completely loose the context of the problem being solved or the organizational goal being supported.” “ Velocity of CDN releases need to keep pace with everything else CDN integrated environments should be easily obtainable Fast feedback to enable small incremental versions Quick roll-back and issue reproducibility is key to promote solution stability
CLI Fast Activations Custom Behaviors mPulse ESI Test Server Docker Image CloudTest Fast Purge APIs Edge Side Includes Akamai CLI Fast Fallback Cloudlets
for Everything Global traffic management Fast purge Network and DNS diagnostics Secure provisioning & identity management Developers Developers Developers Developers A U T O M A T E
A U T O M A T E Current capabilities include: Property Configuration, Fast Purge, and Visitor Prioritization Easy installation and management of new features Build your own packages in 9 supported languages
the CLI CDN features are introduced via the Property Manager UI / PAPI VCS becomes the source of truth for CDN logic (metadata) Merge event triggers deployment pipeline
Manager Instance All changes are captured and tested within a short-lived feature branch. Ephemeral Environment used to deploy and test the feature branch artifact. Platform warnings/errors are captured and used to fail validation pipeline if encountered.