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Current 2023: 3 Mistakes We Made So You Won't H...

Sharon Xie
November 01, 2024

Current 2023: 3 Mistakes We Made So You Won't Have To

Is your team looking to bring the power of full, end-to-end stream processing with Apache Flink to your organization but are concerned about the time, resources or skills required? In this talk, Sharon Xie, Decodable Founding Engineer and Apache Flink PMC Member, Robert Metzger, will reveal the biggest lessons learned, and how to avoid common mistakes when adopting Apache Flink. If you have any plans on implementing Apache Flink, then this is a session you do not want to miss.

We will talk about avoiding data-loss with Flink’s Kafka exactly-once producer, configuring Flink for getting the most bang for the buck out of your memory configuration and tuning for efficient checkpointing.

Sharon Xie

November 01, 2024


  1. 3 Flink Mistakes We Made So You Wonʼt Have To

    Robert Metzger, Staff Engineer @ Decodable Apache Flink Committer and PMC Chair Sharon Xie, Founding Engineer @ Decodable
  2. What weʼll be talking about today #1 Data Loss with

    Flink Exactly-Once Delivery to Kafka #2 Inefficient Memory Configuration #3 Inefficient Checkpointing Config
  3. Important Kafka Broker Configurations transaction.max.timeout.ms • Default: 900000 (15 minutes)

    transactional.id.expiration.ms • Default: 604800000 (7 days)
  4. • Flink Kafka Producer creates a new transaction id for

    each checkpoint per task • transactional.id.expiration.ms = 604800000 (7 days) Excessive Memory Usage
  5. • transaction.max.timeout.ms = 604800000 (7 days) ◦ From default: 15min

    • transactional.id.expiration.ms = 3600000 (1 hour) ◦ From default: 7 days Better Kafka Transaction Configuration
  6. When a checkpoint/savepoint to restore is over 1 hour (the

    new transactional.id.expiration.ms) old org.apache.kafka.common.errors.InvalidPidMappingException: The producer attempted to use a producer id which is not currently assigned to its transactional id. InvalidPidMappingException
  7. Short-term: Ignore InvalidPidMappingException 😇 • ONLY when transaction.timeout.ms (Kafka client

    configuration in Flink) > transactional.id.expiration.ms Long-term: 🤝 • KIP-939: Support Participation in 2PC • FLIP-319: Integrate with Kafka's Support for Proper 2PC Participation Fix InvalidPidMappingException
  8. What weʼll be talking about today #1 Data Loss with

    Flink Exactly-Once Delivery to Kafka ✅ #2 Inefficient Memory Configuration #3 Inefficient Checkpointing Config
  9. How to Tune TaskManager Memory • Flink automatically computes memory

    budgets Just provide total process size. • Main memory consumers ◦ Framework + Task heap ◦ RocksDB State backend (off-heap) ◦ Network stack (off-heap) ◦ JVM internal structures [metaspace, thread stacks] (off-heap)
  10. How to Tune TaskManager Memory • Example: taskmanager.memory.process.size: 8gb JVM

    internal structures [metaspace, thread stacks] (off-heap) Framework + Task heap RocksDB State backend (off-heap) Network stack (off-heap)
  11. How to Tune TaskManager Memory • Letʼs tune for this

    particular job 150mb 700mb 2300mb = 3150mb unused memory
  12. How to Tune TaskManager Memory • Give as much memory

    as possible to Managed Memory = RocksDB taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size: 1 gb taskmanager.memory.managed.size: 5800 mb taskmanager.memory.network.min: 32 mb taskmanager.memory.network.max: 32 mb taskmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size: 120 mb
  13. • Stateful workloads with RocksDB benefit most from as much

    memory as possible → Check out the full documentation: https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-doc s-master/docs/deployment/memory/mem_ setup/ Memory Configuration Wrap Up
  14. What weʼll be talking about today #1 Data Loss with

    Flink Exactly-Once Delivery to Kafka ✅ #2 Inefficient Memory Configuration ✅ #3 Inefficient Checkpointing Config
  15. execution.checkpointing.interval: 10s execution.checkpointing.min-pause: 10s Make sure your job is not

    spending all the time checkpointing Image source: https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-master/docs/ops/state/large_state_tuning/#tuning-checkpointing #3 Reliable, Fast Checkpointing
  16. state.backend: rocksdb state.backend.incremental: true Only upload the diff to the

    last checkpoint #33 full #34 incremental #35 incremental Reliable, Fast Checkpointing
  17. state.backend.local-recovery: true Local recovery: Only re-download the state on failed

    machines After a failure without local recovery: All TaskManagers download the state TM1 TM2 TM3 TM4 1  TM4 fails TM1 TM2 TM3 TM4 2  Recovery With local recovery: Most machines use local disks, only one needs to download TM1 TM2 TM3 TM4 1  TM4 fails TM1 TM2 TM3 TM4 2  Recovery Reliable, Fast Checkpointing
  18. Fast Checkpointing and State Put your RocksDB state on the

    fastest available disk. Typically a local SSD. TaskManager Your Flink Worker Remote EBS Volume Your Flink Worker TaskManager Local SSD
  19. The End – Q&A Robert Metzger, Staff Engineer @ Decodable

    Apache Flink Committer and PMC Chair Sharon Xie, Founding Engineer @ Decodable Get your free decodable.co account today if you want us to handle the issues discussed in the talk. Visit the Decodable Booth 201) for any Flink related questions.
  20. Fast Checkpointing and State • RocksDB stores your state on

    the /tmp directory • On AWS Kubernetes, thatʼs by default an EBS volume Type Size IOPS (max) Throughput Price per Month io1 950 GB 64000 $4278 io2 block express 950 GB 256000 $9769 gp3 950 GB 16000 1000 mb/s $176 M6gd.4xlarge 64g | 16c 950 GB Read: 93000 Write: 222000 $78 per instance for a local NVMe SSD → Using an instance type with a local SSD gives you by far the best performance per $ We just mount the entire Docker working directory on the local SSD.
  21. • Flink EO with Kafka can still cause data loss

    • Transaction timeout is the key • Flink EO implementation can consume excessive memory from Kafka • A better approach with Flink + Kafka is under way Recap