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聊聊生成式 AI 的衝擊下,作為工程師我們需要做好什麼準備

Alan Tsai
August 03, 2024

聊聊生成式 AI 的衝擊下,作為工程師我們需要做好什麼準備

生成式 AI 的興起無疑對所有行業都產生了巨大的衝擊,它不僅重新定義了我們的工作方式,並且同數位轉型一樣,有些傳統做法將會過時,而新的做法正在形成。那麼,作為工程師,我們應該關注哪些變化?我們需要做好哪些準備?本次從使用的角度出發,探討例如如何用 GitHub Copilot 加速開發流程並提升程式碼品質。同時,我們也將討論當我們的 Application 想要實現類似於 Copilot 的功能時,可以參考的開發架構

Alan Tsai

August 03, 2024

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  3. 喜歡技術分享 5 ▰Tibame ▻AZ-900、AZ-104、AZ-204 ▻GitHub Copilot: 企業導入,在製造業、金融業、服務業,已培訓近 2000 人次 ▰Trainocate

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  4. Why use Copilot 9 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 Research: quantifying GitHub

    Copilot’s impact on developer productivity and happiness 2022-09-07
  5. Why use Copilot 10 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 The economic impact

    of the AI-powered developer lifecycle and lessons from GitHub Copilot​ 2023-06-27
  6. Why use Copilot 11 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 Survey reveals AI’s

    impact on the developer experience 2023-06-13 92% U.S.-based developers using AI coding tools​ 70% better code quality completion time 57% believe that AI could help them upskill
  7. Why use Copilot 12 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 85% felt more

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  8. Why use Copilot 13 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 90% 提升工作 效率與品質

    86% 有效協助處理 例行工作 60% 加快 40 ~ 60% 開發時間 永豐銀行導入微軟 GitHub Copilot 賦能開發加速金融創新 2023-11-22
  9. What is GitHub Copilot 23 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 GitHub Copilot

    is an AI pair programmer that offers autocomplete-style suggestions as you code About GitHub Copilot for Individuals - GitHub Docs
  10. What is GitHub Copilot 24 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 You can

    receive suggestions from GitHub Copilot either by starting to write the code you want to use, or by writing a natural language comment describing what you want the code to do About GitHub Copilot for Individuals - GitHub Docs
  11. 25 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 Hard for you is hard for

    the model Schillace Laws of Semantic AI
  12. What is Copilot 26 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 The availability of

    LLMs has led to the emergence of a new software application, often referred to as a copilot. Copilots are often integrated into other applications and provide a way for users to get help with common tasks from a generative AI model. Copilots are based on a common architecture, so developers can build custom copilots for various business-specific applications and services.​
  13. Usage – Visual Studio Code Trigger Copilot 40 @Alan Tsai

    的學習筆記 alt + \ Trigger Copilot
  14. Usage – Choosing Suggestion 42 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 ctrl +

    [ Previous Suggestion ctrl + ] Next Suggestion
  15. GitHub Copilot in the CLI 45 ▰Install GitHub CLI ▻https://github.com/cli/cli

    ▰Install Copilot as Extension ▰Setup Alias @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 gh auth login gh extension installgithub/gh-copilot gh extension list (type -p wget >/dev/null || (sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install wget -y)) \ && sudo mkdir -p -m 755 /etc/apt/keyrings \ && wget -qO- https://cli.github.com/packages/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg | sudo tee /etc/apt/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null \ && sudo chmod go+r /etc/apt/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg \ && echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/githubcli-archive-keyring.gpg] https://cli.github.com/packages stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/github-cli.list > /dev/null \ && sudo apt update \ && sudo apt install gh -y sudo apt update sudo apt install gh Gh copilot alias --help
  16. GitHub Copilot for CLI 46 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 ghce gh

    copilot explain ghcs gh copilot suggest Explain a given input command in natural language. Suggest a command based on a natural language description of the desired output effect ghcs -t shell|git|gh
  17. 48

  18. 63 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 https://stock.adobe.com/tw/images/software-development- life-cycle-6-process-of-sdlc-vector/423979611 撰寫 Pseudocode 系統架構設計 資料庫設計

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    Ways that Enterprises Deploy LLMs | Fiddler AI Blog​
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    Generation (RAG) in Azure AI Search​ https://github.com/microsoft/kernel-memory
  21. 以前是 Google 工程師,現在是 AI 工程師 80 ▰不會做,就先 Google 啊 =>

    不會做,就先問 ChatGPT 啊 ▰查不到,要會下關鍵字 啊 => 查不到,要會下咒語(Prompt)啊 ▰還查不到,多換幾種查法 => 還查不到,換英文問 啊
  22. 生成式 AI 的三大定律 -> 拒當電池人 83 ▰ AI 不會取代你的工作,但是會 AI

    的人會 ▰ 人人都要有 Technical Leader 的思維 ▰ 越符合業界標準,成效就越好 ▰ 你做不到的事情,AI 就做不到
  23. Schillace Laws 84 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記 Schillace Laws of Semantic

    AI Don’t write code if the model can do it; the model will get better, but the code won't
  24. CREDITS Special thanks to all the people who made and

    released these awesome resources for free: ▰ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival ▰ Photographs by Startup Stock Photos 86 @Alan Tsai 的學習筆記