a bit exuberant.“ CNET 02.11.2012 „Microsoft is taking the lead, rather than following others.“ LAPTOPMAG, 29.10.2012 „Windows Phone 8 has the best home screen — the perfect combination of flexibility, design, and simplicity — of any major platform right now” The Verge’s Dieter Bohn and Chris Ziegler.
Kinder. Schützt vor „versehentlichen“ Emails und Nervenzusammenbrüchen auf Autofahrten “Windows Phone 8 does more for parents out of the box than Google's OS or iPhones.” Michael Prospero (LAPTOPMAG)
SpeakTextAsync spricht den Inhalt in der ausgewählten Sprache und Stimme Sprachausgabe benötigt keine Netzwerkverbindung async void CheeseLiker() { SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); await synth.SpeakTextAsync("I like cheese."); }
dev using the WP7.1, WP8.0 .NET and WinPRT APIs • Native app dev using WinPRT and Win32 • Games dev using the WP7.1 XNA framework • Games dev using Direct3D or DirectX .NET API for Windows Phone Windows Phone Runtime Win32 & COM Managed Managed & Native Native WP7.1 XAML & C#/VB WP8.0 XAML & C#/VB WP8.0 Games DirectX/Direct 3D & C++ WP7.1 XNA & C#/VB WP8.0 XAML & C#/VB with Direct3D Graphics + C++ + C++