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Introducing Thinking in Bets principles in prod...

Simone Casciaroli
November 20, 2022

Introducing Thinking in Bets principles in product development

Simone Casciaroli

November 20, 2022


  1. blog: simonecasciaroli.com twitter: @simonecasc Introducing Thinking in Bets principles in

    product development how we created a process that help the team embrace uncertainty and increased outcomes achieved
  2. SecureSafe (2008) • Lean Startup: • Problem team/Solution team •

    Hypothesis and experiments • Assumption testing
  3. Spotter (2017) • Async communication • How do I make

    more visible the process that bring us from ideation to validation? • How do you prioritise what to build next?
  4. Implementation Solution Problem Done if: Users can interact with it

    in production and feedback can be collected Done if: Spikes or implementation cards are ready Done if: A Solution card with a detailed description of the problem and a draft solution is ready
  5. Implementation Solution Problem If you have all the details for

    defining the scenarios for the cards and you don’t need someone else feedback or a technical spike write this If you know the problem very well OR it’s fine to assume you know it well but you only have a draft idea of the scenarios and/or require input from other write this Always think about the problem BUT only write this if you need more information about the problem itself or you are not sure about the problem
  6. In Summary • Everyone was more aware of what was

    going on • It helped question more our understanding of the problem • It works with small teams or with teams that keep WIP low (via pairing/mob)
  7. Guider (2019) • Struggle to convey the uncertainty of our

    decision making to other stakeholders (commercial side of the business) and to the team • How do we know when to run further research? • How do you help the team thinking about multiple solution when solving a problem?
  8. Annie Duke • Decisions are probabilities • Dangers of “resulting”

    • Being comfortable with uncertainty • Interview with Shane Parrish Thinking in Bets
  9. What problems are we solving • Problems exist at different

    levels • Business level: increase revenue MoM 10% in Q2 • Product level: how does the user currently takes notes during meetings? • UX level: does the user understand how to save a new note? Problem card
  10. Our first draft for a bet or initial hypothesis •

    Outcome • Our Bet • Confidence level • Chips (how much it will cost to play the bet) • How to verify if we won Bet Definition Card
  11. The bet is on the table Bet Execution Card •

    After we have done: spikes, design, analysis • We are ready to roll the dices and put the bet in front of our users/customers
  12. In Summary • It increased awareness on the uncertainty of

    the product team job • Increased engagement during discovery • The process was different so for the first few iterations I had to play a much more active role
  13. When we discuss a problem card What happen in Planning

    • Draft a number of Bets cards • Define what we are betting on and how to measure it • Discuss our confidence level • How much it cost • We would then either: • Pick cheap bets even if confidence level was low • Pick bets where confidence was high • Play a card to increase confidence
  14. An example of Planning Session The Problem • Context: Dating

    Website • Problem: Increase 30% conversion for the Signup -> First Date Show Matches Send Request Request Accepted Book your First date 60% 50% 70% 90% Meet
  15. Lets define some bets • An important part of funnel

    is finding your best match so we should improve our matching algorithm • We could remove accepting the request and allow to book the first date upfront 60% £20’000 70% £20’000 Confidence level Chips • Interview customers who haven’t find a match (1 week) • Interview customers on how important is to keep control over matches (2 weeks) • Keep the option to accept request but allow to book in advance the first date 75% £5’000
  16. How do I increase outcomes achieved? • Increase Your Options

    • Involve The All Team in finding options for your problems • Pick higher certainty bets or cheap bets first • Make sure you have plenty of diversity in the sessions
  17. Did you know we’re hiring? We’re looking for exceptional talent

    globally across the organization. Check out our Career Site to find your next opportunity with Babylon. babylonhealth.com/careers/technology
  18. Thank you What questions do you have for me? blog:

    simonecasciaroli.com twitter: @simonecasc
  19. Validate Columns • If you are serious about being outcome

    driven add a validation column in your board and review with teams if you won or lost your bets • It’s very hard to win with your first bet, it’s more likely to incrementally getting there • If you are winning all the time either you play too safe or you are gaming the numbers :) Allow to book first date while selecting your match