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Futurama - Storyboard

Futurama - Storyboard

This excerpt is from Season 6. My current storyboards from Futurama are NDA restricted.

John Mathot

June 30, 2023

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  1. Scene 49 Panel 1/3 Action INT. PROFESSOR'S LAB - LATER

    SCENE 5 Bender is still lying on the table as Cubert TYPES. Dialogue CUBERT Almost finished. Notes Cycle panels 1-3 for typing Scene 49 Panel 2/3 Action Dialogue Notes Cycle panels 1-3 for typing Scene 49 Panel 3/3 Action Dialogue Notes Cycle panels 1-3 for typing FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 1
  2. Scene 50 Panel 1/7 Action Dialogue CUBERT (CONT'D) I've got

    you ... Notes Cycle panels 1-3 for typing Scene 50 Panel 2/7 Action Dialogue Notes Cycle panels 1-3 for typing Scene 50 Panel 3/7 Action Dialogue Notes Cycle panels 1-3 for typing FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 2
  3. Scene 50 Panel 4/7 Action Dialogue CUBERT (CONT'D) ...right on

    the ... Notes Scene 50 Panel 5/7 Action Dialogue CUBERT (CONT'D) ...bleeding edge between... Notes Scene 50 Panel 6/7 Action Dialogue CUBERT (CONT'D) ... fast and dead. Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 3
  4. Scene 50 Panel 7/7 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 51 Panel

    1/4 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 51 Panel 2/4 Action He YANKS the cord out of Bender with a whip-cracking motion -- Dialogue CUBERT (CONT'D) Hee-yah! Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 4
  5. Scene 51 Panel 3/4 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 51 Panel

    4/4 Action -- and Bender's door SLAMS shut. Dialogue Notes Scene 52 Panel 1/8 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 5
  6. Scene 52 Panel 2/8 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 52 Panel

    3/8 Action We hear a COMPUTER STARTUP, -- Dialogue Notes Scene 52 Panel 4/8 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 6
  7. Scene 52 Panel 5/8 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 52 Panel

    6/8 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 52 Panel 7/8 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 7
  8. Scene 52 Panel 8/8 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel

    1/23 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel 2/23 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 8
  9. Scene 53 Panel 3/23 Action -- then Bender leaps up

    -- Dialogue BENDER ** Whooo! I feel great! Notes Scene 53 Panel 4/23 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel 5/23 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 9
  10. Scene 53 Panel 6/23 Action -- and dashes around hyperactively,

    stopping for every pronouncement and then moving on. Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel 7/23 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel 8/23 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 10
  11. Scene 53 Panel FG1 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel

    10/23 Action Dialogue BENDER (CONT'D) ** I want some pasketti! Notes Scene 53 Panel 11/23 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 11
  12. Scene 53 Panel 12/23 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel

    13/23 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel 14/23 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 12
  13. Scene 53 Panel FG2 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel

    16/23 Action Dialogue BENDER (CONT'D) ** Feb-ur-ary is the shortest month! Notes Scene 53 Panel 17/23 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 13
  14. Scene 53 Panel 18/23 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel

    19/23 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel 20/23 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 14
  15. Scene 53 Panel 21/23 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 53 Panel

    22/23 Action Dialogue BENDER (CONT'D) ** There's... Notes Scene 53 Panel 23/23 Action Dialogue Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 15
  16. Scene 54 Panel 1/14 Action He peers at a jar

    of jelly beans, eyes scanning quickly. Dialogue Notes Scene 54 Panel 2/14 Action He peers at a jar of jelly beans, eyes scanning quickly. Dialogue Notes Scene 54 Panel 3/14 Action He peers at a jar of jelly beans, eyes scanning quickly. Dialogue BENDER (CONT'D) ...12,318 jelly beans in that jar. Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 16
  17. Scene 54 Panel 4/14 Action Dialogue Notes Scene 54 Panel

    FG Action Dialogue Notes Scene 54 Panel 6/14 Action Dialogue BENDER (CONT'D) ... in that jar. Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 17
  18. Scene 54 Panel 7/14 Action Dialogue CUBERT (LAUGHS) Notes Scene

    54 Panel 8/14 Action Cubert GRABS a handful of jelly beans -- Dialogue CUBERT (CONT'D) Damn ... Notes Scene 54 Panel 9/14 Action Dialogue CUBERT (CONT'D) ... I'm good. Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 18
  19. Scene 54 Panel 10/14 Action -- and pops them in

    his mouth -- Dialogue Notes Scene 54 Panel 11/14 Action -- as Bender leans closer to the jar. Dialogue BENDER I mean 12,318 ... Notes Scene 54 Panel 12/14 Action Dialogue BENDER (CONT'D) ... rat kidneys. Notes FUTxxx_SEQyyy Master Board Page 19