For the uninitiated, the multitude of wine glass designs available can be quite daunting. Most casual wine drinkers end up just using tumblers to avoid having to think too much about deciding over which glass is appropriate for drinking a particular wine. Resorting to tumblers isn't a good idea specially if the wine is significantly expensive. And it is absolutely not recommended to use tumblers for drinking wine during special occasions. Tumblers are great for beer and rum, but when it comes to wine, using the right wine glass is definitely ideal.

The fact is that knowing which wine glass is which is quite easy. Simply knowing the shape of the bowl of the wine glass is enough to determine what type of wine it is supposed to contain. Of course, knowing the type of wine to be consumed is necessary as well. There are three basic wine glass types that are essential to know about. These simple guidelines of helpful information can get one started.

The first one is the coupe wine glass. This wine glass is identifiable by its literal bowl shaped bowl wherein it starts with its narrowest part from the bottom and ends with the rim being the widest part. This wine glass is great for parties and most social gatherings. It looks absolutely elegant, especially if bartenders decorate it with fruit slices or a small umbrella. However, the coupe is not a great wine glass for bringing out the best wine tasting experience. There's a good reason why serious wine tasters prefer the second type of wine glass, which is the tulip.

Tulip wine glasses can be identifiable by their rose bud shape. This design of the tulip serves an important function. It allows red and white wine to aerate optimally; similar to how a coupe would because of its wide bowl. But unlike the coupe, the gradual narrowing of the rim of the tulip wine glass traps the aroma from the wine. This allows wine drinkers to not only taste the wine at its best but complement it with the smell as well. Wine aficionados agree that it's the best crystal red wine glass for types of wine that require a lot of oxidation to taste their fullest.

Champagne flute is the third type of wine glass and is designed to do the opposite of what the tulip and coupe does. It's characteristically tall and narrow bowl minimizes the exposure of the champagne and other fizzy drinks to air. With champagne, it is important to drink it with its bubbly state or else it would feel stale, just like soda that ran out of fizz.

These factoids from this website can absolutely help anyone with deciding which wine glasses are essential additions to the home. Of course, tulip and flute may seem enough but the coupe has its own charm that might be useful later on. Browsing for options on crystal red wine glass and champagne flute on the internet is recommended because of the numerous options available.


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