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Plenary Session VI: Ms. Agnes Akwang Obua-Ogwa...

Plenary Session VI: Ms. Agnes Akwang Obua-Ogwal: The Critical Analysis of the 4th CAADP BR Cycle

Ms. Agnes Akwang Obua-Ogwal, CAADP M&E Advisor, AUC


October 03, 2024

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  1. DARBE – AUC Critical Analysis of the 4th CAADP BR

    Cycle Agnes Obua-Ogwal and Lao Kenao
  2. #2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Outline I. About CAADP and the BR II.

    CAADP Biennial Review (Br) Process III. Seven CAADP Malabo Commitments IV. Key steps in the Biennial Review cycle V. Process for the Critical Analysis VI. Outputs of the Critical Analysis Process VII. Outcomes of the Critical Analysis Process
  3. #2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR About CAADP and the BR Comprehensive Africa Agriculture

    Development Programme (CAADP) Africa's policy framework for agriculture and agriculture-led development since 2003 – now commemorating 20 years Aimed at reducing poverty and increasing food security and nutrition on the continent.

    Ababa 4TH BIENNIAL REPORT on the Implementation of the Malabo Declaration (2015 – 2022 data) February 2024, Addis Ababa THE CAADP BIENNIAL REVIEW (BR) PROCESS LAUNCH OF CAADP July 2003 - Maputo, Mozambique 2nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of African Union (AU). Heads of state and government launched the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme. MALABO DECLARATION 2014 - Malabo, Equatorial Guinea on Accelerated African Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihood. INAUGURAL BIENNIAL REPORT on the Implementation of the Malabo Declaration (2015 – 2016 data) January 2018, Addis Ababa 2ND BIENNIAL REPORT on the Implementation of the Malabo Declaration (2015 – 2018 data) February 2020, Addis Ababa 3RD BIENNIAL REPORT on the Implementation of the Malabo Declaration (2015 – 2020 data) February 2022, Addis Ababa • 2 Declarations on agriculture as a vehicle to improving livelihoods • 4 Biennial Review (BR) Cycles • Data for 8 Years • 4 BR Reports

    country performance towards achieving the CAADP Malabo goals and targets by 2025 7 thematic areas 23 performance categories 43 indicators 1st Biennial Review (2017) 2nd Biennial Review (2019) +1 7 thematic areas 24 performance categories 47 indicators +4 3rd Biennial Review (2021) 7 thematic areas 24 performance categories 49 indicators 4th Biennial Review (2023) 7 thematic areas 26 performance categories 59 indicators +2 +10 +2 47 Member States Reported 49 Member States Reported 51 Member States Reported 49 Member States Reported
  6. THE SEVEN CAADP MALABO COMMITMENTS 01 Recommitment to the Principles

    and Values of the CAADP Process 02 Enhancing Investment Finance in Agriculture
  7. #2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Commitment 7: Mutual Accountability to Results and Actions

    AU leaders requested AUC and AUDA/NEPAD together with the RECs and Member States, in collaboration with partner institutions to: 1. Develop mechanisms that enhance Africa’s capacity for knowledge and data generation and management to strengthen evidence-based planning and implementation. 2. Institutionalize a system for peer review that encourages good performance on achievement of progress made in implementing the provisions of this Declaration and recognize biennially exemplary performance through awards. 3. Conduct, on a biennial basis, beginning 2017, Agricultural Review Process, and start reporting on progress to the Assembly from its January 2018 Ordinary Session onwards.
  8. #2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Key steps in the Biennial Review cycle ➢

    ELABORATE THE BR ROADMAP AND VALIDATE WITH THE STAKEHOLDERS ➢CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF PREVIOUS BR CYCLES and review of the data collection tools ➢ TRAININGS on the revised data collection tools - Training of Trainers (ToT) – regional experts - Training of the national experts ➢ DATA COLLECTION AND VALIDATION RECs (COMESA, EAC, ECCAS, ECOWAS, IGAD, SADC and UMA), and the 55 Member States. ➢ TECHNICAL SUPPORT Strategic partners: A2063, RESAKSS, IFPRI, FAO, Policy LINK, AGRA. Independent Experts from various institutions and Universities ➢ REPORT WRITING Data cleaning and consolidation; Generation of results; Africa Agricultural Transformation Scorecard (AATS); Regional profile; Country profile; Scores by parameter and commitment; Drafting the report ➢ TECHNICAL REVIEW MEETING by the Technical STC Bureau and REC Principals ➢ SUBMISSION TO THE STC ARDWE (Specialized Technical Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Water and Environment ) ➢ SUBMISSION TO THE AU ASSEMBLY
  9. #2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR The BR Task Force and Technical Working Groups

    ✓ Partner Institutions are members of the BR Task Force, organized in Working Groups; ✓ The working groups are formed in line with the seven (7) thematic areas of the Malabo Declaration, and includes: (i) TWG 1: Commitment to CAADP Process; (ii) TWG 2: Investment Finance in Agriculture; (iii) TWG 3: Ending Hunger; (iv) TWG 4: Eradicating Poverty through Agriculture; (v) TWG 5: Intra-African Trade for Agriculture commodities; (vi) TWG 6: Resilience to Climate Variability; (vii) TWG 7: Mutual Accountability for Action and Results; (viii) TWG 8: Coordination on the BR process; (ix) TWG 9: Communication and Advocacy. ✓ Each BR-TWG has a Lead Institution as Team Leader and a Co-leader Institution as Co-leader.
  10. #2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Objectives of the Critical Analysis process of the

    BR: ➢ Feedback, observations and analysis of the 4th BR process and content; ➢ Provide an opportunity to improve BR data quality by analyzing the current indicators, assessing technical weaknesses, and proposing suggestions for improvements to existing parameters or indicators where necessary; and ➢ Consider lessons learned and propose improvements for updating the BR Reporting Tools for the 5th BR process (at levels: AUC/AUDA, Institutional, Regional, and National ) Process: • From May to August 2024 • At least 3 meetings were held for each of the seven TWGs Next steps: ✓ Presentation of findings from the above process and practical recommendations for the 5th BR cycle to be held 4-5 September 2024. ✓ Revisions of the BR reporting tools Process of the Critical Analysis 2024
  11. #2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Changes in the BR content & process as

    a result of the Critical Analysis ➢ Digitalisation of the BR Platform ➢ Development of the Communication Tool Kit ➢ Roles and responsibilities strengthened – AUC, AUDA-NEPAD, RECs, MS, Technical Partners, Regnal Experts ➢ Formation of BR Task Force and TWG Teams ➢ Capacity building of regional and national experts – to strengthen the process and support the RECs ➢ Addition to the BR report the progress on the implementation of the 10 AU Decisions, thematic in nature, & specific to agricultural transformation in Africa, namely: Seed and Biotech.; Livestock; Fish & Aquaculture; Irrigation; Mechanization; Fertilizer; SPS; Land; Ecological Organic Agriculture; and Biofortification) ➢ Dissemination of the BR findings – introduction of the dialogues on the BR results ➢ Improved discussions on the communication of the BR report findings; TWG 9 on Comm ➢ Number of indicators for measurement ➢ Section on the AU theme of the year e.g. 2023 trade and 2021 African food system Outputs of the Critical Analysis Process 2024
  12. QUALITY REPORTING TOOLS: CAADP-BR metric reference docs Outputs of the

    Critical Analysis: Reporting Tools for the CAADP-BR Electronic BR system (eBR)
  13. #2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Outcomes of the Critical Analysis Process ❖ The

    Biennial Review (BR) Report ❖ The Africa Agricultural Transformation Scorecard (AATS) ❖ Updated BR Communications Toolkit