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Strays - Cleaned Boards

Sonia Lee
December 23, 2021

Strays - Cleaned Boards

A mafia cat boss meets with an old friend, a dog who has stepped out of line.

Sonia Lee

December 23, 2021

More Decks by Sonia Lee

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  1. Calvin - thank you sir. I really appreciate this. i

    think it is so great, very delicious-
  2. Sir- I had to wait, very patiently. And I’m declawed

    you know. so when I need things to go my way…. Zoom
  3. Sir- im not so sure you do, Calvin. I think

    you’re lookin at things all wrong. see, you look at me and you see a little kitty fell upon hard times.
  4. Sir - you respect what Calvin? because it certainly isnt

    me. I can tell that by how you and your mangy pack conduct yourselves.
  5. Sir - we’ll see how sorry youll be. On my

    streets, the strays work for thier food. we earn our life on this earth. we don’t get it handed to us.
  6. Sir - Because we’re not pets! and i see that

    as a gift! we have been spared the empty existence as a pet and have been given the gift of life as a real animal! a wild animal! do you feel like a wild animal??
  7. Sir - then why have i heard tell of you

  8. sir - You know what happens to animals who dont

    deserve their place? push out
  9. Sir - you know, that old mousie used to be

    mine, way back in the old days when they used to call me…
  10. Sir - you know what calvin, I’m gonna let you

    off this one last time. i like you, and i know dogs arent apex predators like we cats are, so im gonna let you off.
  11. Calvin - you know, its awfully good, the asian fusion.

    they have pork rolls, fried rice, shrimp dumplings, spice ramen-