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Quiz Time: Master Combining Like Terms in Algebra!

February 07, 2025

Quiz Time: Master Combining Like Terms in Algebra!

Put your algebra skills to the test with this quiz on combining like terms! Designed for Algebra 1 students, this presentation includes 10 carefully crafted questions to help you simplify algebraic expressions and enhance your math abilities. Perfect for classroom practice, self-assessment, or homework, this quiz will help you master one of the most important concepts in algebra.

Click to start solving and sharpen your algebra skills!


February 07, 2025

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  1. A bookstore has (18b + 7) novels and (12b +

    5) comic books. How many books are there in total? a) 30b + 12 b) 29b + 11 c) 31b + 13 d) 28b + 10
  2. A software company completed (14x² + 8x - 6) projects

    in January and (10x² + 6x + 3) in February. What is the total? a) 24x² + 14x - 3 b) 25x² + 13x - 2 c) 23x² + 12x - 4 d) 26x² + 15x - 1
  3. Simplify: (20y² + 8y - 4) + (15y² + 6y

    + 3) a) 35y² + 14y - 1 b) 34y² + 12y - 2 c) 33y² + 10y - 3 d) 36y² + 15y - 2
  4. A company sold (11p + 5) products on Monday and

    (7p + 3) on Tuesday. How many were sold in total? a) 17p + 8 b) 18p + 9 c) 19p + 7 d) 16p + 6
  5. Simplify: (5x² + 3x - 7) + (4x² + 2x

    + 5) a) 9x² + 5x - 2 b) 8x² + 4x - 3 c) 10x² + 6x - 1 d) 7x² + 4x - 4
  6. A triangle has sides (2x + 3), (4x + 5),

    and (3x + 2). Find the perimeter. a) 9x + 10 b) 10x + 9 c) 11x + 8 d) 8x + 11
  7. A bakery made (6a + 5) cakes in the morning

    and (4a + 3) in the afternoon. How many cakes were made in total? a) 10a + 7 b) 9a + 6 c) 11a + 8 d) 12a + 9
  8. Simplify: (14x² + 5x + 9) + (7x² + 4x

    + 3) a) 21x² + 9x + 12 b) 20x² + 8x + 11 c) 19x² + 7x + 10 d) 22x² + 10x + 13
  9. A car traveled (8x + 6) miles in the morning

    and (5x + 4) in the evening. What is the total distance? a) 13x + 10 b) 14x + 9 c) 12x + 8 d) 15x + 11
  10. A company produced (15y³ + 7y² - 6) items in

    January and (10y³ + 5y² + 3) in February. Find the total production. a) 25y³ + 12y² - 3 b) 24y³ + 13y² - 2 c) 26y³ + 10y² - 4 d) 25y³ + 11y² - 2