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Tom Mansell - BrightonSEO - Winning with an evi...

Tom Mansell
April 25, 2024

Tom Mansell - BrightonSEO - Winning with an evidence-based strategy

Tom Mansell

April 25, 2024


  1. And we have a supportive and progressive community https://www.linkedin.com/posts/markseo_thoughts-on-recent-google-up dates-activity-7181615585745600512-rnbh

    https://www.linkedin.com/posts/markseo_thoughts-on-recent-google-up dates-activity-7181615585745600512-rnbh https://www.linkedin.com/posts/chris-long-marketing_60-second-seo-w hen-a-page-redirect-multiple-activity-7181711262710411264-Czv6
  2. It’s hard because we use language like this “We need

    to optimise 100 page titles” “Our competitors have a higher DR than us” “We’re failing on LCP”
  3. I believe there are two prerequisites Understanding how to get

    there Identifying the size of the prize
  4. I believe there are two prerequisites Understanding how to get

    there Identifying the size of the prize
  5. How we do this Create performance baseline Calculate incrementality Prioritisation

    Forward looking performance baseline using a time series model Forward looking incremental performance scenario using forecast position and CvR improvements Weighted priority by category/area using a ‘difficulty / opportunity’ calculation
  6. To get something like this £3m FY25 Baseline/BAU Projection -£108k

    Organic Search 12 Month (Apr 24 - Mar 25) -3% / -£108k YoY £3.1m Organic Search 12 Month (Apr 23 - Mar 24) FY24 Achieved
  7. To get something like this £3.6m FY25 Incremental Projection (New

    Strategy) Organic Search 12 Month (Apr 24 - Mar 25) +16% / + £504k YoY +£612k £3m FY25 Baseline/BAU Projection -£108k Organic Search 12 Month (Apr 24 - Mar 25) -3% / -£108k YoY £3.1m Organic Search 12 Month (Apr 23 - Mar 24) FY24 Achieved
  8. I believe there are two prerequisites Understanding how to get

    there Identifying the size of the prize
  9. ✓ Consistent NAP ✓ Accurate business hours ✓ Accurate map

    pin ✓ Average star rating 4+ stars (best, top searches) ✓ Review frequency (sustained over time) ✓ Review recency (reviewed positively in last month) ✓ Product live inventory integration (see what's in store) + more Get a checklist of things YMYL ✓ Date updated on content ✓ Significant content update since last refresh ✓ Data refreshed and upto date ✓ Author present ✓ Co-authors / ‘reviewed by’ present ✓ Single author location ✓ Optimised author pages + more Ecommerce ✓ Facet pages are indexable (size, colour) ✓ Optimised copy blocks on PLPs ✓ Product depth on indexable PLPs (avoiding thin ranges) ✓ Fallback rules in place for metadata ✓ Pagination present ✓ Use of user generated content (reviews) ✓ Controlled brand text ad visibility + more Local
  10. Measure and record results using test and learn logs LAUNCH


    TEST/CONT ROL RESULTS % LIFT 16/11/ 2023 16/02/ 2024 Measure impact of impleme nting PLP copy blocks Google Analytics UK Revenue % share of Organic revenue for test pages +£121,000 +10% Measure and record results using test and learn logs Causal Proof (pre/post)
  12. Measure and record results using test and learn logs LAUNCH

    DATE REVIEW DATE DESCRIPTI ON DATA SOURCE MARKET KPI TEST/CONT ROL RESULTS % LIFT 11/09/ 2023 11/10/ 2024 Excluding brand text ads from Paid Search Google Analytics DE ROI Test - DE Control - AT, CH, NL, IE +1.07 +15% Causal Proof (Geo-split)
  13. Taking these results to begin to relatively weight impact PLPs

    PLP copy blocks (0.7) Optimised H1s (0.3) 0.7 0.3
  14. Normalising scoring for a clear comparison KPIS WEIGHTED AGGREGATED SCORE

    Men’s Hoodies and Sweatshirts Editorial Category Product Experience Technical Authority WEIGHTING 1.82 2.13 1.90 1.40 3.70 3.33 2.2 3.57 4.1 3.9 2.90 3.75 4.00 3.8 20% 30% 20% 15% 10% 5% 3.65 3.21 3.2 2.70 3.85 3.32 3.4 DELTA TO LEADER 1.83 1.97 2 1.5 0.15 0.67
  15. We assess all of this at scale Then, we use

    a proprietary AI framework to build a complete picture of what Google sees. This allows us to build up a large dataset that provides a complete picture of the competitive landscape. Client & competitors data store Important third parties Croud Crawler Croud Crawler
  16. We assess all of this at scale Then, we use

    a proprietary AI framework to build a complete picture of what Google sees. This allows us to build up a large dataset that provides a complete picture of the competitive landscape. Rules engine and data for each criteria, dataset assessed by panel results validated/challenged by panel AI framework and validation SEO.max results