4 2 10 9 8 7 6 5 12 11 Ordinary World Call to Adventure Refusal of the Call Meeting with the Mentor Crossing the Threshold Tests, Allies and Enemies Return with the Elixir Resurrection Road Back Reward (seizing the sword) Ordeal Approach the Inmost Cave Limited awareness of a problem Increased awareness Reluctance to change Overcoming reluctance Committing to change Experimenting with first change Preparing for big change Attempting a big change Consequences of the attempt (improve- ments and setbacks) Rededication to change Final attempt at a big change Final mastery of the problem Cross the threshold gray text = The Hero’s Journey Blue text = The Inner ITC Journey The Immunity to Change Journey We begin to ask “what will I need to know/do in order to make this change?” “Who do I know that’s already done this? Feedback that something needs to change but we’re looking outside ourselves for the problem Become aware that there’s something we might need to do differently and do an Immunity to Change Map We see the Immunity System and realizing the effort that might be required to change, we rationalize the comfort zone Acceptance that we own our Big Assumptions and Hidden Commitments Identify the Big Assumption that we’re willing to address and design our first experiment Take our experiment out into the real world Build our transformational change toolkit Mine the lessons of the experiment. We look objectively at what worked, at what surprised, and the implications for the next experiment. Evaluation how, if, we will continue to move forward. We may relapse here and go back to our comfort zone if it feels too difficult. Support is critical for moving to the next stage. Commit to our forward path and design our next experiment, incorporating our lessons learned and remaining open to new experiences. Live into the new version of who we have become with a release of more creativity, resilience, and passion.