Software engineer at @helpshift ❯ Maintainer at
@Robofied and @The_Algorithms ❯ OSS Contributor ❯ Sharing my journ...
Áo điều hòa nhật bản chính hãng tại :
Hello friends my name is Oscar Roy from England. I am 26 years old. I am job provider we have available <a href="http...
Smartbees is a Polish software house known for Open Source technologies implementation, mainly Drupal and Magento. Ex...
I am a developer with three years of experience in site building, and frontend and backend development. I secured two...
programista zainteresowany nowymi technologiami
podcasty, bieganie
Prof. Departamento de Física UFSM e entusiasta de programação de computadores e desenvolvimento web.
Full-stack web developer & educator. Open Source enthusiast. Love to code, experiment, and learn new things.