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The Simpsons - Storyboard

The Simpsons - Storyboard

This excerpt is from Season 21, episode 15, "Stealing First Base".

John Mathot

June 30, 2023

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  1. Scene 1 Panel 1 Action ACT TWO FADE IN: INT.

    SCHOOL - OUTSIDE SKINNER'S OFFICE - DAY Dialogue Notes Scene 1 Panel 2 Action Marge waits anxiously outside Skinner's office. (MYRA is at her desk.) Dialogue Notes Scene 1 Panel 3 Action Homer enters in his work clothes. Dialogue HOMER What did the boy do this time? Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 1
  2. Scene 2 Panel 1 Action Dialogue MARGE You know it's

    bad if they don't tell you what it is over the phone. Notes Scene 3 Panel 1 Action We hear Skinner's voice over the intercom: Dialogue PRINCIPAL SKINNER (O.S.) (GRIM) Send in the Simpsons. Notes Scene 4 Panel 1 Action Dialogue HOMER Now let's get our stories straight: ... Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 2
  3. Scene 4 Panel 2 Action Dialogue HOMER (CONT'D) ... you're

    indulgent, and I'm indifferent. Notes Scene 4 Panel 3 Action Dialogue MARGE That's not a story, that's the truth! Notes Scene 4 Panel 4 Action Dialogue HOMER Is it? I don't really give a crap. Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 3
  4. Scene 4 Panel 5 Action Dialogue MARGE (SWEET) Oh, I

    would never expect you to. I know how hard you work. Notes Scene 4 Panel 6 Action Dialogue PRINCIPAL SKINNER (O.S.) I can hear all this over the intercom! Notes Scene 5 Panel 1 Action INT. SKINNER'S OFFICE - A LITTLE LATER Waiting for Marge and Homer are Skinner and Nikki's PARENTS, wearing power suits. Her Mom holds a briefcase. (Nikki's Mom is Asian-American, the Dad is not. Neither speaks with an accent.) Dialogue PRINCIPAL SKINNER (GRIM) Marge, Homer, this is Brody and Madison McKenna. Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 4
  5. Scene 5 Panel 2 Action Dialogue PRINCIPAL SKINNER (CONT'D) Bart

    has been sharing a desk with their daughter Nikki. Notes Scene 6 Panel 1 Action Dialogue NIKKI'S MOM Earlier today, your son engaged in unwelcome osculation with our daughter. Notes Scene 7 Panel 1 Action Marge thinks a beat, then says: Dialogue Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 5
  6. Scene 7 Panel 2 Action Dialogue MARGE You mean... he

    kissed her? Notes Scene 8 Panel 1 Action Dialogue NIKKI'S DAD (GRIM) On the top of the slide. Notes Scene 9 Panel 1 Action Dialogue HOMER (HAPPY) That's all that happened? And I got to miss work? Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 6
  7. Scene 10 Panel 1 Action He puts his arms on

    Nikki's Mom's shoulders. Dialogue HOMER (CONT'D) (DELIGHTED LAUGH) I could kiss you. Notes Scene 10 Panel 2 Action Dialogue NIKKI'S MOM Mr. Simpson, I'm an attorney, and ... Notes Scene 10 Panel 3 Action Dialogue NIKKI'S MOM (CONT'D) ... my husband is a federal prosecutor,... Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 7
  8. Scene 10 Panel 4 Action Dialogue NIKKI'S MOM (CONT'D) ...

    and neither of us is happy. Notes Scene 10 Panel 5 Action A puzzled Homer stiffly lowers his arms as he says: Dialogue HOMER Well maybe you guys should look for easier jobs. Notes Scene 10 Panel 6 Action Dialogue NIKKI'S DAD Your son's act was an invasion of personal space, ... Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 8
  9. Scene 11 Panel 1 Action Dialogue NIKKI'S DAD (CONT'D) ...

    and in no way was it magical! Notes Scene 12 Panel 1 Action Dialogue NIKKI'S MOM Unless you... Notes Scene 12 Panel 2 Action Nikki's Mom opens her briefcase -- Dialogue NIKKI'S MOM (CONT'D) ... make this... Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 9
  10. Scene 12 Panel 3 Action -- and pulls out a

    list of legal demands, -- Dialogue NIKKI'S MOM (CONT'D) ... an affection-free environment,... Notes Scene 12 Panel 4 Action -- which she hands to Principal Skinner. Dialogue NIKKI'S MOM (CONT'D) ... we will sue this school for its last dime. Notes Scene 13 Panel 1 Action Dialogue PRINCIPAL SKINNER All right,... Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 10
  11. Scene 13 Panel 2 Action Dialogue PRINCIPAL SKINNER (CONT'D) (HANDS

    HER DIME) ...here it is. Notes Scene 14 Panel 1 Action Dialogue NIKKI'S MOM (TO HOMER) And we will make you regret the day... Notes Scene 14 Panel 2 Action Dialogue NIKKI'S MOM (CONT'D) ... your son was born. Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 11
  12. Scene 14 Panel 3 Action Dialogue HOMER You're halfway home,

    lady. Notes Scene 15 Panel 1 Action (Nikki's parents exit) Dialogue Notes Scene 16 Panel 1 Action The Simpsons and Skinner exchange a worried look. Dialogue Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 12
  13. Scene 17 Panel 1 Action EXT. SIMPSON HOUSE - DAY

    Dialogue Notes Scene 18 Panel 1 Action INT. SIMPSON HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - DAY Bart looks up at his unhappy parents. Dialogue BART It's not my fault -- Notes Scene 19 Panel 1 Action Dialogue BART (CONT'D) Grampa told me ... Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 13
  14. Scene 19 Panel 2 Action Dialogue BART (CONT'D) ... to

    kiss her! Notes Scene 19 Panel 3 Action Dialogue MARGE (TO GRAMPA, ANNOYED) Why didn't you just tell him to club her on the head and drag her into a cave? Notes Scene 19 Panel 4 Action Dialogue GRAMPA You mean second base? Whoa, he's a little young for that. Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 14
  15. Scene 20 Panel 1 Action Dialogue BART If I talk

    to Nikki, I'm sure I can-- Notes Scene 21 Panel 1 Action Dialogue HOMER No! If you go near her one more time, we'll be sued into the poor house... Notes Scene 21 Panel 2 Action Dialogue HOMER (CONT'D) ... and have to eat garbage forever. Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 15
  16. Scene 22 Panel 1 Action Dialogue BART That's no problem

    -- Mom can make garbage taste great. Notes Scene 22 Panel 2 Action Dialogue MARGE (TOUCHED) Thank you. Notes Scene 22 Panel 3 Action Dialogue BART (SINCERE) Well, I mean it. Notes MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 16
  17. Scene 22 Panel 4 Action Dialogue MARGE And it means

    the world to me. Notes Scene 22 Panel 5 Action Homer puts his arm around Bart. Dialogue HOMER (WARMLY) Well, don't worry, boy. I know a wholesome way to take your mind off girls. Notes SMASH CUT TO: MABF07 "Stealing First Base" Page 17