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GDG Devfest Hamburg

October 14, 2016

GDG Devfest Hamburg

Level up your Gradle build!


October 14, 2016

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  1. 2147 tasks in 68 projects -> 32 tasks per project

    IOSCHED 2015 app Some numbers.. Gradle source -> 42 tasks
  2. > created by the user, executed by Gradle > have

    one primary action > ordered on a DAG (directed acyclic graph) Tasks compileJava processResources classes javadoc
  3. > Gradle offers several basic task types to extend from

    > Copy > Exec > Zip > … Framework tasks task('copy', type: Copy) { from(file('srcDir')) into(buildDir) }
  4. > write your own task type by extending DefaultTask >

    declare task action with @TaskAction annotation Custom Tasks class MyTask extends DefaultTask { @TaskAction void sayHello() { println 'Moin Moin!' } } task hello(type: MyTask)
  5. > Most common use is to take input to generate

    some output Custom Tasks TASK Input Output TaskInputs > File(s) > Directories > Properties > TaskOutputs > File(s) > Directories > Action(s)
  6. > a task can be skipped when: > inputs did

    not change > outputs are still there and did not change > shown as UP-TO-DATE > change detection via > snapshot of input & output files > hash of contents of each file > snapshots persisted until next execution Incremental Builds
  7. > Create typed fields or properties (via getter methods) >

    Add annotation to each field or getter method Incremental Builds @Input // for binary inputs, only path check @InputFile //checks path and file contents @InputFiles @InputDirectory @OutputFile @OutputFiles @OutputDirectory
  8. public class ZipAlign extends DefaultTask { // ----- PUBLIC TASK

    API ----- @InputFile File inputFile @OutputFile File outputFile // ----- PRIVATE TASK API ----- @InputFile File zipAlignExe @TaskAction void zipAlign() { project.exec { executable = getZipAlignExe() args '-f', '4' args getInputFile() args getOutputFile() } } } ZipAlign inputFile outputFile zipAlignExe
  9. > Common solution: use dependsOn task('myJavadoc', type: Javadoc) { source

    sourceSets.main.allJava destinationDir file("${project.docsDir}/myjavadoc") } task('zipJavadoc', type: Zip){ from "${project.docsDir}/myjavadoc" dependsOn myJavadoc } Chain tasks
  10. > Use outputs of a task as inputs for another

    task: inferred dependency (instead of using dependsOn) Chain tasks task('myJavadoc', type: Javadoc) { source sourceSets.main.allJava destinationDir file("${project.docsDir}/myjavadoc") } task('zipJavadoc', type: Zip){ from myJavadoc.outputs } Outputs are exposed as FileCollection and can be directly used as an input because from accepts tasks as input (uses project.files() for evaluation)
  11. > Problems can arise if you want to connect @OutputDirectory

    to @InputFiles -> type mismatch > Solution A: use TaskOutputs.files as input Chain custom tasks task('myJavadoc', type: Javadoc) { source sourceSets.main.allJava destinationDir file("${project.docsDir}/myjavadoc") } task('randomTask', type: SomeRandomType ){ inputDir = myJavadoc.outputs.files }
  12. > Solution B: let Gradle evaluate the FileCollection from output

    Chain custom tasks task('myJavadoc', type: Javadoc) { source sourceSets.main.allJava destinationDir file("${project.docsDir}/myjavadoc") } task('randomTask', type: SomeRandomType ){ inputDir = files(myJavadoc) } task('randomTask2', type: SomeRandomType ){ inputDir = files('myJavadoc'){ builtBy 'myJavadoc' } } Reduce amount of files to set generated by distinct task(s)
  13. > Enable/disable tasks with enabled property Skipping tasks task('expensiveTests') {

    ... } expensiveTests.enabled = false expensiveTests.onlyIf { System.getEnv('I_AM_JENKINS') } > Skip tasks with onlyIf method e.g. when on CI/dev > Evaluates the given closure:
  14. > Use a StopExecutionException to exit the current task >

    Build will continue normally and marked as SUCCESSFUL Skipping tasks task('expensiveTests') { doFirst{ if (skipThisTask) { throw new StopExecutionException() } } ... }
  15. > upToDateWhen can be used to implement custom up-to-date checks

    > Force a task to run every time Skipping tasks task('runAlways') { ... outputs.upToDateWhen { false } } task('storeToDB') { ... outputs.upToDateWhen { checkMyDatabase() } }
  16. > Continous checks by Gradle when inputs/outputs of tasks change

    > Affected tasks are executed then > Activate via --continous or –t > Note: still incubating -> could be instable or buggy Continous build
  17. > typical use cases > extend basic Gradle model >

    add new tasks, extend specific model > configure your project/tasks Plugins
  18. > types of Plugins > Script Plugins (local or remote)

    > Binary Plugins Plugins apply from: "myscriptplugin.gradle" // "http://www.xyz.com/myscriptplugin.gradle" build.gradle task taskFromPlugin() { doLast { println "added by a script plugin!" } } myscriptplugin.gradle
  19. > Binary plugins are implementations of the Plugin interface >

    typically compiled and reused via JARs Binary Plugins package my.org class MyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> { void apply(Project project) { Task myTask = project.tasks.add("myTask") myTask.doLast { println "added by a binary plugin!" } } }
  20. > apply via the class object or plugin id >

    plugin id defined in .properties file Binary Plugins apply plugin: my.org.MyPlugin apply plugin: "my-plugin" implementation-class=my.org.MyPlugin META-INF/gradle-plugins/my-plugin.properties
  21. Plugin Extension // Extensions are just plain objects, there is

    no interface/type class MyExtension { String foo MyExtension(String foo) { this.foo = foo } } // Add new extensions via the extension container project.extensions.create('custom', MyExtension) //apply within project custom { foo "bar" }