950 £2.00 £163,800 IT (EPOS) 10,000 10,000 10,000 Marketing 20,000 25,000 30,000 Private Hires average 3 hour bookings, charged per hour Office Sundries 2,000 1,000 1,000 Frequency Rate - ph Adjustment for ticket sales loss Total pa Back Office (Accounts, HR, PAYE) 18,000 18,540 19,096 5 £600 -£450.00 £8,550.00 Utilities 3,000 3,300 3,630 5 £750 -£450.00 £10,800.00 Cleaning 18,000 18,540 19,096 5 £900 -£450.00 £13,050.00 Insurance/Security/Maintenance 20,000 21,000 22,050 10 £600 -£450.00 £17,550.00 Professional Services (Legal, Audit) 10,000 10,000 10,000 10 £750 -£450.00 £22,050.00 Depreciation (initial fit out + IT equip) 30,000 30,000 30,000 15 £600 -£450.00 £26,550.00 Tax (VAT) 95,736 107,044 117,012 15 £750 -£450.00 £33,300.00 25 £600 -£450.00 £44,550.00 Total Expenditure 615,914 656,584 697,742 Staff Manager/Marketing x2 @ 30k £60,000 Profit/Loss 26,886 62,141 87,908 Bar x2 @ 25k £50,000 Usher/Tech x2 @ 18k £36,000 *Assuming full year's trading Usher/Tech x2 @ 18k £36,000 Accounts Assistant x1 @ 18k £18,000 Amount in GBP
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    Plan Execution Plan Objectives Strategy Next Steps  Local infrastructure and security  Fit-out cinema to West End Standard  Compliance with Campus Security Plan  Costed Business plan  Tender Architects  Hiring/People  Recruitment and Training needs to be structured and professionally maintained  Programming independent if possible  Cinema Manager  Concessions/Box Office  Programmers  Licenses / Agreements  The RSC needs strategic alliances  University of Westminster Approval  UK Film Council  Heritage – Listed Building - Approval  Local Council Approval  University Relations  Course tie-ins need to be formal  Open to other film schools  Regular events for student filmmaking  Control Environment/ Platform  Engage top level Cinema Operators  Control improvement plan established  Operation and Expansion  Structure management roles to spread skills across two roles  Development of long term goals  Engage Industry to integrate into local community  Forge links with industry partners  UK Film Council/Partners to assist with development plan  Marketing  Partner with local and international firms to deliver excellence e.g. London Film Festival  Innovative, as well as traditional marketing  Develop brand as a mark of quality and innovative entertainment  Make initial contacts – subject to approvals To build, implement, & maintain a high standard cinema platform
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    Plan Organisational chart proposed structure – to be updated 2 members University Reps Cleaning Outsourced Matt Snyman Rayhan Rafiq Omar Project Directors 2 members External Partners 2 members External Partners Ushers Student Staff Box Office IT based solution Programming Manager Can be outsourced <> Cinema Managers 307 Regent Street Finance Outsourced Marketing/PR Assistant Possible integration with management roles above Board of Directors Board of Directors Web Designer Outsourced
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    Plan Our Logo – Literally stamped all over the building – The image of a mounted Bellerophon slaying a Chimera is literally embedded in and throughout the Regent Street building – This image is also associated with the iconography of George and the Dragon – This particular design shares similarities with Benedetto Pistrucci's 1815 design of St George and the Dragon for the Royal Mint – It was used on the exterior by noted cinema architect Frank T. Verity when the building’s façade was rebuilt in 1911 – The logo was also an emblem of the Royal Polytechnic until it fell out of use – The image signifies the cinema’s core values: History, Drama, Adventure, Class, and the Power of Imagination – The imagery entices the imagination and offers boundless scope for creative expression:  Bringing it to life – Animation – a signature animation to play before features – enhancing brand identity – Statue – on façade, to mark the location and draw attention from passers-by
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    Plan The Compton Cinema Organ  The 2Manual/6Rank Compton cinema organ was installed in the Regent Street Polytechnic's Cinema in 1936  It is one of only three such instruments in London remaining in its original location.  The organ chamber is located at the rear of the stage (behind the screen)  It is playable today thanks to the efforts of Peter Hammond of HWS Associates who repaired it after the organ fell into disrepair - http://www.hws.org.uk/  It is intended to play the organ to silent films on a regular basis – Silent Sundays
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    Plan Summary  Not-for-profit – Surpluses ploughed back into cinema/events  Links with industry, facilitated by: – Regular events – e.g. Silent Sundays, magic lantern shows – Festivals  Bringing students closer to industry and providing them with much needed exhibition – Students shorts and trailers with the commercial trailers  Bar/Concession area – Partnership for daytime offering – e.g. Hummus Bros – Evening unique offers – e.g. Coffee Menu  Partnerships for commercial private rentals – e.g. Hotels, local media industry
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    Partners in Conversation  Westminster Film School  UK Film Council/Film London  The Cinema Theatre Association  Tony Jones (Founder – City Screen)  Joost Hunnigher (ex UOW department head and chair of the CILECT research project into the future of digital cinema)  City Screen (Largest Independent Cinema Operator)  Peter Hammond (HWS Associates – Arts Heritage Consultancy)  Film distributors: Pathé, New Wave & others Other potential partners  The Heritage Lottery Fund  Prominent British Film Producers and Distributors  Private equity specialising in film/cinema  BFI  Regent Street Organisation – Crown Estate  Major Production and effects houses  The Magic Lantern Society
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    Steps To achieve Our Goals  It is imperative that the cinema has ties to industry, for this vision to be fully realised  We aim to have between 1 and 3 producers / directors / distributors as ongoing partners  Consolidate University support External Partners/Investors Costed Business Plan  To demonstrate our vision to investors, we need to have a costed capital works schedule  We have engaged the leading architects in this field (3 firms have tendered)  The cost for this will be £5,000 + VAT  Operational advice has been sought from many current and previous cinema operators  Costs have been over- estimated and revenues under-estimated  We are seeking an investor to underwrite the operation of the cinema Architectural Feasibility
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    Street Cinema Project Summary  Birthplace of British Cinema  Home for future student and experimental film makers  300+ seat theatre fully refurbished  Digital projection – with two supplemental 35mm projectors  Regular events programme  Silent Sundays (with organ accompaniment) and magic lantern shows  Interactive Frontage – nobody should be able to walk past without wanting to look in  Future proof ticketing and seasonal passes  Student shorts and trailers before the main feature  Not for profit