Trisha Gee (@trishagee)


Ji Sungbin


Experience Engineers for us. I love development that creates references.

4 followers 16 decks

Ercole Cremonesi


Tutto quello che vuoi, è quello che avrai on I nostri giochi sono di alta...

2 followers 0 decks
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Hritik Jaiswal


Software engineer at @helpshift ❯ Maintainer at
@Robofied and @The_Algorithms ❯ OSS Contributor ❯ Sharing my journ...

6 followers 0 decks
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Áo Điều Hòa Nhật Bản


Áo điều hòa nhật bản chính hãng tại :

1 follower 0 decks
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Oscar Roy


Hello friends my name is Oscar Roy from England. I am 26 years old. I am job provider we have available <a href="http...

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Smartbees is a Polish software house known for Open Source technologies implementation, mainly Drupal and Magento. Ex...

3 followers 0 decks
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I am a developer with three years of experience in site building, and frontend and backend development. I secured two...

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Marcin Baran


programista zainteresowany nowymi technologiami
podcasty, bieganie

3 followers 0 decks
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Claudio Altamura


Hi there 👋
I love building things | Software Developer
You can find more information on my Blog or on LinkedIn 😄.

0 followers 4 decks
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