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Primary 1 Turbo Class 1

February 12, 2020

Primary 1 Turbo Class 1


February 12, 2020

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  1. No. Words Page Part of speech Definition Synonym Sample sentence

    1.01 turbo 2 n. a car with a turbocharged engine 涡轮增压发动机汽车 This is an Audi turbo diesel. 这是一辆奥迪涡轮增压柴油车。 1.02 racing 2 adj. designed or bred to go very fast 比赛用的 competitive They are racing to see who is the fastest. 他们在赛跑,看谁跑得最快。 1.03 snail 2 n. a small soft creature that moves very slowly and has a hard shell on its back 蜗牛 This is a snail. 这是一只蜗牛。 1.04 garden 2 n. a part of the area next to a house, which has plants and flowers in it〔屋子旁边的〕园地,庭园 She came to the garden. 她来到这个花园。 1.05 never 2 adv. not at any time, or not once 决不,永不;从来没有 under no circumstances We shall never forget the beauty of that lake. 我们永远不会忘记那个湖的美。 1.06 matter 2 n. a subject or situation that you have to think about or deal with 事情,问题 problem He has no say in the matter. 他在这个问题上没有发言权。 1.07 different 2 adj. not like something or someone else, or not like before 不同的,不一样的,相异的 various Now it is different from the past. 现在和过去不同了。 1.08 watched (watch) 2 v-ed. to look at someone or something for a period of time and pay attention to what is happening 关注 look into Harriet watched him with interest. 哈丽雅特饶有兴致地注视着他。 1.09 favourite 2 adj. the one that you like the most 最喜欢的 preferred, favoured What’s your favourite colour? 你最喜欢什么颜色? 1.10 fell into (fall) 2 to move or drop down from a higher position to a lower position 掉入 Another time Henry fell into the river. 还有一次,亨利掉进了河里。 1.11 engine 2 n. the part of a vehicle that produces power to make it move 发动机,引擎 motor Press this button to start the engine. 要开动发动机就按这个按钮。 Turbo Class 1 P2-P3
  2. 1.12 came out of (come) 2 从...出来 I have lots

    of ideas, but they never seem to come out of my mouth. 我有许多想法,但是他们好像从未从 我的嘴里说出来。 1.13 angry 3 adj. feeling strong emotions because you think someone has behaved badly, or because a situation seems bad or unfair 生气的,发怒的 annoyed She gave him an angry stare. 她生气地白了他一眼。 1.14 suddenly 3 adv. quickly and unexpectedly 突然地 abruptly Strange feelings suddenly came over me. 我突然有种奇异的感觉。 1.15 shouted (shout) 3 v-ed. to say something very loudly 大声说,喊叫,呼喊 yell They shout to each other. 他们对对方大声喊叫。 1.16 fell onto (fall) 3 to move or drop down from a higher position to a lower position 掉在...上面 All the matches fell onto the snow. 所有的火柴都掉到了雪地上。 1.17 horrible 3 adj. very bad - used, for example, about things you see, taste, or smell, or about the weather 糟糕的,令人不快的,极讨厌的 terrible But we got through another horrible day. 但是 我们度过了另一个可怕的一天。 1.18 frightened 3 adj. feeling afraid 受惊的,害怕的 afraid How frightened she was! 她是多么地害怕! Retell:One night, Theo went to the city. He wanted to see some cars. He jumped on a car and it started to race. The car drove very fast and Theo fell into the turbo engine. When Theo came out of the engine, he was different. Tito took the snails to Starlight Plaza. Every night at Starlight Plaza, there was a race... a snail race. Theo and Chet were in the race. Theo went very fast and he was first. Theo was very happy. Tito was happy too. The city snails were cool.