契約社員の待遇・Employment conditions for contract empl...

August 22, 2024

契約社員の待遇・Employment conditions for contract employees (keiyakushain)


August 22, 2024


  1. 契約社員の待遇 応募資格 募集ポジションにより異なる 業務内容 募集職種により異なる。入社後、業務の変更の範囲として、発令等に基づき 会社の定める業務へ変更となる可能性がある 初期契約 初回3ヶ月(試用期間) 契約期間 更新の有無:有

    (業務状況、勤務成績、会社の経営状況により判断 ) 更新後の契約期間:年度ごと 契約期間の上限:最長 4年 就業場所 雇入れ直後:東京オフィス本社、他各拠点および自宅 ※採用時の勤務地は、各ポジションの求人票および内定通知書にてお伝え します。 勤務地の変更の範囲として、ポジションやビジネスのニーズに応じて、配置 転換や転勤の可能性があります。
  2. フレックスタイム制度 一日の所定労働時間: 8時間 コアタイム:なし フレキシブルタイム: 6:00 - 21:00 賃金 •

    月給 250,000円〜 • (内訳)基本賃金:191,000円+40時間分の固定残業代 59,000円 ◦ 上記はフレックスタイム制の中途採用時に提示する賃金の下限 額です。 ◦ 40時間を越えた労働分については追加で支給します。 • 通勤手当:支給(就業規則で定める上限あり) 契約社員の待遇 (つづき)
  3. Employment conditions for contract employees (keiyakushain) Application requirements Actual requirements

    vary based on the position. Job responsibilities The exact job responsibilities varies depending on the job position, and the scope of responsibility changes may be altered based on company directives or orders after joining. Initial contract period 3 months (trial period) Contract renewal Based on the employee's work attitude, individual performance, and the company's situation, the contract may be renewed for 12 months on a yearly basis for up to four years. Workplace location Immediately after hiring: Tokyo office headquarters, other locations, and home. The workplace at the time of hiring will be communicated through the job posting and offer letter for each position. The scope of workplace changes includes the possibility of reassignment or transfer according to the position and business needs.
  4. Indoor smoking policy Completely non-smoking indoors Possibility of work exceeding

    the prescribed working hours Yes Break time As per legal requirements (1 hour) Holidays Two-day weekends (Saturday and Sunday), public holidays, summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, and other special leave (e.g., bereavement leave, congratulatory leave, etc,) Paid Time Off Up to 10 days granted on the first day of employment *The number of days varies depending on the month of joining. Employment conditions for regular employees (keiyakushain)
  5. Employment conditions for contract employees (keiyakushain) Flextime system Prescribed working

    hours per day: 8 hours Core time: None Flexible time: 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM Salary • Monthly salary: ¥250,000 and up • (Breakdown) Basic wage: ¥191,000 + fixed overtime pay for 40 hours: ¥59,000 ◦ The above is the minimum wage presented at the time of mid-career hiring under the flextime system. ◦ Additional payment will be provided for work exceeding 40 hours. • Commuting allowance: Provided (with a maximum limit specified in the work regulations) Insurance Employee shall be enrolled in all social insurances required by law.