Wi-Fi always stays online even when we hold large conferences. We have large conferences here, but not developer conferences… we don't usually have every delegate here with 4 devices each, streaming and downloading projects and SDKs. The Wi-Fi is rock solid. The Wi-Fi is crap. The Wi-Fi is really fast. The Wi-Fi I is powered by ISDN. I'll give you a code for premium Wi-Fi. I'll charge you more for crap ISDN powered Wi-Fi. Our premium Wi-Fi is much faster than our regular Wi-Fi. We throttle the standard Wi-Fi and you can share the rest of the 10mbs capacity with our other 90 people that paid for premium Wi-Fi today. Just use this code. We have employed a company to stick in some horrible web based authentication for our Wi-Fi and wired networks. All the ports will be locked down, the speed will be throttled TRANSLATION
PostPatron(ResourceLoader appSettings, byte[] image) { try { using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { var content = new StreamContent(new MemoryStream(image)); content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/octet-stream"); //build url to pass to api var url = appSettings.GetString("FaceApiUrl"); var returnFaceLandmarks = appSettings.GetString("ReturnFaceLandmarks"); var returnFaceAttributes = appSettings.GetString("ReturnFaceAttributes"); url = $"{url}?deviceid={Settings.GetString(DeviceSettingKeys.DeviceIdKey)}&returnFaceLandmarks={returnFaceLandmarks}&returnFaceA ttributes={returnFaceAttributes}"; var responseMessage = await httpClient.PostAsync(url, content); if (!responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) {