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Modern documentation across languages

Rohit Goswami
July 17, 2021

Modern documentation across languages

To be presented at SERI.

Rohit Goswami

July 17, 2021


  1. HELLO! Find me here: Who? Rohit Goswami MInstP Doctoral Researcher,

    University of Iceland, Faculty of Physical Sciences https://rgoswami.me 4
  2. READING CODE I main: push rbp mov rbp, rsp mov

    DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 3 mov eax, 0 pop rbp ret __static_initialization_ and_destruction_0(int, int): push rbp mov rbp, rsp sub rsp, 16 mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], edi mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], esi cmp DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 1 jne .L5 cmp DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 65535 jne .L5 mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:_ZStL8 __ioinit call std::ios_base::Init::Init() [complete object constructor] mov edx, OFFSET FLAT:__dso_handle mov esi, OFFSET FLAT:_ZStL8__ioini mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:_ZNSt8ios_bas call __cxa_atexit .L5: nop leave ret _GLOBAL__sub_I_main: push rbp mov rbp, rsp mov esi, 65535 mov edi, 1 call __static_initialization_ and_destruction_0(int, int) pop rbp ret But who writes assembly anyway? 8
  3. READING CODE II int main () { int D.48918; {

    int a; a = 3; D.48918 = 0; return D.48918; } D.48918 = 0; return D.48918; } void _GLOBAL__sub_I_main.cpp () { __static_initialization_ and_destruction_0 (1, 65535); } void __static_initialization_ and_destruction_0 (int __initialize_p, int __priority) { if (__initialize_p == 1) goto <D.489 else goto <D.48921>; <D.48920>: if (__priority == 65535) goto <D.489 else goto <D.48923>; <D.48922>: std::ios_base::Init::Init (&__ioinit __cxxabiv1::__cxa_atexit (__dt_comp &__ioinit, &__dso_han goto <D.48924>; <D.48923>: <D.48924>: goto <D.48925>; <D.48921>: <D.48925>: } GIMPLE is an internal gcc representation… 9
  4. READING CODE III #include<iostream> int main() { int a=3; return

    0; } Better for most people, still a bit lacking for novices Assigning an integer Produces a file binary which can be run as: Output There is no output, but an assignment of an integer with value 3 takes place g++ main.cpp -o file ./file What about different languages? 10
  5. READING CODE IV Maybe gcc is just an ugly compiler…

    program main integer :: x = 3 + 6 print *, x end program lfortran has a nicer intermediate structure conda create -n lf conda activate lf conda install lfortran \ -c conda-forge lfortran --show-asr consint.f90 11
  6. LANGUAGE AGNOSTIC BEGINNINGS Readme.{md,org} Motivation, rationale, license, installation instructions LICENSE

    Plain text, and preferably an open license is pretty handy for this license-generator .gitignore Lists files which do not need to be committed; typically generated files can be used to generate these gibo $ git init # Inside project $ gibo macOS Windows Xcode Emacs \ Vim Python C++ \ CMake TeX > .gitignore $ touch readme.md $ license-generator MIT \ --author "Person" $ tree -L 2 . ├── LICENSE ├── docs │ └── pres └── readme.org 2 directories, 2 files 14
  7. LARGE PROJECT STRUCTURE Has a core With bindings For other

    languages Needs api documentation Also user documentation . ├── api-docs ├── dependencies ├── python-symengine-feedstock ├── symengine ├── symengine-bench ├── SymEngineBuilder ├── symengine.f90 ├── symengine-feedstock ├── symengine.github.io ├── symengine.hs ├── SymEngine.jl ├── symengine-paper ├── symengine.py ├── symengine.R ├── symengine.rb ├── symengine.spkg └── symengine-wheels 15
  8. 20

  9. LANGUAGES Language Package + + + R pkgdown Python Sphinx

    C++ Doxygen doxyYoda Julia Documenter.jl Notebooks / MyST Sphinx myst jupytext 26
  10. R

  11. 27

  12. 30

  13. PROJECT FILES /** * @file add.h * @author SymEngine Developers

    * @date 2021-02-25 * @brief Classes and functions relating to the binary operation of ad * * Created on: 2012-07-11 * * This file contains the basic binary operations defined for symbolic * In particular the @ref Add class for representing addition is * @b declared here, along with the `add` and `substract` functions. */ #ifndef SYMENGINE_ADD_H #define SYMENGINE_ADD_H 32
  14. HEADER FILES /** * @brief Create an appropriate instance from

    dictionary quickly. * @pre The dictionary must be in canonical form. * @see `Mul` for how `Pow` gets returned. * @see `Basic` for the guarantees and expectations. * @param coef the numeric coefficient. * @param d the dictionary of the expression without the coefficien * @return `coef` if the dictionary is empty (size 0). * @return `Mul` if the dictionary has one element which is a `Mul` * @return `Integer` if the dictionary has one element which is a * `Integer`. * @return `Symbol` if the dictionary has one element which is a `S * @return `Pow` if the dictionary has one element which is a `Pow` * @return `Add` if the size of the dictionary is greater than 1. */ static RCP<const Basic> from_dict(const RCP<const Number> &coef, umap_basic_num &&d); 33
  15. SOURCE FILES /** * @details This function ensures that each

    term in *dict* is in canoni * form. The implementation in the form of a exclusion list (defaults * true). * * @note **Canonical form** requires the existance of both `coef` and * `dict`, so `null` coefficients and purely numerical (empty dictiona * are also not considered to be in canonical form. Also, the ordering * important, it must be `(coeff, dict)` and **not** `(dict, coeff)`. * * Some **non-cannonical** forms are: * - @f$0 + x@f$. * - @f$0 + 2x@f$. * - @f$ 2 \times 3 @f$. * - @f$ x \times 0 @f$. * - @f$ 1 \times x @f$ has the wrong order. * - @f$ 3x \times 2 @f$ is actually just @f$6x@f$. */ bool Add::is_canonical(const RCP<const Number> &coef, const umap_basic_num &dict) const 34
  16. DOXYREST Includes more structure than exhale Can be extended to

    other source languages Has a rather complicated setup 37
  17. 40

  18. 44

  19. OMITTED TOPICS Web development and design Including frameworks and UX

    Continuous integration How to ensure documentation is coupled to working code Benchmarking Demonstrating code superiority Code Review Practices Scrum and teamwork Multi-language API Where code from different languages are called together 47
  20. FURTHER RESOURCES Describes the present SOTA for documentation practices in

    the context of a large multi-language project A large scientific code project designed with a user- wiki, SymEngine and the Season of Docs d-SEAMS [goswamiDSEAMSDeferredStructural2020] 48
  21. KEY TAKEAWAYS Document at every level Use the best tools

    for the job Internationalize only where necessary User level Ensure documentation expires Keep provenance Ensure a documentation style guide is present Lint automatically 49
  22. BIBLIOGRAPHY Goswami, Goswami & Singh, D-SEAMS: Deferred Structural Elucidation Analysis

    for Molecular Simulations, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 60(4), 2169-2177 . . [goswamiDSEAMSDeferredStructural2020] doi 52