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Implementing OS in Go

Andrey Smirnov
March 23, 2019

Implementing OS in Go

Implementing operating system in Go - what it means, toolchain, builds, fun facts, some developer notes.

Andrey Smirnov

March 23, 2019


  1. Kubernetes in the cloud Linux distribution Kubernetes Linux distribution Kubernetes

    Linux distribution Kubernetes Linux distribution Kubernetes
  2. Kubernetes in the cloud Linux distribution Kubernetes Linux distribution Kubernetes

    Linux distribution Kubernetes Linux distribution Kubernetes
  3. Why another OS for Kubernetes? Package management issues, configuration drift

    across nodes Inconsistent Kubernetes experience across clouds and bare-metal Security/compliance issues due to extra bloat in the OS Requires automation tools to manage the cluster Hard to keep up with Kubernetes release schedule
  4. What is Talos? Open-source modern OS designed for Kubernetes (only)

    Linux kernel + user-space in Go Talos Kubernetes Linux kernel User-space (Go)
  5. Talos goals Minimal: no bloat Fast: fast to boot Hardened:

    security best practices applied by default Secure: PKI infrastructure for auth Immutable: read-only rootfs
  6. Talos Architecture Linux kernel init machined services containerd ntpd networkd

    udevd osd trustd proxyd kubelet kubeadm etcd kube-apiserver customer workloads initramfs rootfs/ squashfs KSPP mounts userdata Talos K8s
  7. Talos Architecture Linux kernel init machined services containerd ntpd networkd

    udevd osd trustd proxyd initramfs rootfs/ squashfs KSPP mounts userdata Talos K8s
  8. Talos Architecture Linux kernel init machined services containerd ntpd networkd

    udevd osd trustd proxyd kubelet kubeadm initramfs rootfs/ squashfs KSPP mounts userdata Talos K8s
  9. Talos Architecture Linux kernel init machined services containerd ntpd networkd

    udevd osd trustd proxyd kubelet kubeadm etcd kube-apiserver customer workloads initramfs rootfs/ squashfs KSPP mounts userdata Talos K8s
  10. Why doing OS in Go is so cool? Easy to

    reason about the code Static linking
  11. Why doing OS in Go is so cool? Easy to

    reason about the code Static linking Great concurrency primitives
  12. Why doing OS in Go is so cool? Easy to

    reason about the code Static linking Great concurrency primitives Wrappers for low-level OS primitives (e.g. netlink)
  13. Why doing OS in Go is so cool? Easy to

    reason about the code Static linking Great concurrency primitives Wrappers for low-level OS primitives (e.g. netlink) Easy integration with other services in Go
  14. Service A way to run the service (Runner) Service state,

    health Service logs Service dependencies Service control (stop, start, restart) Service pre-run hooks (prepare)
  15. Runner API - v.0 type Runner interface { Run() error

    } Run() returns when runnable object terminates
  16. Runner API - v.1 type Runner interface { Run(ctx context.Context)

    error } type Runner interface { Run() error Stop() } Run() returns when runnable object terminates
  17. Runner API v.2 type EventSink func(event Event) type Runner interface

    { Run(eventSink EventSink) error Stop() } [Waiting]: Waiting for service "containerd" to be "up", service "kubeadm" to be "up", file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env" to exist (1m28s ago) [Waiting]: Waiting for service "kubeadm" to be "up", file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env" to exist (1m26s ago) [Waiting]: Waiting for file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env" to exist (52s ago) [Preparing]: Running pre state (36s ago) [Preparing]: Creating service runner (36s ago) [Running]: Started task kubelet (PID 551) for container kubelet (36s ago) [Running]: Health check failed: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused (34s ago) [Running]: Health check successful (29s ago)
  18. Auto-restarting runner type Restarter struct { wrapped Runner } func

    (rr *Restarter) Run(eventSink EventSink) error { for { err := rr.wrapped.Run(eventSink) eventSink(Event(“restarting due to %v”, err)) time.Sleep(time.Second) } }
  19. Auto-restarting runner type Restarter struct { wrapped Runner } func

    (rr *Restarter) Run(eventSink EventSink) error { for { err := rr.wrapped.Run(eventSink) eventSink(Event(“restarting due to %v”, err)) time.Sleep(time.Second) } }
  20. Auto-restarting runner type Restarter struct { wrapped Runner } func

    (rr *Restarter) Run(eventSink EventSink) error { for { err := rr.wrapped.Run(eventSink) eventSink(Event(“restarting due to %v”, err)) time.Sleep(time.Second) } }
  21. Auto-restarting runner type Restarter struct { wrapped Runner } func

    (rr *Restarter) Run(eventSink EventSink) error { for { err := rr.wrapped.Run(eventSink) eventSink(Event(“restarting due to %v”, err)) time.Sleep(time.Second) } }
  22. Auto-restarting runner: with stop type Restarter struct { wrapped Runner

    stop chan struct{} } func (rr *Restarter) Stop() { close(rr.stop) }
  23. Auto-restarting runner: with stop type Restarter struct { wrapped Runner

    stop chan struct{} } func (rr *Restarter) Stop() { close(rr.stop) }
  24. Auto-restarting runner: with stop for { errCh := make(chan error)

    go func() { errCh <- rr.wrapped.Run(eventSink) } select { case <-rr.stop: rr.wrapped.Stop() return <-errCh case err := <- errCh: eventSink(Event(“restarting due to %v”, err)) } time.Sleep(time.Second) }
  25. Auto-restarting runner: with stop for { errCh := make(chan error)

    go func() { errCh <- rr.wrapped.Run(eventSink) } select { case <-rr.stop: rr.wrapped.Stop() return <-errCh case err := <- errCh: eventSink(Event(“restarting due to %v”, err)) } time.Sleep(time.Second) }
  26. Auto-restarting runner: with stop for { errCh := make(chan error)

    go func() { errCh <- rr.wrapped.Run(eventSink) } select { case <-rr.stop: rr.wrapped.Stop() return <-errCh case err := <- errCh: eventSink(Event(“restarting due to %v”, err)) } time.Sleep(time.Second) }
  27. Auto-restarting runner: with stop for { errCh := make(chan error)

    go func() { errCh <- rr.wrapped.Run(eventSink) } select { case <-rr.stop: rr.wrapped.Stop() return <-errCh case err := <- errCh: eventSink(Event(“restarting due to %v”, err)) } time.Sleep(time.Second) }
  28. Auto-restarting runner: with stop for { errCh := make(chan error)

    go func() { errCh <- rr.wrapped.Run(eventSink) } select { case <-rr.stop: rr.wrapped.Stop() return <-errCh case err := <- errCh: eventSink(Event(“restarting due to %v”, err)) } time.Sleep(time.Second) }
  29. Auto-restarting runner: with stop for { errCh := make(chan error)

    go func() { errCh <- rr.wrapped.Run(eventSink) } select { case <-rr.stop: rr.wrapped.Stop() return <-errCh case err := <- errCh: eventSink(Event(“restarting due to %v”, err)) } time.Sleep(time.Second) }
  30. Condition type Condition interface { fmt.Stringer Wait(ctx context.Context) error }

    Condition represents anything which can be waited for Conditions are composable [Waiting]: Waiting for service "containerd" to be "up", service "kubeadm" to be "up", file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env" to exist (1m28s ago) [Waiting]: Waiting for service "kubeadm" to be "up", file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env" to exist (1m26s ago) [Waiting]: Waiting for file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env" to exist (52s ago)
  31. Condition composition func FileExists(path string) Condition func ServiceRunning(id string) Condition

    func WaitForAll(conditions ...Condition) Condition condition := WaitForAll(ServiceRunning("trustd"), FileExists("/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env"))
  32. Condition composition type waitAll struct{ conditions []Condition } func WaitForAll(conditions

    ...Condition) Condition { return &waitAll{conditions: conditions} }
  33. Condition composition func (w *waitAll) Wait(ctx context.Context) error { errCh

    := make(chan error) for _, cond := range w.conditions { go func(cond Condition) { errCh <- cond.Wait(ctx) }(cond) } var multiErr multierror.Error for range w.conditions { multiErr := multierror.Append(multiErr, <-errCh) } return multiErr.ErrorOrNil() }
  34. Service: getting things together for _, svc := range services

    { go func(svc Service) { cnd := WaitForAll(svc.PreCondition(), ServiceRunning(svc.Dependencies()...)) cnd.Wait(ctx) svc.Runner().Run(eventSink) }(svc) }
  35. Service: getting things together for _, svc := range services

    { go func(svc Service) { cnd := WaitForAll(svc.PreCondition(), ServiceRunning(svc.Dependencies()...)) cnd.Wait(ctx) svc.Runner().Run(eventSink) }(svc) }
  36. Service: getting things together for _, svc := range services

    { go func(svc Service) { cnd := WaitForAll(svc.PreCondition(), ServiceRunning(svc.Dependencies()...)) cnd.Wait(ctx) svc.Runner().Run(eventSink) }(svc) }
  37. Service: getting things together for _, svc := range services

    { go func(svc Service) { cnd := WaitForAll(svc.PreCondition(), ServiceRunning(svc.Dependencies()...)) cnd.Wait(ctx) svc.Runner().Run(eventSink) }(svc) }
  38. Service: getting things together for _, svc := range services

    { go func(svc Service) { cnd := WaitForAll(svc.PreCondition(), ServiceRunning(svc.Dependencies()...)) cnd.Wait(ctx) svc.Runner().Run(eventSink) }(svc) }
  39. Building OS in 3 minutes Parallel builds (stages, go parallelization

    over packages) Efficient caching (Go build cache, buildkitd caching) Go compiler is blazingly fast!
  40. Slow Go modules download COPY ./ ./ RUN go mod

    download RUN go mod verify RUN go build ./...
  41. Slow Go modules download COPY ./ ./ RUN go mod

    download RUN go mod verify RUN go build ./... SLOOOOW! Any source code change invalidates build cache
  42. Caching Go modules download COPY ./go.mod ./ COPY ./go.sum ./

    RUN go mod download RUN go mod verify COPY ./cmd ./cmd COPY ./pkg ./pkg RUN go build ./...
  43. Caching Go modules download COPY ./go.mod ./ COPY ./go.sum ./

    RUN go mod download RUN go mod verify COPY ./cmd ./cmd COPY ./pkg ./pkg RUN go build ./... cached until Go modules requirements change cache invalidates with source code changes
  44. Caching Go modules go.{mod,sum} $ go mod download $ go

    mod verify ./src $ go build go.{mod,sum} $ go mod download $ go mod verify ./src $ go build
  45. Mounting Go build cache Mounted volume doesn’t affect build cache

    and persists across builds # syntax = docker/dockerfile-upstream:1.1.2-experimental RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/go-build go build ./...
  46. Caching tools COPY ./src . RUN go build ./... RUN

    curl -sfL .../golangci-lint.sh | bash -s -- -b /bin v1.16.0 RUN golangci-lint run
  47. Caching tools FROM base AS tools RUN curl -sfL .../golangci-lint.sh

    | bash -s -- -b /bin v1.16.0 FROM tools AS src COPY ./src .
  48. Caching tools FROM base AS tools RUN curl -sfL .../golangci-lint.sh

    | bash -s -- -b /bin v1.16.0 FROM tools AS src COPY ./src . FROM src AS build RUN go build ./... FROM src AS lint RUN golangci-lint run
  49. Testing OS • unit-tests: ◦ algorithms, concurrent code (race detector!),

    hard to hit conditions. • integration: ◦ boot Talos in local mode as set of docker containers. ◦ integration test as part of the build. • Cluster API: ◦ boot inception cluster, create more clusters on different cloud providers via CAPI. • conformance: ◦ run conformance tests against cluster. • upgrade tests: ◦ upgrade existing Talos cluster. • bare-metal tests: ◦ hardware, networking, various configurations.
  50. Unit-tests in buildkit ‘Unit-tests’ are not quite ‘unit’ Some tests

    require containerd Should be same containerd as OS: requires rootfs Run tests in buildkit! Russian doll: buildkit - runc - test - containerd - runc - container
  51. Running steps in insecure mode # syntax = docker/dockerfile-upstream:1.1.2-experimental RUN

    --security=insecure go test ./... Equivalent to “docker run --privileged” Contributed back to buildkit Russian doll now possible!
  52. Integration tests 1. Bring up Talos cluster (3 masters +

    1 worker, HA control plane) as Docker containers 2. Wait for kubeadm to boot up Kubernetes cluster 3. Deploy Kubernetes addons (CNI, DNS, …) 4. Wait for all the nodes to report ‘Ready’ Overall time: ~5 mins
  53. Summary Talos OS - currently in beta, certified K8s installer

    Go: concurrency, correctness, integration, build speed Fast: seconds to boot Minimal: OS image < 150 MB Immutable: read-only filesystem, easy upgrades Hardened & Secure: KSPP, no ssh, extra bloat, auth via certs (API)