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Servoy apps in minutes @ Xmas edition of BeerJS

Servoy apps in minutes @ Xmas edition of BeerJS

Trifon Statkov

December 20, 2017

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  1. About me (real quick) Trifon Statkov 3+ years of working

    (happily) at Web Developer 12+ years JS Developer 5+ years Here to explain to you in one time what Servoy is Learn more about me in LinkedIn (if you feel like it)
  2. So, what is Servoy? - Yet another development tool -

    Can create web apps - Can create desktop apps - No mobile app support … yet :)
  3. How does Servoy work? - You write JavaScript - It

    uses Rhino to generate a Java .war file from your beautiful code that ideally reads like a poem ;) - It uses Tomcat internally to bring the server up
  4. Pros - Is open source - Allows for more intuitive

    approach to building UI - Can accelerate the development of some more straightforward projects - It’s still JavaScript although it gets deployed as Java - Might not be popular, but is still alive and kicking after 15+ years and has its customers so that probably tells you something
  5. Cons / Downsides - Not suitable for projects that require

    more dynamic/conditional rendering of components - Can be restrictive and downright problematic - Don’t expect big StackOverflow community or huge userbase - UI components use the Angular 1.x markup - UI results will not be flashy or wow, but will work
  6. Thank you and Thanks to the BeerJS crew! … and

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