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Move fast and stay Confident - Rust

Apoorv Kothari
March 07, 2019

Move fast and stay Confident - Rust

Apoorv Kothari

March 07, 2019


  1. What companies value • Readable code • Maintainable code •

    Testable code • Fast code
 (ehh.. just throw more memory at it)
  2. What companies value • Readable code • Maintainable code •

    Testable code • Fast code
 (ehh.. just throw more memory at it) • Save money
 (machines are cheap.. developers are expensive)
  3. Promise of Rust • Powerful Compiler 
 (if it compiles

    it will run and keep running) • Great tools
 (standard ways to build, test and package code) • Agility (break code)
  4. Promise of Rust • Powerful Compiler 
 (if it compiles

    it will run and keep running) • Great tools
 (standard ways to build, test and package code) • Agility (break code)
 (refactor with agility and know that the compiler has your back)
  5. Extending Rust’s promise • Code can still break at runtime

    if: • Database schema changes • RPC(http) contract changes • Solution integration tests!