INT. SHADOW MOSES ISLAND - DOCK - EVENING Hazy. Murky. Dark. An oxygen tank drifts past us, leaving behind a trail of bubbles revealing... ..We are under water. We follow the path of the bubbles up to see a silhouetted SOLID SNAKE (in full scuba gear) in the distance swimming up to the edge of the dock. Page 1/126
On the opposite side of the dock, Snake can see 2 GENOME SOLDIERS standing at attention in front of an open elevator shaft with a stream of the light from up above casting down on the figure standing on the elevator: LIQUID SNAKE. Page 12/126
Guard#1 continues trying to light the cigarette. In the background, out of focus, Guard#2 is snatched and pulled behind one of the shipping containers. Page 39/126
View from under a crate of Snake and Other Guard’s feet as other guard struggles against a choke hold and then eventually slumps to the ground (his rifle should be on the ground already, implying Snake has disarmed him). Page 43/126
Guard#1 paces towards the front while playing with his Zippo. He drops the Zippo again. When he bends down to pick it up, he notices the footprints/ droplets of water leading from the water’s edge to behind the crates (where his buddy was taken out). Page 47/126
He raises his rifle and points ahead as he slowly follows the watery footprints. He continues flicking the zippo and humming to pretend he hasn’t noticed anything. Page 55/126
He turns the corner quickly and aims but neither Snake nor Other Guard are anywhere to be seen. He quickly looks up, down, side-to-side, etc. Other Guard’s rifle is still on the ground but the magazine has been removed. Page 56/126
There’s another sound behind him (opposite side of where magazine was thrown) and he whirls around again and sees Other Guard (held by Snake) rushing at him. Page 69/126