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November 2023

February 07, 2024

November 2023


February 07, 2024

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  1. SUMMARY • Leading group of general viewing channels in November

    demonstrated growth (plus 2.48 p.p., share of 41.66%), and the group remains on the first place. • In second place is the group of movie channels, which viewing share in November decreased by 4.88 percentage points and amounted to 15.25%. • Group of entertainment channels is in third place - in November, the group's viewing share was at the level of 12.89% (minus 0.11 p.p.). • Group channels TV serials, which viewing share was 7.01%, which is 1.23 pp. higher than the indicator in October, was in fourth place. • Part of the documentary group channels slightly decreased, and the group takes fifth place with an indicator of 6.97% (minus 0.39 p.p.). • In sixth place is the group of news channels (viewing share of 4.86%, plus 0.45 p.p.), and in seventh place is the group of children's channels (viewing share of 4.10%, increased by 0.15 p.p.). • In eighth place was a group of sports channels (viewing share decreased by 0.61 percentage points to 2.75% in November). • The viewing share of the group of music channels increased by 0.45 p.p. to 1.81%, and the group was in ninth place. • The group of regional channels holds the tenth place with an indicator of 1.57% (plus 0.42 p.p.).
  2. TV channels groups by genres 39,18 20,13 13, 5,74 7,36

    4,42 3,95 3,37 1,36 0,7 0,8 41,66 15,25 12,89 7,01 6,97 4,86 4,1 2,75 1,81 1,12 1,57 0,00 15,00 30,00 45,00 60,00 General review Movie screening Entertainment Series Documentary News Children's Sports Musical Regional Others TV channels groups by genres, Shr % October November
  3. Channels of general viewing, November 2023 • STB channel leads

    the group (viewing share 9.95%, added 0.44 p.p.) in November. • Novy Channel (viewing share increased by 0.16 percentage points) takes second place with a viewing share of 6.91%. STB channel generated 900.1 thousand contacts, while the figure for Novy Channel was 865.3 thousand. • 1+1 Ukraine channel took third place with a viewing share of 6.37% (plus 0.77 pp and 718.6 thousand contacts). • ICTV channel ranks fourth, having lost 0.36 percentage points in November (viewing share 4.37%, number of contacts with the channel – 578.9 thousand). • Channel 2+2 decreased by 0.11 pp in November. and is in fifth place with a rate of 3.99% (798.2 thousand contacts generated), and 1+1 Marathon channel is in sixth place with a rate of 3.87% (plus 0.27 p.p., generated 624.7 thousand of contacts). In total, the group of general viewing channels gained 6.73 million contacts with viewers' devices in November.
  4. Channels of general viewing, Shr%, November 2023 9,95 6,91 6,37

    4,37 3,99 3,87 2,9 1,79 0,66 0,42 0,35 0,06 0,02 0, 0, 0,00 3,50 7,00 10,50 STB Novy Channel 1+1 Ukraine ICTV 2+2 1+1 Marathon Inter NTN K1 5 channel K2 DOM Televsesvit NASHE DobroTV Channels of general viewing, Shr%, November 2023
  5. Channels of general viewing, average time spent, November 2023 01:40:08

    01:12:54 01:27:02 01:18:17 00:54:30 01:10:54 01:09:16 00:56:43 00:23:54 00:26:57 00:00:00 00:07:12 00:14:24 00:21:36 00:28:48 00:36:00 00:43:12 00:50:24 00:57:36 01:04:48 01:12:00 01:19:12 STB Novy Channel 1+1 Ukraine ICTV 2+2 1+1 Marathon Inter NTN K1 5 channel Channels of general viewing, Ats, November 2023
  6. Channels of general viewing, coverage, November 2023 900 165 865

    254 718 558 579 848 798 182 624 707 554 442 444 014 451 738 224 980 284 549 95 164 186 332 4 530 0 0 100 000 200 000 300 000 400 000 500 000 600 000 700 000 800 000 900 000 1 000 000 1 100 000 1 200 000 1 300 000 1 400 000 1 500 000 STB Novy Channel 1+1 Ukraine ICTV 2+2 1+1 Marathon Inter NTN K1 5 channel K2 DOM Televsesvit NASHE DobroTV Channels of general viewing, Cov# (A-approximation), November 2023
  7. General viewing channels, weekdays • On weekdays in November, STB

    has taken the first place. • Novy Channel is in second place. • 1+1 Ukraine is in third place. *Prime-time from 6:00 p.m. to 0:00 a.m. **Off-prime from 0:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  8. General viewing channels, weekends • On the weekend, the first

    place is held by STB. • The second place is for Novy Channel. • The third is taken 1+1 Ukraine. *Prime-time from 6:00 p.m. to 0:00 a.m. **Off-prime from 0:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  9. Movie channels, November 2023 • The first position in November

    is occupied by Viasat Kino HD (viewing share 2.16%, decrease by 1.24 p.p.). In total, more than 297.8 thousand contacts with unique devices of viewers connected to IPTV/OTT platforms watched Viasat TV Kino HD throughout Ukraine for a month with an average viewing rate of 43.4 minutes. • Viasat Kino Megahit with a rate of 1.52% (share decreased by 0.59 pp, number of contacts – 230.4 thousand) ranked second in the group. • The third place in the group is held by Viasat Kino Action (viewing share 1.48%, decrease by 0.52 p.p.), which was contacted by 274.3 thousand devices of viewers. • Viasat Kino Comedy channel is in fourth place (viewing share 1.30%, number of contacts with the channel – 256.5 thousand). • Hollywood HD channel (viewing share increased by 0.09 p.p. to 0.88%) took fifth place - the channel had 139.8 thousand contacts with viewers' devices in November. In total, the group of movie channels gained 3.95 million contacts with viewers' devices in November.
  10. Movie channels, Shr%, November 2023 2,16 1,52 1,49 1,3 0,88

    0,77 0,61 0,58 0,55 0,49 0,47 0,45 0,43 0,41 0,35 0,35 0,34 0,31 0,29 0,27 0,00 0,35 0,70 1,05 1,40 1,75 2,10 2,45 Viasat Kino HD Viasat Kino Megahit Viasat Kino Action Viasat Kino Comedy Hollywood HD Viasat Kino W orld 4ever Theater Kinowood Cinema Fantasy Cinema Comedy AM C Hollywood CINE+ HD CINE+HIT Cinema Megahit Cinema Family Cinema Action Enter-film 4ever Cinema Nashe lyubimoye… Movie channels, Shr%, November 2023
  11. Movie channels, average time spent, November 2023 00:43:24 00:45:37 00:37:03

    00:35:24 00:25:35 00:23:17 00:40:21 00:18:47 00:37:09 00:35:52 00:00:00 00:07:12 00:14:24 00:21:36 00:28:48 00:36:00 00:43:12 00:50:24 Viasat Kino HD Viasat Kino… Viasat Kino Action Viasat Kino… Hollywood HD Viasat Kino W orld 4ever Theater Kinowood Cinema Fantasy Cinema Comedy Movie channels, Ats, November 2023
  12. Entertainment channels, November 2023 • ICTV 2 channel remains in

    the first place in the group with a viewing share of 5.04% (an increase of 0.20 p.p. ), generating 738 thousand contacts with viewers' devices throughout Ukraine. Average viewing time channel ICTV2 was 1 hour and 7.5 minutes. • TET channel is in second place with a viewing share of 3.18% (minus 0.77 p.p. ). • KVARTAL TV channel is in third place with a share of 1.25%. There were 666,000 contacts with TET channel, while KVARTAL TV had 353.7 thousand. • Sonce channel was in fourth place with a share of 0.89 % (plus 0.27 pp), and OCE (QTV) was in fifth place with a share of 0.66% (plus 0.09 pp). In general, the group of entertainment channels gained 3.58 million contacts with viewers' devices during the month.
  13. Entertainment channels, Shr%, November 2023 5,04 3,18 1,25 0,89 0,66

    0,64 0,41 0,27 0,21 0,11 0,09 0,05 0,05 0,01 0,01 0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00 ICTV2 ТЕТ KVARTAL TV Sonce OCE (QTV) TLC M ega Fox Life Continent E Rybalka TV Orel & Reshka Trofey Food Network M ilady_Televisio FAST&FUN BOX HD Entertainment channels, Shr%, November 2023
  14. Entertainment channels, average time spent, November 2023 01:07:33 00:50:49 00:46:59

    01:04:02 00:33:38 00:54:51 00:22:33 00:35:34 00:27:03 00:13:23 00:00:00 00:07:12 00:14:24 00:21:36 00:28:48 00:36:00 00:43:12 00:50:24 00:57:36 ICTV2 ТЕТ KVARTAL TV Sonce OCE (QTV) TLC M ega Fox Life Continent E Rybalka TV Entertainment channels, Ats, November 2023
  15. Children’s channels, November 2023 • Share of viewing Plus Plus

    channel asked in November by 0.03 p.p. to level 1,13 %, and the channel remains in first place, generating 231.6 thousand contacts. • Nickelodeon (0.52% share, unchanged) took second place, followed by Nick Jr (share of 0.35%, plus 0.10 p.p.) ranks third, respectively. Nickelodeon channel generated 127.6 thousand contacts, and Nick Jr - 68.3 thousand. • The fourth place is occupied by Pixel channel, which received a viewing share of 0.34% (minus 0.15 p.p.), and the number of contacts with the channel was 175.4 thousand. In total, children's channels had 1.49 million contacts with viewers' devices during November.
  16. Children’s channels, Shr%, November 2023 1,13 0,52 0,35 0,34 0,33

    0,24 0,23 0,22 0,17 0,14 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,02 0,01 0,00 0,75 1,50 PLUSPLUS Nickelodeon Nick Jr Pixel Nicktoons Cine+ Kids NIKI Junior Cartoon Network Kinokazka NIKI Kids Boomerang ZOOM DuckTV Duck TV Plus English Club TV HD Povniy Mult MultStream TIJI Gulli Girl BabyTV Children’s channels, Shr%, November 2023
  17. Children’s channels, average time spent, November 2023 01:21:53 00:58:03 01:30:04

    00:41:29 01:30:51 00:31:43 01:05:27 00:40:54 00:19:43 00:42:33 00:00:00 00:07:12 00:14:24 00:21:36 00:28:48 00:36:00 00:43:12 00:50:24 00:57:36 01:04:48 01:12:00 01:19:12 01:26:24 01:33:36 01:40:48 01:48:00 01:55:12 02:02:24 PLUSPLUS Nickelodeon Nick Jr Pixel Nicktoons Cine+ Kids NIKI Junior Cartoon Network Kinokazka NIKI Kids Children’s channels, Ats, November 2023
  18. Sports channels, November 2023 • Setanta Sports HD took first

    place in November (viewing share increased by 0.04 pp to 0.71%). Eurosport 1 takes second place with a viewing share of 0.58% (minus 0.36 p.p.). Setanta Sports HD received 237.5 thousand contacts with viewers' devices, and 166.5 thousand viewers' devices contacted the Eurosport 1 channel. • Eurosport 2 channel (viewing share in November 0.29%, plus 0.03 p.p., number of contacts with the channel – 155.6 thousand) occupies the third position. • The fourth place is held by Setanta Sports Plus with a viewing share of 0.26% and 137.1 thousand contacts. • Suspilne Sport channel is in fifth place with a viewing share of 0.20% and 165.3 thousand contacts. In total, the group of sports channels generated about 1.73 million contacts with viewers' devices in a month.
  19. Sports channels, Shr%, November 2023 0,71 0,58 0,29 0,26 0,2

    0,18 0,1 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,00 0,70 1,40 Setanta Sports HD Eurosport 1 Eurosport 2 Setanta Sports Plus Суспільне Sport Megogo Football 1 XSPORT UPL 1 FIGHTBOX HD Xsport+ Sports channels, Shr%, November 2023
  20. Sports channels, average time spent, November 2023 00:36:43 00:45:05 00:27:16

    00:24:10 00:21:04 00:28:25 00:13:27 00:13:45 00:21:48 00:15:09 00:00:00 00:05:46 00:11:31 00:17:17 00:23:02 00:28:48 00:34:34 00:40:19 00:46:05 Setanta Sports HD Eurosport 1 Eurosport 2 Setanta Sports Plus Суспільне Sport Megogo Football 1 XSPORT UPL 1 FIGHTBOX HD Xsport+ Sports channels, Ats, November 2023
  21. News channels, November 2023 • In the first place is

    Channel 24, which viewing share in November increased by 0.42 percentage points . up to 1.38% (the channel received 253.1 thousand contacts and an average viewing time of 1 hour). • The share of viewers of PRYAMIY channel, which was in second place, increased by 0.55 percentage points to 1.32%. The channel received 344,000 unique contacts in November and an average viewing time of 47.3 minutes. • Espresso channel showed a viewing share of 1.14% (an increase of 0.08 p.p. ), and ranks third with 295.7 thousand contacts. Average viewing time was 45.3 minutes. • The fourth place is taken by Unian TV - the viewing share is 0.32% (plus 0.16 p.p.), the number of contacts with the channel is 250.5 thousand. • Apostrophe TV took fifth place (viewing share increased by 0.08 percentage points to 0.23%), which generated 132.4 thousand contacts. The total number of contacts of news channels with viewers' devices throughout Ukraine in November amounted to 1.92 million.
  22. News channels, Shr%, November 2023 1,38 1,32 1,14 0,32 0,23

    0,12 0,1 0,09 0,07 0,04 0,03 0,02 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 1,20 1,40 1,60 Channel 24 Direct Espresso TV Union TV Apostrophe TV Obozrevatel TV Channel 8 W e - Ukraine UA: FreeDOM Euronews Social News 4 Channel PravdaTUT 100% NEW S BBC W orld News BUSINESS D1 News channels, Shr%, November 2023
  23. News channels, average time spent, November 2023 1:00:32 0:47:19 0:45:20

    0:21:22 0:28:05 0:18:01 0:16:16 0:39:52 0:45:00 0:18:43 0:00:00 0:14:24 0:28:48 0:43:12 0:57:36 1:12:00 1:26:24 Channel 24 Direct Espresso TV Union TV Apostrophe TV Obozrevatel TV Channel 8 We - Ukraine UA: FreeDOM Euronews News channels , Ats, November 2023
  24. Documentary channels, November 2023 • In the first place in

    the group is the History channel, which share has increased to 0.99% (an increase of 0.12 pp., the total number of contacts with the channel is 181.7 thousand), and DISCOVERY CHANNEL takes the second position in the group with indicator of 0.83% (minus 0.18 p.p.). The number of DISCOVERY CHANNEL contacts with viewers' devices throughout Ukraine amounted to 134.2 thousand. • Viasat Explore CEE took the third place with a viewing share of 0.59% (lost 0.04 p.p.). • Viasat Nature CEE (viewing share 0.52%, growth by 0.12 p.p.) is in fourth place, and Discovery Science channel is in fifth place with a rate of 0.49% (minus 0.22 percentage points). The average viewing time of the leading TV channels of the group in November was: History - 57.6 minutes, DISCOVERY CHANNEL - 40 minutes, Viasat Explore CEE – 44.7 minutes. In general, the group of documentary channels generated 3.76 million contacts with viewers' devices in November.
  25. Documentary channels, Shr %, November 2023 0,99 0,83 0,59 0,52

    0,49 0,48 0,35 0,35 0,33 0,33 0,21 0,19 0,17 0,15 0,11 0,11 0,09 0,08 0,07 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,04 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,02 0,02 0,00 0,18 0,35 0,53 0,70 0,88 1,05 History DISCOVERY CHANNEL Viasat Explore CEE Viasat Nature CEE Discovery Science Viasat History NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Nat Geo Wild Travel&Adventure History 2 Animal Planet Suspilne Kultura Investigation Discovery One Planet Rybalka TV Kus Kus Orel & Reshka Dacha Travel Channel HD SEA TV DOCUBOX HD Trofey Eko TV Da Vinci Learning EPOQUE Fauna Travelxp HD 6Sotok 1AUTO Nauka Documentary channels, Shr %, November 2023
  26. Documentary channels, average time spent, November 2023 0:57:35 0:40:03 0:44:42

    0:41:51 0:33:43 0:42:09 0:29:36 0:34:57 0:31:52 0:40:51 0:20:45 0:00:00 0:07:12 0:14:24 0:21:36 0:28:48 0:36:00 0:43:12 0:50:24 0:57:36 History DISCOVERY CHANNEL Viasat Explore CEE Viasat Nature CEE Discovery Science Viasat History NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Nat Geo W ild Travel&Adventure History 2 Anim al Planet Documentary channels, Ats, November 2023
  27. TV series channels, Shr %, November 2023 2,84 0,88 0,68

    0,58 0,55 0,5 0,39 0,24 0,00 0,35 0,70 1,05 1,40 1,75 2,10 2,45 2,80 3,15 BIGUDI Comedy Central FILM UADRAMA Epic Drama Star Family FOX Kinoliving Bolt TV series channels, Shr %, November 2023 • The group of TV series channels in November is led by Bigudi channel, which viewing share increased by 1.19 percentage points up 2.84%, which generated 387.2 thousand contacts with viewers' devices. • Central Comedy channel is in second place, the viewing share of which increased by 0.08 p.p. to 0.88%. • The third place is held by FILMUADRAMA channel with a viewing share of 0.68% (plus 0.05 p.p.). In total, the group of series channels gained 2.58 million contacts with viewers' devices throughout Ukraine.
  28. TV series channels, average time spent, November 2023 01:27:25 00:46:03

    00:42:30 00:39:57 00:40:51 00:44:42 00:17:44 00:24:05 00:00:00 00:14:24 00:28:48 00:43:12 00:57:36 01:12:00 01:26:24 01:40:48 BIGUDI Comedy Central FILM UADRAMA Epic Drama Star Family FOX Kinoliving Bolt TV series channels, Ats, November 2023
  29. Music channels, Shr%, November 2023 • M1 takes the first

    place - its viewing share increased by 0.03 p.p. to 0.41%, on the second - channel 4ever Music (share at the level of 0.32%). • In third place is M2 channel with a viewing share of 0.26%. The group of music channels gained 1.42 million contacts with viewers' devices in November. 0,41 0,32 0,26 0,22 0,1 0,09 0,09 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,00 0,15 0,30 0,45 M1 4ever… M2 EU Music UAMusic MUZVAR… Viva Latino InRating MUSIC… NASHE… Music channels, Shr%, November 2023
  30. Music channels, average time spent, November 2023 00:45:41 00:41:16 00:33:28

    00:39:39 00:28:09 00:20:20 00:42:55 00:10:58 00:21:40 00:27:52 00:00:00 00:07:12 00:14:24 00:21:36 00:28:48 00:36:00 00:43:12 00:50:24 M 1 4ever music M 2 EU M usic UAM usic M UZVAR TV Viva Latino InRating M USIC BOX UA NASHE M USIC… Music channels, Ats, November 2023
  31. Regional channels, November 2023 • In November, Kyiv channel is

    in first place among regional channels with a viewing share of 0.72%. • In second place is the channel Suspilne Kyiv with an indicator of 0.118%. • Pershiy Zahidny TV channel, having received a viewing share of 0.049%, is in third place, and Suspilne Crimea, which viewing share was 0.029%, is in fourth place. • The next is ATR channel has an indicator within 0.022% of viewing share. During the month, the group of regional channels received 1.65 million contacts with viewers' devices..
  32. Regional channels, Shr%, November 2023 0,719 0,119 0,050 0,030 0,022

    0,021 0,017 0,011 0,010 0,010 0,009 0,009 0,009 0,008 0,008 0,008 0,007 0,006 0,005 0,005 0,004 0,004 0,003 0,003 0,003 0,003 0,002 0,002 0,002 0,001 0,001 0,000 0,050 0,100 Kyiv Suspilne Kyiv Pershyi Western Public Crimea ATR NTA (2nd channel) Horizon TV Suspilne Odesa Suspilne Lutsk PravdaTUT Kyiv Suspilne Kharkiv Suspilne Dnipro ETNO CHANNEL HD Suspilne Kropyvnytskyi Chernomorskaya TRK Suspilne Zhytomyr Suspilne Khmelnytskyi Suspilne Vinnitsya Suspilne Sumy Suspilne Chernihiv Suspilne Chernivtsi Suspilne Zaporozhye Suspilne Rivne Suspilne Mykolaiv Suspilne Poltava Vita TV Channel 9 Rudana TRK (Kryvyi Rih) Pervyi Gorodskoi TRK Halychyna Channel 11 Regional channels, Shr%, November 2023
  33. Regional channels, average time spent, November 2023 00:14:59 00:26:01 00:07:25

    00:07:35 00:12:00 00:23:54 00:10:32 00:15:38 00:06:37 00:19:06 00:13:24 00:06:47 00:16:35 00:04:33 00:13:19 00:13:30 00:10:17 00:11:46 00:10:55 00:08:40 00:08:29 00:08:26 00:08:46 00:06:26 00:07:49 00:11:12 00:07:17 00:09:43 00:08:25 00:11:36 00:00:00 00:07:12 00:14:24 00:21:36 00:28:48 Kyiv Suspilne Kyiv Pershyi W estern Public Crim ea ATR NTA (2nd channel) Horizon TV Suspilne Odesa Suspilne Lutsk PravdaTUT Kyiv Suspilne Kharkiv Suspilne Dnipro ETNO CHANNEL HD Suspilne… Chernom orskaya TRK Suspilne Zhytom yr Suspilne… Suspilne Vinnitsya Suspilne Sum y Suspilne Chernihiv Suspilne Chernivtsi Suspilne Zaporozhye Suspilne Rivne Suspilne M ykolaiv Suspilne Poltava Vita TV Channel 9 Rudana TRK (Kryvyi… Pervyi Gorodskoi TRK Halychyna Channel 11 Regional channels, Ats, November 2023
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