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Tinkering To Production

Martin Beeby
March 29, 2018

Tinkering To Production

n this talk, Martin will explain how over the last two years I have made Docker and Kubernetes part of my web development workflow. I will show with examples and code, the lessons I have learned and how I settled on a DevOps workflow using a build tool called Wercker to put Docker Based Web applications into production.

Martin Beeby

March 29, 2018


  1. Martin Beeby @thebeebs Open Source, Container-based system Wraps up the

    application & all dependencies into a software container Automates the deployment of applications WHAT IS DOCKER Independent of underlying OS of the host system
  2. Martin Beeby @thebeebs Scale up containers Container Cluster Management System

    DevOps focused WHAT IS KUBERNETES? Originally designed by Google @NLad95
  3. Martin Beeby @thebeebs DOCKERFILE Instruction Description COPY Copies a file

    from the host system onto the container CMD The command that runs when the container starts ENV Sets an environment variable in the new container EXPOSE Opens a port for linked containers FROM The base image to use in the build. Mandatory and must be the first command ONBUILD A command that is triggered when the image in the Dockerfile is used as a base for another image RUN Executes a command and saves the results as a new layer VOLUME Creates a shared volume that can be shared among containers by host machine WORKDIR Set the default working directory for the container
  4. Martin Beeby @thebeebs # comment INSTRUCTIONS arguments # our base

    image FROM python:3-onbuild # specify the port number the container should expose EXPOSE 5000 # run the application! CMD [“python”, “./myapp.py”] BASIC FILE
  5. Martin Beeby @thebeebs $ docker build –t <userName>/<appName> Sending build

    context to Docker daemon 8.704 kB Step 1 : FROM python:3-onbuild # Executing 3 build triggers…… Step 1 : COPY requirements.txt /usr/src/app/ ---> Using cache Step 1 : COPY ./usr/src/app ---> 1d6e32hrwie35 Removing internmediate container 45jfedf7wegedd Step 2 : EXPOSE 5000 ---> Running in 12cfcewrij87eds ---> 7we62fehk89ke Removing intermediate container 12cfcewrij87eds Step 3 : CMD python ./app.py ---> Running in f06e63ij87eds ---> 9ghf8fehk89ke Removing intermediate container f06e63ij87eds Successfully built 13e8796fbc4 DOCKER BUILD
  6. Martin Beeby @thebeebs $ docker run –p 8888:5000 <userName>/<appName> *

    Running on (Press CTRL+ to quit) DOCKER RUN
  7. Martin Beeby @thebeebs EXAMPLE COMMANDS: docker pull python:2.7 Pull image

    from DockerHub docker images Shows all images docker rmi python:2.7 Remove an image docker ps Show only running containers docker ps -a Shows all containers docker build -t <image_name> Create your own image docker logs -f <container_name> Check the logs of container docker load -i <CONTAINER_FILE>.tar Restoring docker container docker rm $(docker ps –a -q) Deletes all containers but fails on the ones running docker history [OPTIONS] IMAGE Shows the effect of each command on overall size of file
  8. Martin Beeby @thebeebs CONFIGURE DOCKER PS OUTPUT • Default output

    of docker ps • This output takes up too much room – can get annoying! $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND …… 247wh3jddee0 nginx “nginx –g daemon” …… @NLad95
  9. Martin Beeby @thebeebs • Make the output in permanent format

    by setting an alias in config.json $ cat ~/.docker/config.json {…… “psFormat”: “table {{.Names}}\\t{{.Image}}\\t{{.Status}}” } $ docker ps --format \ “table {{.Names}}\\t{{.Image}}\\t{{.Status}}” NAMES IMAGE STATUS web nginx Up 20 minutes • It can be fixed! • Solution is to use --format argument CONFIGURE DOCKER PS OUTPUT @NLad95
  10. Martin Beeby @thebeebs USEFUL COMMANDS • Deleting “dangling” images •

    <none> images $ docker image prune WARNING! This will remove all dangling images Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y Deleted images: deleted: 23j2j3kmcerkeddne09eea3goed232nfks.. …… Total reclaimed space: 3GB @NLad95
  11. Martin Beeby @thebeebs USEFUL COMMANDS • Delete stopped containers $

    docker container prune WARNING! This will remove all stopped containers Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y Deleted Containers: deleted: 23j2j3kmcerkeddne09eea3goed232nfks.. …… Total reclaimed space: 300MB @NLad95
  12. Martin Beeby @thebeebs STARTING UP A CONTAINER • Do not

    require containers to start in sequence • If a container depends on another service i.e. a database • It should wait for that service • The container should not crash • Container to wait • Do this in the application code/start up script @NLad95
  13. Martin Beeby @thebeebs HEALTH CHECKS • Used by docker to

    determine the “health” of a container FROM nginx RUN apt-get update && apt-get install –y curl HEALTHCHECK --interval=10s –timeout=3s \ CMD curl –f http://localhost/ || exit 1 @NLad95
  14. Martin Beeby @thebeebs SIMPLE APP External API Microservice API x

    2 Container – Node.JS Port 3000 Endpoint Service IP Load Balancer Port 80 Front End Container – Oracle Jet x 3 Port 80 Endpoint Service IP Load Balancer Port 80 Redis Master Redis Slave x 2
  15. Martin Beeby @thebeebs apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: frontend

    labels: app: audienceanalyser tier: frontend spec: type: LoadBalancer ports: - port: 80 selector: app: audienceanalyser tier: frontend --- KUBERNETES YML - SERVICE
  16. Martin Beeby @thebeebs --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name:

    frontend spec: replicas: 3 template: metadata: labels: app: audienceanalyser tier: frontend spec: containers: - name: beebs image: thebeebs/howareyou:THIS_STRING_IS_REPLACED_DURING_BUILD imagePullPolicy: Always resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 100Mi env: - name: GET_HOSTS_FROM value: dns ports: - containerPort: 80 KUBERNETES YML
  17. Martin Beeby @thebeebs FRONT END Front End Container – Oracle

    Jet x 3 Port 80 Endpoint Service IP Load Balancer Port 80
  18. Martin Beeby @thebeebs SIMPLE APP AI Emotion Service Microservice API

    x 2 Container – Node.JS Port 3000 Endpoint Service IP Load Balancer Port 80 Front End Container – Oracle Jet x 3 Port 80 Endpoint Service IP Load Balancer Port 80 Redis Master Redis Slave x 2
  19. Martin Beeby @thebeebs build: steps: - npm-install - npm-test -

    script: name: oracle jet build code: | npm install -g @oracle/ojet-cli ojet build - script: name: copy code to output code: cp -r web "$WERCKER_OUTPUT_DIR" - script: name: copy yml file to output code: cp service.yml "$WERCKER_OUTPUT_DIR" BUILD - PIPELINE
  20. Martin Beeby @thebeebs steps: - npm-install - npm-test - script:

    name: oracle jet build code: | npm install -g @oracle/ojet-cli ojet build - script: name: copy code to output code: cp -r web "$WERCKER_OUTPUT_DIR" STEPS
  21. Martin Beeby @thebeebs push-release: # Override the node:4-slim box box:

    id: nginx:alpine cmd: /bin/sh steps: - script: name: list whats on disk code: | echo "Listings files on disk" ls cd web echo "Checing whats in index" cat index.html - script: name: mv static files code: | echo "CAT Index file" cat $WERCKER_SOURCE_DIR/web/index.html ls $WERCKER_SOURCE_DIR/web/ rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/* mv web/* /usr/share/nginx/html PUSH-RELEASE - PIPELINE - script: name: list file code: | echo "ls files:" ls - internal/docker-push: disable-sync: true repository: thebeebs/howareyou username: $DOCKER_USERNAME password: $DOCKER_PASSWORD registry: https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2 tag: $WERCKER_GIT_COMMIT cmd: nginx -g 'daemon off;'
  22. Martin Beeby @thebeebs - internal/docker-push: disable-sync: true repository: thebeebs/howareyou username:

    $DOCKER_USERNAME password: $DOCKER_PASSWORD registry: https://registry.hub.docker.com/v2 tag: $WERCKER_GIT_COMMIT cmd: nginx -g 'daemon off;' VARIABLES
  23. Martin Beeby @thebeebs deploy: steps: - script: name: list file

    code: | echo "ls files:" ls - script: name: update image build code: sed -ie "s/THIS_STRING_IS_REPLACED_DURING_BUILD/$WERCKER_GIT_COMMIT/g" service.yml - script: name: show file code: cat service.yml - kubectl: server: $KUBERNETES_MASTER username: $KUBERNETES_USERNAME password: $KUBERNETES_PASSWORD insecure-skip-tls-verify: true command: apply -f service.yml DEPLOY - PIPELINE
  24. Martin Beeby @thebeebs --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name:

    frontend spec: replicas: 3 template: metadata: labels: app: audienceanalyser tier: frontend spec: containers: - name: beebs image: thebeebs/howareyou:THIS_STRING_IS_REPLACED_DURING_BUILD imagePullPolicy: Always resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 100Mi env: - name: GET_HOSTS_FROM value: dns ports: - containerPort: 80 KUBERNETES YML
  25. Martin Beeby @thebeebs Kubernetes Bare Metal / VM / Hybrid

  26. Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

    | Call For Papers: developer.oracle.com/code/cfp Registration Now Open: https://developer.oracle.com/code ORACLE CODE STEP UP TO MODERN CLOUD DEVELOPMENT JUNE 12TH, BERLIN #OracleCode