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How to successfully use Video Content in a Word...

How to successfully use Video Content in a WordPress Website [EN] - Dian Tankov

WordCamp Thessaloniki 2019

Το θέμα αφορά πώς να συνδυάσετε αποτελεσματικά μια στρατηγική περιεχομένου βίντεο με μια ιστοσελίδα του WordPress, για να αυξήσετε την επισκεψιμότητα στον WordPress ιστότοπό σας.

Πώς να επιτύχετε καλύτερο SEO;
Ποιες τεχνικές βελτιστοποιήσεις (cache, plugins, CDN, εικόνες, βίντεο) μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε στην ιστοσελίδα μας;
Πώς θα μπορούσαμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε αποτελεσματικά το περιεχόμενο βίντεο στην ιστοσελίδα μας;
Και ιδέες για το πώς μπορούμε να επωφεληθούμε από όλα αυτά

The topic is on how to effectively combine a video content strategy with
a WordPress website, to drive more traffic to your WordPress website.

How to achieve better SEO.
What technical optimisations (cache, plugins, CDN, images, videos) we can make at our website?
How could we deliver the video content on our website effectively?
And ideas on how could we profit from all of this?

WordPress Greek Community

October 12, 2019

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  1. Nice to meet you! My name is Dian Tankov and

    I am a marketing specialist and WordPress Power User for almost 10 years. During my career I’ve worked for the biggest web hosting company in Bulgaria - SuperHosting.BG, and one of the leading WordPress Development agencies in the world DevriX. Now I am developing my own project - www.diantankov.com, a WordPress based website where I share video resources on Digital Marketing, WordPress, Events and more.
  2. What is my experience? In WordPress? In Video Content? Basic

    Rules: Be Effective, Simple and Useful!
  3. What to focus on? Video Creation: ➔ Topics Think of

    topics that will be useful and you are comfortable with! ➔ Filming Optimize your process to be as simple as possible! ➔ Editing Plan and film so that you can edit easier! ➔ Publish and Popularization Write unique descriptions and popularize everywhere that could be relevant! WordPress Website: ➔ Our online spot To publish videos through WordPress articles makes us more flexible! ➔ Structure our website We are able to arrange the content and guide users better. ➔ Optimize the website! What to focus on optimizing? ➔ Popularization effectivity X 2 We drive all the traffic both to our website and YouTube channel. What are the main phases of Video Content Creation and how to effectively combine it with a WordPress website?
  4. Topics To decide what we will speak on and outline

    our topics. When we start working on a topic is useful to create 4-5 bullets which we can follow. Tips! - Planning our content helps to create it easier. - Speak on topics you know about. - A short research in Google helps a lot!
  5. Filming Choose your equipment to be as easy to carry

    and setup as possible and film natural! Tips! - Use phone, mic and tripod. - Film simple and natural on 2-3 takes max. - The more simple we film the easier we edit.
  6. Editing Edit the frames and sound, add call to actions.

    Try to film in one take, to edit easier. Tips! - Film in a way to make the editing process easier! - Create templates! - Don’t overthink!
  7. Publish and Popularization The process where we write descriptions, upload,

    translate and share to our targeted audiences. Tips! - Write unique descriptions everywhere possible. - Be everywhere - Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and more… - Use relevant Facebook groups. - Use PPC to boost your reach.
  8. Our Online Spot Publishing videos through articles makes us more

    flexible and gives us the opportunity to say more and add more effective call to actions. Tips! - Embed each video in an article and then popularize the article. - Write useful content. - Give freebies and add call to actions.
  9. Structure our Website Structure your content to guide users through

    your website and achieve certain goals! Tips! - Organize the content - Guide smart not to drive users to certain page, but to make them want to go there. - Be relative!
  10. Optimize the Website! Optimize for speed, performance, mobile, SEO and

    UX! Tips! - Use cache and optimize images and scripts. - Be mobile friendly! - Enhance your SEO! - Be simple and user friendly.
  11. Popularization Effectivity X 2 Posting videos through articles drives traffic

    to both your YouTube channel and your website.This makes you two times more effective. Tips! - You get more awareness. - More opportunities for monetization. - More reach!
  12. Conclusion and Results ➔ Goal: To be more effective, flexible

    and popular. ➔ Tools: YouTube Videos and WordPress. ➔ How to achieve it? Be consistent, smart, useful, focus on details, optimize, keep it simple and effective. YouTube: ➔ Subscribers 152 ➔ Views 1014 (1100 mins watch time) Conclusion: Results: (first month diantankov.com) Website: ➔ Page Views 6,828 (2,120 unique) ➔ New users 1021
  13. Email: me@diantankov.com Website: diantankov.com Facebook - Dian Tankov LinkedIn -

    Dian Tankov Twitter: @DianTankov Instagram: diantankov YouTube Channel: DianTankovCom Thank you! Contacts: