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Flutter Bloc : State Management

Soe than
November 19, 2022

Flutter Bloc : State Management

Presentation about Flutter Bloc in DevFest Yangon 2022.

Soe than

November 19, 2022

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Bloc ? • “Business Logic Components” • State Management •

    Based on stream/sink • Encapsulate Business Logic
  2. State Management? UI =f( state ) Application state Build Layout

    of the screen Any interactions that reflects UI changes (e.g - Form validation, network request , database access)
  3. Cons of setstate(){} • Logic inside presentation • Unnecessary widget

    rebuilds • Hard to maintain state across app level
  4. De fi ne States @freezed class FetchPokemonState with _$FetchPokemonsState {

    const factory FetchPokemonsState.initial() = FetchPokemonsStateInitial; const factory FetchPokemonsState.loading() = FetchPokemonsStateLoading; const factory FetchPokemonsState.error(String errMsg) = FetchPokemonsStateError; const factory FetchPokemonsState.data(List<PokemonListUi> pokemons) = FetchPokemonsStateData; }
  5. Cubit Anatomy class FetchPokemonsCubit extends Cubit<FetchPokemonState> { fi nal FetchAllPokemon

    fetchAllPokemon; fi nal PokemonUiMapper uiMapper; FetchPokemonsCubit({required this.fetchAllPokemon, required this.uiMapper}) : super(const FetchPokemonState.initial()); }
  6. Cubit Anatomy class FetchPokemonsCubit extends Cubit<FetchPokemonState> { fi nal FetchAllPokemon

    fetchAllPokemon; fi nal PokemonUiMapper uiMapper; FetchPokemonsCubit({required this.fetchAllPokemon, required this.uiMapper}) : super(const FetchPokemonState.initial()); fetchAllPokemons() async { emit(const FetchPokemonState.loading()); fi nal result = await fetchallpokemon(NoParams()); emit(result.fold( ( l ) => FetchPokemonState.error(l.message), (r) => FetchPokemonState.data(uiMapper.maps(r)))); } }
  7. Cubit in Action Future<void> main() async { fi nal cubit

    = FetchPokemonsCubit(); cubit.fetchAllPokemons(); cubit.stream.listen( (event) { …// }); }
  8. De fi ne Events abstract class FetchPokemonEvent extends Equatable {}

    class OnFetchPokemons extends FetchPokemonEvent{} class OnRefreshedClicked extends FetchPokemonEvent{}
  9. Bloc Anatomy class FetchPokemonsBloc extends Bloc<FetchPokemonEvent, FetchPokemonState> { fi nal

    FetchAllPokemon fetchAllPokemon; fi nal PokemonUiMapper uiMapper; FetchPokemonsCubit({required this.fetchAllPokemon, required this.uiMapper}) : super(const FetchPokemonState.initial()) }
  10. Bloc Anatomy class FetchPokemonsBloc extends Bloc<FetchPokemonEvent, FetchPokemonState> { fi nal

    FetchAllPokemon fetchAllPokemon; fi nal PokemonUiMapper uiMapper; FetchPokemonsCubit({required this.fetchAllPokemon, required this.uiMapper}) : super(const FetchPokemonState.initial()) { on<OnFetchPokemons>((event, emit) async { emit(const FetchPokemonState.loading()); fi nal result = await fetchallpokemon(NoParams()); emit(result.fold( ( l ) => FetchPokemonState.error(l.message), (r) => FetchPokemonState.data(uiMapper.maps(r)))); }); } }
  11. Bloc Anatomy class FetchPokemonsBloc extends Bloc<FetchPokemonEvent, FetchPokemonState> { fi nal

    FetchAllPokemon fetchAllPokemon; fi nal PokemonUiMapper uiMapper; FetchPokemonsCubit({required this.fetchAllPokemon, required this.uiMapper}) : super(const FetchPokemonState.initial()) { on<OnFetchPokemons>((event, emit) async { emit(const FetchPokemonState.loading()); fi nal result = await fetchallpokemon(NoParams()); emit(result.fold( ( l ) => FetchPokemonState.error(l.message), (r) => FetchPokemonState.data(uiMapper.maps(r)))); }, transformer: (events, mapper) { return events.debounce(Duration(milliseconds:300)); } ); } }
  12. Bloc in Action Future<void> main() async { fi nal bloc=

    FetchPokemonsBloc(); bloc.stream.listen( (state) { …// }); bloc.add(const OnFetchPokemons()); }
  13. Bloc inside Widgets • BlocProvider / MultiBlocProvider • BlocBuilder •

    BlocListener / MultiBlocListener • BlocConsumer
  14. BlocProvider( create : (context)=>FetchPokemonsCubit(), lazy : true ) Providing instance

    Accessing instance • Cubit - context.read<FetchPokemonsCubit>().fetchAllPokemons() • Bloc - context.read<FetchPokemonsBloc>().add(const OnFetchPokemons())
  15. HomePage Pro fi leScreen BlocProvider( create : (context)=>Pro fi leCubit()

    ) context.read<Pro fi leCubit>()…. ✅ context.read<Pro fi leCubit>()…. 🚫
  16. BlocBuilder Anatomy class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override

    Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( ... /// ); } }
  17. BlocBuilder Anatomy class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override

    Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body :BlocBuilder<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( builder : (context, state) { /// return widgets based on state } ) ); } }
  18. BlocBuilder Anatomy class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override

    Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body :BlocBuilder<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( builder : (context, state) { if(state is FetchPokemonsStateError){} if(state is FetchPokemonsStateData){} if(state is FetchPokemonsStateLoading){} } ) ); } }
  19. BlocBuilder Anatomy class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override

    Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body :BlocBuilder<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( builder : (context, state) { if(state is FetchPokemonsStateError){} if(state is FetchPokemonsStateData){} if(state is FetchPokemonsStateLoading){} }, buildWhen: (prev, current) { return prev != current; } ) ); } }
  20. BlocListener Anatomy class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override

    Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( ... /// ); } }
  21. BlocListener Anatomy class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override

    Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body :BlocListener<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( listener: (context, state) { /// e.g - navigate to next page, show toast }, child: Container() ) ); } }
  22. BlocListener Anatomy class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override

    Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body :BlocListener<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( listener: (context, state) { /// e.g - navigate to next page, show toast }, listenWhen: (prev,current) => prev != current, child: Container() ) ); } }
  23. MultiBlocListener BlocListener<BlocA,BlocAState>( listener: (context, state) { /// e.g - navigate

    to next page, show toast }, child:BlocListener<BlocB,BlocBState>( listener: (context, state) { /// e.g - navigate to next page, show toast }, child: Container() ) )
  24. MultiBlocListener MultiBlocListener( listeners: [ BlocListener<BlocA,BlocAState>( listener: (context, state) { ///

    e.g - navigate to next page, show toast }, ), BlocListener<BlocB,BlocBState>( listener: (context, state) { /// e.g - navigate to next page, show toast }, ) ], child: .. . )
  25. class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override Widget build(BuildContext

    context) { return Scaffold( body :BlocListener<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( listener: (context, state) { /// e.g - navigate to next page, show toast }, child:BlocBuilder<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( builder : (context, state) { /// return widgets based on state } ) ) ); } }
  26. class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override Widget build(BuildContext

    context) { return Scaffold( body :BlocConsumer<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( listener: (context, state) { /// e.g - navigate to next page, show toast }, builder : (context, state) { /// return widgets based on state } ) ); } }
  27. class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override Widget build(BuildContext

    context) { return Scaffold( body :BlocConsumer<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( listener: (context, state) { /// e.g - display toast, dialog }, builder : (context, state) { /// return widgets based on state } ) ); } }
  28. class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override Widget build(BuildContext

    context) { return Scaffold( body :BlocConsumer<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( listener: (context, state) { /// e.g - display toast, dialog }, builder : (context, state) { /// return widgets based on state } ) ); } }
  29. class _HomeScreenState extends State<HomeScreen> { ... /// @override Widget build(BuildContext

    context) { return Scaffold( body :BlocConsumer<FetchPokemonCubit,FetchPokemonsState>( listener: (context, state) { /// e.g - display toast, dialog }, builder : (context, state) { /// return widgets based on state }, listenWhen : (prev, current) => prev != current, buildWhen :(prev,current) => prev != current ) ); } }
  30. Observing Cubit class FetchPokemonsCubit extends Cubit<FetchPokemonsState> { // Impl @override

    void onChange(Change<FetchPokemonsState> change){ super.onChange(change); print(‘Cubit ${change.currentState} -> ${change.nextState}’); } } Trigger before emitting state to UI
  31. Observing Bloc class FetchPokemonsBloc extends Bloc<FetchPokemonEvent, FetchPokemonState>{ // Impl @override

    void onChange(Change<FetchPokemonsState> change){ super.onChange(change); print(‘Cubit ${change.currentState} -> ${change.nextState}’); } @override void onEvent(FetchPokemonEvent event){ super.onEvent(event); print(‘Event ${event}’); } @override void onTransition(Transition<FetchPokemonEvent,FetchPokemonsState> transition){ super.onTransition(transition); print(‘ ${transition.event} -> ${transition.currentState} -> ${transition.nextState}’); } }
  32. Error handling class FetchPokemonsCubit extends Cubit<FetchPokemonsState> { // constructor fetchAllPokemons()

    async { emit(const FetchPokemonState.loading()); fi nal result = await fetchallpokemon(NoParams()); emit(result.fold(( l ) { addError(Exception(l.message),StackTrace.current); return FetchPokemonState.error(l.message) }, (r) => FetchPokemonState.data(uiMapper.maps(r)))); } @override void onError(Object error,StactTrace stackTrace){ print(‘$error,$stackTrace’); super.onError(error,stackTrace); } }
  33. Observer class PokemonBlocObserver extends Observer { @override void onTransition(Bloc bloc,

    Transition<FetchPokemonEvent,FetchPokemonsState> transition){ super.onTransition(transition); print(‘ ${transition.event} -> ${transition.currentState} -> ${transition.nextState}’); } @override void onChange(Blocbase bloc, Change<FetchPokemonsState> change){ super.onChange(change); print(‘Cubit ${change.currentState} -> ${change.nextState}’); } @override void onError(Blocbase bloc, Object error,StactTrace stackTrace){ print(‘$error,$stackTrace’); super.onError(error,stackTrace); } }
  34. Testing Bloc void main(){ late CounterBloc counterBloc; setUp((){ counterBloc =

    CounterBloc(); }); group(‘CounterBloc’,(){ test(‘initial state is 0’,(){ expect(counterBloc.state,0); }); blocTest(‘emits [1] when CounterIncremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterIncrementPressed()), expect: () => [1], ); blocTest(‘emits [-1] when CounterDecremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterDecrementPressed()), expect: () => [-1], ); }); }
  35. Testing Bloc void main(){ late CounterBloc counterBloc; setUp((){ counterBloc =

    CounterBloc(); }); group(‘CounterBloc’,(){ test(‘initial state is 0’,(){ expect(counterBloc.state,0); }); blocTest(‘emits [1] when CounterIncremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterIncrementPressed()), expect: () => [1], ); blocTest(‘emits [-1] when CounterDecremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterDecrementPressed()), expect: () => [-1], ); }); }
  36. Testing Bloc void main(){ late CounterBloc counterBloc; setUp((){ counterBloc =

    CounterBloc(); }); group(‘CounterBloc’,(){ test(‘initial state is 0’,(){ expect(counterBloc.state,0); }); blocTest(‘emits [1] when CounterIncremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterIncrementPressed()), expect: () => [1], ); blocTest(‘emits [-1] when CounterDecremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterDecrementPressed()), expect: () => [-1], ); }); }
  37. Testing Bloc void main(){ late CounterBloc counterBloc; setUp((){ counterBloc =

    CounterBloc(); }); group(‘CounterBloc’,(){ test(‘initial state is 0’,(){ expect(counterBloc.state,0); }); blocTest(‘emits [1] when CounterIncremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterIncrementPressed()), expect: () => [1], ); blocTest(‘emits [-1] when CounterDecremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterDecrementPressed()), expect: () => [-1], ); }); }
  38. Testing Bloc void main(){ late CounterBloc counterBloc; setUp((){ counterBloc =

    CounterBloc(); }); group(‘CounterBloc’,(){ test(‘initial state is 0’,(){ expect(counterBloc.state,0); }); blocTest(‘emits [1] when CounterIncremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterIncrementPressed()), expect: () => [1], ); blocTest(‘emits [-1] when CounterDecremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterDecrementPressed()), expect: () => [-1], ); }); }
  39. Testing Bloc void main(){ late CounterBloc counterBloc; setUp((){ counterBloc =

    CounterBloc(); }); group(‘CounterBloc’,(){ test(‘initial state is 0’,(){ expect(counterBloc.state,0); }); blocTest(‘emits [1] when CounterIncremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterIncrementPressed()), expect: () => [1], ); blocTest(‘emits [-1] when CounterDecremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterDecrementPressed()), expect: () => [-1], ); }); }
  40. Testing Bloc void main(){ late CounterBloc counterBloc; setUp((){ counterBloc =

    CounterBloc(); }); group(‘CounterBloc’,(){ test(‘initial state is 0’,(){ expect(counterBloc.state,0); }); blocTest(‘emits [1] when CounterIncremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterIncrementPressed()), expect: () => [1], ); blocTest(‘emits [-1] when CounterDecremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterDecrementPressed()), expect: () => [-1], ); }); }
  41. Testing Bloc void main(){ late CounterBloc counterBloc; setUp((){ counterBloc =

    CounterBloc(); }); group(‘CounterBloc’,(){ test(‘initial state is 0’,(){ expect(counterBloc.state,0); }); blocTest(‘emits [1] when CounterIncremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterIncrementPressed()), expect: () => [1], ); blocTest(‘emits [-1] when CounterDecremented is added’, build: () => counterBloc, act : (bloc) => bloc.add(CounterDecrementPressed()), expect: () => [-1], ); }); }
  42. Thanks for joining 🤗 • Github link - https://github.com/soethan98/Pokemon •

    Bloc Doc - https://bloclibrary.dev • Slides - https://speakerdeck.com/soethan/ fl utter-bloc-state-management